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Everything posted by DFIL3

  1. Отлично продумано и написано! Я надеюсь, что разрабы внедрят хотя бы что-нибудь из твоих предложений
  2. Ты все правильно пишешь и я подозреваю, что нет системы, потому что вместо нее есть конфликт интересов разных игроков, потому что у каждого свой стиль игры ,- кто-то хочет открытый мир, а кто-то в нем скучает и требует ускорить путешествия в 20 раз Соответственно, наши друзья разрабы пытаются "угодить и нашим и вашим", - т.е. прийти к какому-то компромиссу, чтобы учесть пожелания всех хоть частично. Но практика показывает, что частичное удовлетворение пожеланий никого не удовлетворяет.
  3. You might want to use this one: http://www.navalactionwiki.com/index.php?title=Player_Ranks
  4. Yes, thank you Surcouf! I agree that when you are leeward, you have the smoke flying to you, even in Naval Action, and it closes the vision, it blinds you and it makes things better for the enemy on the windward side who can see you quite better because he doesn't have the smoke but you do. But if you fire at very close range, the smoke doesn't matter:)
  5. Hello guys, I would like to add my small contribution to the debate. Concerning the gunnery: being upwind means that you have to aim lower, and being downwind means that you have to aim higher than usual. This seems quite evident. Concerning the rest: a)The positive thing about windward position is that you have more maneuverability and thus more time to turn than the opponent. However sometimes I do fire from leeward side because in this position it takes a square-rigged ship much less time to bear down ( = to go downwind) from the adversary and to gain speed fast and to sail away for another turn. b) So I would say that having the weather wind is better when the distance between you and the adversary is big because you can maneuver easier, even outmaneuver him. But when you are giving him a full broadside at a very small distance, having the leeward side gives you more chances to turn away faster, showing only your stern to the opponent's return broadside, and to sail way faster and to outmaneuver him afterwards On the contrary: if you sail upwind just after your broadside, then your speed will be falling very fast and you have more chances to get hit by the opponent in return. What do you think about it?
  6. And what do you do in real life if you don't like your president or your prime minister? You emigrate to another nation or you just form an opposition party and wait for another election and you vote against. The second choice is about your civic commitments. In fact it's all about diplomacy, guys: we have to decide once and forever WHO CAN ENTER INTO DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS - a clan or a nation? I agree with the fact that cities should be controlled by clans and let the clan exist - no problem. But a nation state in real life makes sense only because a group inside this nation ( a clan, a business company, a political party etc) must respect the diplomatic decisions taken by a nation in the name of all the nation. It has been like this in modern history since 1648 ( Westphalia treaty). But if a clan can enter into diplomatic relations with other subjects, then there is no nation at all. Then each clan = a particular nation. So who can enter into diplomatic relations: a clan or a nation ( even if some clans disagree)? As soon as we answer this question, all the problems will be solved.
  7. I totally agree with you: this clan system is completely useless because clans are often in disagreements with each other and at the same time 1 clan is not enough to win a pvp, save some exceptions like HAVOC, BF, REDS.. In fact a clan can oppose itself to the decisions of other clans and this disrupts the national cohesion in general and because of only 1 clan all the other clans and the nation in the whole can suffer. It would be simpler to have a Governor indeed or a President elected for a month that would be entitled as well to deal with diplomacy, foreign affairs, to conclude alliances etc.
  8. Совершенно верно, полностью согласен!
  9. Извини приятель, это - не фотография и не фильм, а лекция: тут все через слова. Так что флот - в рассказе Кирилла Назаренко
  10. Флот в англо-голландских войнах середины 17 века:
  11. There is the famous shanty "Spanish Ladies" from Napoleonic times, which sounds like a prayer: they know that they will be killed soon but still they hope to see the girls again, all the same: Verse 1] Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish Ladies Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain; For we've received orders for to sail for old England (or: For we're under orders for to sail for old England) But we hope in a short time to see you again (or: And we may never see you fair ladies again) [Chorus] We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt seas (Or: We'll range and we'll roam all on the salt seas) Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England; From Ushant to Scilly is thirty-five leagues (variously 34, 35 and 45 leagues) [Verse 2] We hove our ship to with the wind from sou'west, boys We hove our ship to, deep soundings to take; (Or: We hove our ship to, for to make soundings clear) 'Twas forty-five fathoms, with a white sandy bottom So we squared our main yard and up channel did make (Or: So we squared our main yard and up channel did steer) [Chorus] We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt seas (Or: We'll range and we'll roam all on the salt seas) Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England; From Ushant to Scilly is thirty-five leagues (variously 34, 35 and 45 leagues)
  12. Сносить - не сносит, но ветер меняется и наступает момент, когда идти круче ты больше не можешь. И тогда остается либо стоять на месте и ждать попутного ветра, либо уходить под ветер и менять курс, - " уваливаться", как говорят яхтсмены. И тогда курс действительно отклоняется. Лично я предпочитаю постоять - подождать 5 минут, если это в открытом море.
  13. Это можно добавить в тюториал - базовый уровень навигации в открытом море.
  14. Вообще-то этот офицер называется "штурман", по -русски Но он действительно должен знать астрономию и , желательно, географию.
  15. Понятно, будем искать. Спасибо за разъяснение
  16. Уважаемый админ, уважаемые капитаны: Вопрос поводу редких пород дерева, которые могут появиться в "некоторых случайных городах": "Некоторые случайные города на карте могут иметь запасы редких пород дерева в ограниченных количествах Данные запасы могут быть добыты кланами при выполнении клановых миссий Клановые миссии доступны для владельца города и остальных кланов из его списка союзников. После исчерпания текущих запасов дерева, следующая партия появится в другом городе" А можно узнать: в каких именно "случайных городах" появляется дерево? И как, каким образом, мы должны это узнавать? Объявление будет, что-ли ?
  17. Congratulations mate! You can also use trigonometry to calculate your position at the open sea and it's as precise as the F 11 button.
  18. Английский синтаксис, но зато кратко и емко:)
  19. "Смотря какая допустимая длина слов для вставки в игру" -совершенно верно!
  20. Можно так: Fire Shock= пожар Reload Shock= перезарядка приостановлена Rigging Shock=управление парусами приостановлено Crew Shock= команда в шоке
  21. C'est pas pour se protéger du grape qui tue l'équipage?
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