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Shocktrooper Basteyy

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Everything posted by Shocktrooper Basteyy

  1. Les Cayes PB won by Britain British Commander : Shocktrooper Basteyy Russian Leader : Anolytic/North Viking
  2. GT PB Won by Britain: British Leader : Shocktrooper Basteyy Russian Leader : Anolytic
  3. Das kommt drauf an. In GB wir als LAMA haben paar Veterane und machen auch relativ viel. Veteranen findest du überall eigentlich. Deutschsprachige Clans auch
  4. Port au Prince Port Battle British Leader : Shocktrooper Basteyy Russian Leader : Captain Reverse British Perspective : Russian perspective : It was a pretty close battle, not many points missing to british victory. Russia stayed hard, and turned it around. Was a nice fight, and see you next time there
  5. Waiting for the attack from you then EDIT: Don't you have better things to do than those useless posts??? Especially because of such dumb battles OW PvP = PvP and RvR is RvR. lol
  6. REDS screened us out of Port au Prince PB: British Commander : Shocktrooper Basteyy Russian Commander : Anolytic/ North Viking (?)
  7. Wait, didn't he demast the enemy? I think you can clearly see on the first screenshot, that the trinc lost its top mast. If he really shot your masts, where are screens for it? Sorry but you can't proof that it wasn't the enemy trinc who demasted you.... EDIT: Dont feel offended, just my opinion
  8. So as the server has some issues today, I wrote with @Reverse about the Port au Prince Port Battle. Both sides spend time in it's organization and wanted to do it. We had 12 people ingame at some point and could've gone for it but with not being sure it works to jump into one battle. Reverse and basicly none of BF were ingame so I called it off to make it fair. We wanted a nice fight there and not just taking the port. I wrote with Reverse and he would like it as well as me, and the BF clan and the british PB fleet, so I'm asking you @admin@Ink if there is any possibility of putting the Port Battle on Monday or Tuesday about 18 ST to 19 ST. Or the next weekend about this time. We only want to enjoy the game and If we wanted to do the pb and were hyped for it, on both sides, I think there should be a possibility to place it on Monday or Tuesday on 18-19ST. Waiting for your answer BW Shocktrooper
  9. Port au Prince PB. Russia had good wind for the whole battle, made the best out of it. Was a great fight, GG. Russia won due to points British Leader : Shocktrooper Bastey Russian Leader : Captain Reverse
  10. Didn't GB just fight some chinese scrubs yet? That's rude rediii We fought REDS and BF already. In openworld fights. Screen must be here somewhere, if I could just find them in this much talkings in a result channel 🤔
  11. nop, only about 10-15 from KRAKE changed to Denmark, now Britain. And not whole Prussia if @Salty Sails would hear this, he would talk you to death And you get his revenge!
  12. who lead your side? so I can edit it correctly But indeed, enojoyed every battle I could be there and fight. We still have more things to train, but all in all we did quite well, as well as you did. You had bad wind to get to the fort and couldn't really form your group correctly and close the rows. See you at Santanillas o7 EDIT: You can see you our side with voice in the forum post. Enjoy!
  13. George Town Port Battle won by Brtain. GG to all! GB Leader : Shocktrooper Basteyy Russian Leader : Captain Reverse (with chat) (I believe??)
  14. Russia after doing Hostility of Little Cayman GB Commander : Shocktrooper Basteyy
  15. Was fun, enjoyed the battles with you much! Hope you return someday o7
  16. George Town hostility British Leader: Shocktrooper Basteyy Video will be up soon will edit it in here.
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