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Everything posted by Despe

  1. 40 million santi? OMG im poor
  2. I report player Tlaloc for make an homphobic comment vs me in battle. This sentence in chat (last 2 Tlaloc comments) is a typical and old homophobic spanish sentence. I make in game report. Im really tired of this kind of personal and offensive comments always the same people of same clan. Best regards, Despe.
  3. and what about the histories of our favourite hero Despe?
  4. only me and a couple more? are you kidding me? What about disrepectful comments vs Anolytic, Jorge, Ram Dinark, Raxius, and all player that you troll when you enter in battle? All tribunal reports against your clan are only "a couple of players"? An what about the rest of spanish clans except FNI are fed up of you? I said you in forums and in private... Do you wanna a solution for your faction? Leave VOX, put trolls on quarantine, make new clan, build a good relation with the rest of spanish and build a faction. if you dont do that, you will continue in this absurd loop.
  5. i think that the number of alters that any player have is not a relevant information here... everyone has the right to spend their money whatever they want
  6. No fact here, we play respecting the rules of RvR and RoE. Some months ago i warned you about VOX and their inmature and disrespectful behaviour, and you did not hear me. Your clan leader was the main person in trolling, harassing dissenting players and make toxicity in chats and forums, and this situation surprises you now? You have a problem, dude: you want to play vs a weak faction, and now, with screeners you are the weak faction, and this dislikes you. Sorry, but is your problem. Learn to make diplomacy.
  7. Permision? any russian forbides you to make hostilies, play game or go to PZ? Attack russians and trolling all server was your decision in your clan, so stop crying now. Next time, be mature adults i guess.
  8. No vacation here, only VOX stop to play because russians go screen 4 times in Belize and this make them a little bit salty. But my question is still the same. That port was spanish, so if they can give it to brits they have their rigth to do it. If swedes can decide which spanish ports spanish players can stay, it seems that Spain is a puppet for sweedes... In any case this is not the answer of question. The answers is that VOX clan want to craft in truxillo with his sweedish alts, and they broke their peace agreemente with brits for that. It is not a surprise, it is the normal behaviour on VOX, always tricking and trolling.
  9. why not? if you give it them the port is their port, so they can do with it whatever they want
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