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Everything posted by Despe

  1. i wanna a special skin too for celebrating October 25th.
  2. this is interesting, and it need to be fixed i guess. Imho player could not able to exit in battle if they need survival crew. The rest of new tag systen i think that works correctly, and is better than the older system. Best regards and thx for your work!
  3. ¿Cuando dice que el golfo de México debe ser un infierno qué quiere decir?, ¿que va a ser un infierno o que debería ser un infierno? Es que a mí los tiempos verbales se me dan bien.
  4. i only have the idea, i hope it will be a success event and then the thanks will be for all participants equally
  5. Post actualized with date and place.
  6. Post on tribunal need first to be approved by moderation, so if it had been deleted, probably dont pass.
  7. My idea is a salute with no figth, but if all players wanna figth after the salute is ok... I think that figth in a battle could be too a good in memoriam event
  8. Moderating in game is really needed i guess, and with hard punishments. The case of this guy (he is in my ignore list) is not the only case. There a lot of disgusting comments all days, and guys like the reported player deserve a permanent ban on in game chats. Best regards, Despe
  9. Well, to try to be a little spontaneous, and since it is difficult to contact clans and other players, and finally, since I have been the player who has proposed the event in memory of Seeferkel, I have decided to put a date: Sunday, june 7th, 2020 - 17:30 server time in La Tortue. We jump in battle, with no figth, and we will make a salute of guns during the timer. RIP, Seeferkel.
  10. Explosions sometimes happens, it is part of game.
  11. Despe

    BUG in OW battles

    not a russian in any sides. The pirate that jumps into pirate side vs the polish, enter in battle, but did not appears in OW battle as you can see in screenshot. When i took that screenshot the battle was 2 pirates vs 2 polish, and only one pirate appears in OW. i think that only a bug can explain that.
  12. i think that sunday on evening probably is the best time (server peak of users). Tomorrow i will update with a place and a time for that. Black ships is the best.
  13. I think that i find a bug in OW battles. In this battle there are 2 pirates inside and only one in OW battle place, so i cant enter in polish side. This happen me today 2 times. The first was at 13 server hour aproxx, when i was ganked by 2 sweedes in laMona, and second sweede jump into battle several minutes after battle starts. I ask for help in my clan, but clan mates said me that only see a battle with 1 sweede and they can not enter. I thougth then that they were seeing in other diferent battle, but seem that there are a bug on this. I send F11 report in OW, and there a video in Ram Dinark twitch i which you can see that one more pirtae jump into the battle. Best regards, Despe
  14. i think that better we need to know how many players want to make that and after that putting a date
  15. We need to move that in our respective factions, with leader clans
  16. Yes. The type of ship is not important, but a lot of players making a salute is good.
  17. This is the Devs memoriam, im talking about a event make for the players. Thx for ruin the moment xD
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