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  1. Shouldn't be new to you that @admin wants us to give up jobs and social live just to play Naval Action. I will stay playing until release... and then i will see how far i can get wich ~10h Playtime a Week. I think i'll get annoyed because it is impossible to log in, have 45-90min of PvP fun and go back to life. To me it looks impossible to even get resources for one proper ship weekly, so eventually i get rid of ships. I think, that would be the time to listen to my girlfriend and stop playing forever (she says i lost control over my life with NA).
  2. Hi! Might be a dumbass question, but i never tried changing "game data" before... I use Bumsebiene's Translation as an Orientation for a personalized Version of german language file; i just paste his translation and originally provided Version side by side and decide wich one to use, or to write an own Text. Now it seems like both versions use a different amount of lines somewhere, leading to a different number of lines. Is that a Problem? E.g. does "Slot/RUDDER" have to be placed in Line 276, or can it also be placed in line 275? I don't know how a Computer Game works 🤫
  3. Quite funny... GB is bigger and more powerful than Prussia... by how much? Three times? Four? Even more? And as Members of the stronger Nation discover the smaller one is able to withstand them quite annoyingly, they publicly complain about their tactics and set bountys on their Ports so they don't have to cap them by themselfes*. Quite ironic, huh? I, as an indisputable observer, would expect the larger Nation to deal with some "unorthodox tactics" applied by the smaller...🧐 Hey, you are free to set a PB timer to a time when most Prussian Players are unable to capture Ports. You are free to stay out of PB and wait what's coming. You are free to send just one 6th-rate-driving new Player in there, do PvP somewhere else and hope for the best. Nobody forced you to capture those two uneconomic Ports in the middle of a small, but smart Nation, nobody forces you to defend them with the best Players you have, nobody forces you to give up gaming time for that. So why you complain? Du you expect everybody to just let you capture his Ports and be fine with that? *(I understand: capturing might be annoying if somebody does not want to get captured... leave that to the casual noobs...) EDIT: If somebody wants to increase Hostility cooldown to 3-4 days, i would not complain.
  4. PvE-Server: No pain, no gain, no risk, no fun PvP-Server: Pain, gain, risk & fun
  5. Why you think so? Outposts are of crucial importance to bring Players together for fighting. How often do i read "Enemy Player at X (Harbor name)" and think: too bad i dont have an Outpost there. Looking at Map: Next Outpost is at Y, and by the time i sail from Y to X, the enemy has sailed far, far away. You would make that Problem even worse by reducing outpost number. Or do you wish to force every Player (without Alts) into "decide between Crafter, Trader or Fighter... you don't get a chance to try all of them"? (and thereby forcing more players to have Alts?) I really would enjoy to have maybe 10 or even 12 Outposts. To be able to join fights, to be able to compete on Contracts, so to have more fun playing.
  6. My current PC is lower than yours (i5-6400, 8gb Ram, Asus R7-240 (2GB) graphics (will be upgradet soon)... It works on lowest Settings with ~25 FPS. So i could imagine the Problem is more on your side.
  7. So, if the crash will last for longer than an hour, Prussia can hold Salina Point without fighting^^
  8. I have a suggestion to enhance Tutorials and help players skilling up. Implement a seperate battle scenario accessible from Port UI, like the tutorials. Call it like "Training Room". Players who get in there can chosse what ship they want to sail themselves (type, wood mix, long, medium or carro equipped, maybe even upgrade and knowledge selectable, for testing) and what enemy ships they want to encounter (ship type only, random layout). All in sandbox mode without effects on the rest of the game... So if a Player wants to check out if he can defeat a santi with a Fir/Fir Ingermanland, let him do. After that, he may want to check out if a Fir/Sabicu Ingermanland does a better job. If one player wants to show his mate some tactics: let them go into training room and sail there together. Let them do. It has no consequences... Gold, XP, Marks, ships... nothing gained or lost. Just training. I think this would be very helpful for newer or casual players to get into the game.
  9. Do you really want to reduce Naval Action to a few hardcore players who do nothing than PvP? The game hast to stay attractive for casual players... It is quite annoying to think "hey, i have 45-60min to sink 1-2 NPC ships, lets sail out" and then your battle is joined by a much more capable PvP Player, likely with a better ship, and you have to chose between "immediate surrender", "try to run for 45min and then surrender" and "i may lose my job because i stayed online and fight". Seriously, you must keep areas where you can level ships or do some PvE fighting without fearing to lose your one and only good ship. Casual Players cant afford to lose a 1st rate every now and then, but they may want to sail it and do occasional PvP (dont say they shall go for PvE Server because there's no occasional PvP). If you dont like the enemy's reinforcement zones, stay out of them. You have hunderts of miles outside the zones. I know: For a Player who's only hobby is computer gaming, it may be hard to accept less trained, less skilled, players with much less time. But also take into account: Player skill does not give money to the devs. More players give more money, so without casual players, he devs would have to stop working on this game.
  10. 1. A Possibility to individualize your Ships optically: Sail Color&Markings, Hull Paint (maybe even to be painted freely in Photoshop), Clan Fag. To be visible in OW, so some Players will be recognized by their Paint, or maybe others could try to make a Bellona look like a Cerberus. 2. More PvE/OW Content. Have Treasure Fleets to sail from A to B, own Nation has to protect it, others can try to cap it. Have the Hostility consist just out of "how many Ships reach this harbor, how many get killed? As it is now, i sail out, search for a "Pavel+3Large" Fleet, kill them and have 500k cash. Getting boring, but i cant affort losing a ship every day in PvPing... and often dont have the time to sail to enemy territory. 3. A Training Room where you can just try&error shiphandling and fighting accompanied by your friends, without having to fear ship losses (but also getting no rewards)... so you can take a new player like "lets get into training room, look what i do and then try yourself". I personally dont think the Tutorials are mors than basic info on how it works... just have seen a Rear Admiral been grown up in a Clan without learning manual sailing and tagging... EDIT: This may be connected to the opportunity to test drive a ship you didnt have before, or compare two similar ships with different wood types... just add a menu "what ship in what configuration do you want in this training?" 4. Weather&its influence in Battle. By coincidence you have light wind (-25% speed, but also less heel), normal wind or storm (+10% speed, more heel, but you risk to lose a mast when tagging with full sails). And accordingly you have a flat sea, normal waves or high seas (wich make it impossible to use the lower gun deck of SOLs and decreases ship speeds). Also have rain falling to decrease range of sight (map shows only last known position). Of course, Weather ran randomly change during battle. 5. Possibility to raid enemy harbors with a smaller group of players (depending on harbor size and importance) and only a short or no warning time. Shoot down the towers, tow on docks and get a certain amount (eg 500t per docking player) of random goods out of the existing warehouses. Attacked Nation gets informed and anybody can join the ongoing battle. Of course, this counts to Hostility.
  11. Danke für die Seite! Sehr interessant... Allein schon, dass die Unterschiede so gering sind, überrascht mich. Meine Indefatigable (oak/oak, also ohne Einfluss auf die Geschwindigkeit) hat (mit leerem Laderaum) auch mit 90° keine 11kn gemacht, eher knapp über 10... Ich bleibe allgemein dabei. Ich möchte ein Schiff, das mit meinen 350 Crewmen möglichst viel Bums raushaut und dabei auch im PvP mit den anderen mitlaufen kann. Ne Breitseite von 13 26pfündern werden die jeweils 14 18pfünder von Trinco oder Essex nicht toppen können. Dazu tragen Endy und Indy auf dem Oberdeck mehr Karronaden. Aus dem Chart lese ich, dass ne Endymion in fast jeder Lebenslage schneller ist als die Indy. Sprich, ich brauch selbst mit ner Speed-getrimmten Indy nicht versuchen, Endys zu jagen. Ich komme also zu ner Endymion, die vielleicht aus nem etwas schwereren Holz gebaut wird, dafür aber wieder mit Upgrades in Richtung Speed getrimmt wird. Dass andere Schiffe aus Fir nicht viel aushalten, hilft mir wenig wenn ich dank schwereren Holzes nicht hinterher komme. Auch wenn ich weiß, dass schwereres Holz notwendig sein wird, damit ich wenigstens ne Chance habe zu überleben.
  12. Hey, ich will auch lachen... was amüsiert dich denn so? Das deckt sich nicht mit meiner Erfahrung. Ich bin mitm Clan vier PvP mit ihr gefahren, und selbst die Fir/Oak Surprise eines anderen Spielers hing irgendwann weit hinter den Endys der anderen, die Connies, Trincos und Endys gejagt haben. Mit meiner Surprise, zugegebenermaßen aus Sabicu, machte es von Anfang an keinen Sinn, hinterher zu fahren. Wenn man irgendwann nichtmal mehr von den eigenen Schiffen das Infofenster bezüglich Panzerung und Crew gezeigt bekommt, und das Gefecht noch auf der Karte verfolgt... Und wie gesagt, trotz dass sie aus Sabicu war, konnte sie nichts einstecken. Ich war immer froh, wenn ich ne Combat Mission auf "Master&Commander-Niveau", also meist gegen ne Fregatte, wenigstens überlebt hab. Essex möchte ich nicht. Hat keine Chaser und auch keine 24Pfünder, die ich tatsächlich nicht vorhätte durch Karronaden zu ersetzen. Manchmal brauchts eben doch etwas Reichweite. Ich sehe relativ wenig Sinn darin, in PvP und PvE unterschiedliche Schiffe zu fahren. Davon abgesehen, dass ich im Clan nicht gleich um zwei Schiffe bitten möchte (hab leider auch schon zwei geschenkte Schiffe verloren).
  13. Hi, ich bin seit ein paar Tagen Post Captain und würde mir im Clan gerne ein entsprechendes Schiff bauen lassen. Ich crafte selbst nicht, sondern liefere Rohstoffe. Ich spiele noch nicht lange, meine Erfahrungen mit unterschiedlichen Schiffstypen sind eher beschränkt. Ich fahre Mercury und Rattlesnake Heavy ganz gerne. Ich hatte eine Surprise, die zwar ganz gut am Wind segelt, aber weder wirklich schnell ist (PvP geht offenbar alles nur mit raumem Wind), noch arge Schläge austeilen, noch weche einstecken kann. Ich habe mit Karronaden und Kanonen experimentiert, und fühle mich mit den Karronaden wohler, denn die machen wenigstens richtig Damage, wenn man dann mal soweit ist (ich bin absolut kein Sniper). Vom Clan kriege ich eher Unverständnis, die halten Kanonen für weitaus besser^^ Ich hatte einen Tag lang eine Indefatigable aus Oak/Oak mit 24pd long Cannons unten und 42pd Karronaden oben. Die habe ich in ner PvE Mission gegen Renommee+Surprise verloren und war mir auch auf jedem Kurs 2kn zu langsam (wie gesagt: Surprise war zu langsam, um im Clan im PvP irgendwas zu reißen). Vom Punch her hat sie mir aber durchaus gefallen. Jetzt überlege ich, ob ich mir eher ne stabilere Endymion bauen lasse, oder eine Fir/Fir Indefatigable. Beides wären sicherlich weder gute Tagger, noch gute Tanker, aber ich habe nunmal die Marotte, einfach auf den Gegner zuzufahren und aus nächster Nähre Kleinholz zu hacken. Brauche also etwas, das nicht nach einer Connie-Breitseite erstmal repariert werden muss, aber eben doch auch ne Connie einholen können muss. Wozu würdet ihr mir raten? Ich würde beide Schiffe mit 24pfündern im Batteriedeck, langen Kanonen als Chaser und Karronaden auf Back&Achterdeck bestücken wollen, ich komme gut damit klar die einzelnen Decks durchzuschalten. Die Endy packt halt keine 42pd Karronaden (die 32er laden aber schneller^^). In jedem Fall würde ich meinen Kupfer-Vorrat, den ich von ner Sealed Bottle bekommen habe, dafür verwenden dass das Schiff schneller wird.
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