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Everything posted by Njord

  1. Well, the amount of DLCs is somewhat getting out of hand for a game that hasn't even been released yet... it would not be the first game to milk what's left of the player base as much as possible, instead of keeping the game updated and improving to get new players in to pay. I still like to hope otherwise but only time will tell...
  2. So will it be redeemable with cooldown or only permit?
  3. Maybe didn't learn but certainly did make quite a bit of cash... Admin reading complains about DLC ships be like: I only hope the game will be worth buying them all, at some point in the future. Pay2win is a concept that works only in free2play games, not one that depends on steam rating and has 40$ base price... I'm actually concerned this will turn into a quick cash grab more than a excellent mmo with a bright future.
  4. Since the Wapen von Hamburg is not a rare ship and being even weaker than before due to its large amount of low calibre guns that got nerfed, what will be its role in game other than a really expensive and slow fireship? Could at least give it some exceptional cargo capacity due to its history, as I suggested before...
  5. Really disappointed with this one to be honest... the relationship between Prussia and Bavaria was one of mistrust and rather hostile. Despite being a army and not a navy flag, it is much more likely a prussian ship would have flown a flag like this. "Bavaria river fleet" flag as "national flag of the kingdom of prussia" seems like a joke. I'm happy for everyone using and liking the flag but I really cringe hard every time I see it in game...
  6. Well, to be fair, when you compare the number of his subscribers to the actual playerbase of NA, he has a lot. #feelsbadman
  7. Just scratch the xp gain for M&C rank. Rank xp getting wiped only for M&C rank being available through exam on day 1 for veterans only? Makes no sense at all. Also what you said. Either way there is no point in the exam granting rank, other than making the release easier for veterans ( which I think is exactly the opposite of the point of wiping rank xp? ).
  8. I agree with the accuracy of the guns being too high. Mast sniping isn't even hard at all, you just have to put enough time in practicing with the ship you want to use to get a feel for the gun positions. Even tho many people think high accuracy mast sniping is a sick skill, sadly it's easy AF due to the high gun accuracy.
  9. Wish I could like this several times to be honest. Exactly what I am thinking.
  10. Except for it actually was. Most people complained about this. Nobody is forced into the minor nations and the hardcore nations have a explicit warning upon character creation. Even if a completely new player would ignore the warning ( which again, would be completely retarded when he looks for a well populated and easy nation ), nothing stops them from changing nation after realizing their mistake. There is a "help" and "global" chat, even if the nation chat is empty. The hardcore nations are what pirates should have been and in my opinion a very welcome addition to the game. Currently USA and Netherlands are superfluous compared to Russia and Prussia, so if we go by popularity / player numbers as you suggest then we end up with GB, Spain, France, Pirates, Russia and maybe Sweden? USA and Netherlands are at the bottom of the list and would have to be nuked aswell. As I said I would be open to testing GB, France, Spain and maybe pirates as only playable nations to actually get all nations somewhat filled but I don't see it happen this close to release and with the flags they already sold for all nations. Pretty sure the nations we have at the moment will remain in game as they are.
  11. I and probably others aswell had suggested it several times. It does prove that they listen to the community carefully and sometimes add suggestions to the game.
  12. A lot of people claim the herculess is useless now, which probably means it is finally a bit more balanced ( havent tried it yet ) ... was the Le Requin changed too? Anyone tried it after update?
  13. Thank you for removing the scum from the caribbean sea, gotta keep them oceans clean...
  14. Anyone else wishing they would add the land battle part to NA as part of RvR? Looking really good by the way. I wish I could enjoy single player / PvE games...
  15. I'm not against adding an unlimited amount of purely cosmetic DLCs but ship knowledge DLC would be absolutely ridiculous... might aswell call it World of Sailing Warships, make it free2play and add premium SOLs for 40 bucks a pop that smash any other. Either they keep ship knowledge and don't wipe it or they remove it completely and permanently. Same goes for books / skill books. Grinding those two out was simply annoying and I don't see myself repeating it, same goes for most people I play with. Rank xp wipe, despite being advertised otherwise, is fine by me, I understand it would be unfair to have crew for a SOL or 4 Indiamen on day 1... but it really is the limit for me.
  16. Kingdom of Bavaria flag as addition for Kingdom of Prussia flags seems a rather odd choice... I was hoping for something like this: Would but more authentic too but oh well...
  17. Could we have some overview of all new flags that were added with the patch, please? Also will the ones for 50k doubloons be wiped on release wipe?
  18. Although not a priority, I hope you guys don't forget about this one. At the bare minimum you should give Russia, Prussia and Poland the northern european architecture ( that danes, swedes and dutch currently use ) instead of the spanish. Also all buildings need to be downscaled in size, they look ridiculously out of place like they are built and used by giants. Just compare the height of forts and towers to the wooden huts around the main buildings in ports... almost equal. More different architectural styles could also be a cosmetic DLC, if you can not be bothered to do it otherwise.
  19. For the german translation the term "Kampf" for "Battle" is not wrong but "Gefecht" would be more fitting in my opinion. If you want to be more specific "Seegefecht", literally meaning "naval action" or "naval battle". Kampf = conflict, struggle, fight, combat, battle Gefecht = battle, encounter, engagement, [military] action, combat "Kampf" can be used for two little boys hitting each other with sticks or two animals fighting, while "Gefecht" is exclusively used to describe military egagements.
  20. Admin stated on page one of this very thread that it is "certain" that books / skill books will remain safe and granted to all EA testers along with the free Pandora DLC. Now with the xp wipe there is a chance they double back on this too but considering the outrage about the xp wipe, the outcome would be even worse. I know why admin decided for the xp wipe and how hard the decision must have been and I agree about it being better for the game but I am still a bit disappointed about the broken promise to the community. I hope he will at least keep his word on the books.
  21. If I had any say in this, I would want "Sea Lord" to be the max rank. It just sounds more distinct and powerful than "Lord of the Amiralty". Also, because I think there would be too many ranks with no purpose other than a bit more crew that you only need for fleet ships ( which are somewhat useless anyways outside of trading where you dont need the crew ).
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