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Everything posted by Despe

  1. After the sad news of the death of player Seeferkel maybe it should be a good idea make a event in his memoriam. Lot of players on 1st rates in Tumbado, jumped in battle, not for figth, only for make gunshot salutes in his honor during the timer. We only need a date and a time, weekend is the best option, i guess. RIP, Seeferkel. EDITING Well, to try to be a little spontaneous, and since it is difficult to contact clans and other players, and finally, since I have been the player who has proposed the event in memory of Seeferkel, I have decided to put a date: Sunday, june 7th, 2020 - 17:30 server time in La Tortue. We jump in battle, with no figth, and we will make a salute of guns during the timer. RIP, Seeferkel.
  2. Hello, im not sure if this is a bug or not.. I got a Le gros ventre refit permit in a captain chest, and i can not put sell contrat of that permit in VC store. The permit is with the rest of my permits in my port warehouse, but does not appears in the list when i try to put it in sell contracts on store- Best regards, Despe
  3. In your time zone i think that your best option is joining american faction. You have there a lot of active players to play with.
  4. the most effective is that you ask in your national chat for that, in which server and faction are you? Welcome to game and fair winds captain! Best regards, Despe
  5. I make a suggestion one time in which i proposed that every ship DLC includes one more slot on docks.
  6. no problem with that, i am an adult and ignore button against trolls is excellent And in my case i had not enough proofs of the alt farming but im totally sure, but there is a small chance that i am wrong. If i could have seen the real name of "enemy player" in OW or combat news reported the name of the player sunk, i had make a tribunal about that.
  7. in my case im talking about experienced players that knows perfectly that alt farming is against rules.
  8. I find in the 2 last weeks some casses of alt farming arround New Orleans, but i did not report because i have not enough proofs except my word. I know that the cases are alt farming, because i know the name of alts and their main accounts, but actual system do not works with the correct efectiveness. So i propose a change in combat news announcements, which includes the name of the player sunk. For example "RandomPlayer sunk Despe near Tumbado". I think that this make much faster to identify alt farming cases, and take appropriate action against them. Despe loves you.
  9. @admin, can you put my rank as Princess of Memes?
  10. my memes are better forever and ever
  11. interesting idea but i dont like. If a great clan owns a port means nothing. You forget the amount of small clans that cannot got ports, and that they craft in the ports of the big clans. With that idea, you harm most players.
  12. i break DLCs all days and 99 percent times is trash. And talking about "pay to win" i see Ram Dinark all days without DLCs and he still sink all server without problems, ands i have all DLCs and im still loosing ships like a noob. DLCs is "pay to make your life easy and forget moving hello kittying teak all day". And maybe "pay to see liq crying" :PP And talking about buy DLCs, seems that most of guys forget that this is a game and Game Labs is a company that wants to make money and they sell their products, like a bank, a pub or clothing store. It is normal, imho, when i go work i got money too and Game labs dont want to work for free i guess.
  13. i said you tag me in t brig and run away to real warships, i dont say that you can not do that. It is your game, play in your way, and i hope you get funny. In my case i prefer playing tetris that sinking and chasing traders, but it is only my opinion, the opinion of a poor terrible noob. I have my choices, you have yours. Best regards.
  14. yeah, i remeber you tag me in my traders brigs and running after when real battle ships try to catch you.
  15. lol, you only got this quantity of seasoned woods one time of 100. The rest 99 you got trash
  16. RIP all memes, except Despe's memes
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