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Everything posted by Despe

  1. hoal no e muerte aun, oh mmmamma, no vuelvo a bebre
  2. un capitan como YO necesitas pa que te ponga firme. HA SALIDO DEL ARMARIO PABLO ALBORAN BITCHES, QUE LE DEN AL JUEGO QUE LE DEN AL CURRO, A TOMAR POL SACO TO, VOY A QUEMAR EL MUNDO Tal vez no sobrevivo esta noche, mucho alcohol. recordadme como una princesa mu loca pero con barba o7 RIP, Despe
  3. i join in side in which i have a friend. In any case, is important for something in which side a bad average player like me joins?
  4. i dont know what happn with you after gank nixolai, but i dont believe that your fleet were ganked by russians. im only try to explain you that when we finish the battle we were in OW the half players that yours and some many french players were arround too, and you can see that if you want on 2 videos. And this is why we go back port.
  5. well seems that you dont know anything about russian faction, all our agreements for alliance are in RvR with pvp free with all, so... playing here not suck. And imho play NA dont suck in any faction. Some players suck for their behaviour, but players are not factions. And, by fortune, they are too few and mostly banned.
  6. o7, Captains. Im not sure if this is a bug or not, but i post because is interesting question. I see some disbalance reward in battle missions like this since some days ago, in a lot of missions. Screenshots are only an example (same reward and difficult level for kill one 3rd rate and for kill 2 of them), i see much more. Best regards, Despe.
  7. we had not similar numbers, you can see that in video, we are the half players and the half BR, and this is in case that Ram can join us, which was no posible. It is simple to see, lets check the video. Do you think that Reverse or Dinark will run of a equilibrated battle? Come on. And what 8 russians are you talking about? I did not see them, and they dont appear in Reverse video and neither in Ram dinark Twitch. The only players that appears are like 6 french enemies players.
  8. galletas, bombones... Joder que hambre
  9. im only try to explain you that our side on OW with half BR that swedish is a gank. And we run of that gank. It is simple. You can still talking about russians in ports, in PVE server or we can wait for the help of Jedi council too, including Yoda and sith lord Palpatine, but reality was that we were the half players and the half BR and this is a gank. And we run of a gank.
  10. i dont know how you count the forces in a battle, but i count the players that are arround me in OW and can join into it. I you wanna count the players in ports for me is ok, but not my way. We run because there were no chances on equilibrated battle, only a gank vs us. If we were in equilibrated or playable battle, Ram or Reverse did not run, and me neither. But was not the case, it is simple to understand. And btw, in 2:57:00 aprox, you can see in video how Reverse said that after the battle with pirates, he finish stream and go to sleep.
  11. Ram was in his polish account and we were like 8 russians there, including him. You can see how many we are in Ram Dinark twitch in 1:15:00. And, do you think that Ram or Reverse run away from a equlibrated battle? Come on, dude. Edit: you can see in Reverse Youtube video in 2:18:00, in which he was ganked before for the same sweedish players.
  12. not 10-15, we were like 8 with the half of BR that you, and Dinark can not join into russian side, because you have a polish in yours.
  13. I never played 1vs1 vs VOX members as i can remember, and lost or win battles is not relevant for me, im a noob player. Most VOX (specially Pelusa) are banned here in forums, in chats, in spanish TS and in some twitcht channel for insulting, trolling, make racist comments, and specially for make me doxing using my personal and private info like name or images of me. If you are ok with this kinds of players in your clan, you are not my friend.
  14. i broke all days tons of DLCs and i see no change about it, 99 per cent times you got trash, and 1 percent some seasoned woods.
  15. yo cada vez que he hecho uno contra uno contigo en el sitio donde te he visto siempre es en la proa. En la popa solo te he visto cuando gankeas. Esa podrĂ­a ser la Directiva 3.
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