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Everything posted by Kubrat

  1. I agree with most of the comments in this post and the reactions to it. But for the above, it is not needed. It is cheap and easy for more experienced players to add ships to auction that newbies can use. Create a bunch of basic ships and load them for 100 reals to the auction house, then post in nation chat to let people know they are there. Sure, sometimes a single person will take 4 of them, but that doesn't really matter. IMO we don't need 'the government' to provide us something we can easily provide for ourselves. maybe make the base rattle permit-less, that would be a good idea.
  2. I like the idea but not sure if I would prioritize it over others. if it was easy to implement, then yes.
  3. I am not sure if this suggestion in the current form is the answer that I would support, but it is definitely worth raising and discussing. Part of the difficulty in coming to a clear understanding is because of the way the game is currently set up. With magic ports its not clear to me what people want to be sending in these trade ships. As a (returning-noobish) trader, the only thing I ship are mission goods and passengers, and I only do it to make money and dubloons. So is this suggestion just meant to make it easier to make money and dubs? Or is there something else people actually want to ship? if we want to make trading meaningful IMO we need to do away with magic ports, and force the trading of actual goods between ports. This allows the preying on traders that has an actual effect on a nation's ability to wage war. I do not prefer the term 'economic' warfare to describe this. I prefer the term 'indirect warfare', and from Sun Tzu to Montgomery-Lord Alamein, indirect warfare has been recognized as the very best way to beat your opponent. Especially if they are stronger than you. Coming from a presently not-so-strong nation, I would welcome the ability to prey on my enemies in this way. Especially since they always sink me when we unfortunately meet in person ( Thank you for the lessons:) ) Vive la France-Libre!
  4. i would find it interesting to have a captains log book attached to the ship, not the player. It would provide a history for vessel and make them more interesting. Contents of log. A description field This could be used by the current owner to make notes about the ship i would find this useful when i have a few ships of the same type, that I use for different purposes The first 50 characters could appear on the standard ship details screens Editable at any time by current owner This is also a useful sales tool, e.g. "I have set this trader lynx up as fir/fir, very fast. designed to run, not fight." "I have set this trader lynx up as teak/crew space, fast enough to run down LGVs when fitted with carronades. use as warship, repair in any port." A record of events For every event a non-editable section that lists the battle, officer commanding, casualties taken and inflicted, damage taken and inflicted An editable section where the officer commanding can add a short note, remains open until the next event after which it is locked Stops any later owners from adding comments I could imagine a scenario where a ship goes through multiple hands, either by sale or capture, and this would be recorded.
  5. Hi Posting on behalf of Caroline Vodka, who is banned, hope that is OK. The suggestion is that the tutorial included a guide for fitting out a ship. Why: Make is easier for newcomers to assimilate into the game, encourage motivation to stay, grow in the game How: By utilising the tutorial mechanics to teach newcomers how to kit out a ship, and what the various changes are that apply What: This is not an exhaustive list, just some ideas, could be implemented in part or incrementally The effect of different cannon types, Carronades, Medium, Long, pros and cons Turning gun decks on and off and effect on aiming using F5 and the effect on reload times The effect of different upgrades, allow tutorial to experiment. This would be good for all players, not just newcomers The effect of books
  6. Nice to know I was not imagining things, thanks for posting. is there any chance people can Loki into an exam battle? You would think 'no', but it might explain demasting activity.
  7. we need to keep AI port battles. The game does not have the numbers nor balance to ensure that large nations are adequately challenged. If people do not want to fight AI port battles, let the port go.
  8. Nice idea Malcolm. Gives lower level players, or those in bad time zones, skin in the RvR game.
  9. Do not agree with this suggestion. I have no issue with the wind gusts being right where they are. Anyone doing long distance sailing knows how useful they are, and that is what they are meant to be there for, not to assist ganking. IMO traders that are complaining that they have to sail out to sea a bit are missing the point. Sail out - avoid gankers by doing so - pick up a gust, chain gust until n/w/e/w whatever of your destination, and then roll in at full speed. Makes trading a breeze. People need to stop thinking the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. These are sailboats, no airplanes.
  10. It is kinda weird watching all these AI happily sailing past each other. This is quite a big ask, but how about something like this. AI actually have massive battles against each other You can choose to join a side, and participate You get XP for doing so. Not sure if other rewards should be given, Over to others on that It would be cool to drop in on a massive 10 v 10 battle and have some fun.
  11. It would be cool to be able to fire a signal gun and send a signal to ships in a certain radius. This could happen by having a set of options when you click on the other ship. 1. Greetings Friend 2. Drop sails and surrender, you lubbers! 3. Please don't kill me, please please please.... and so on, maybe half a dozen choices. The gun would actually fire make smoke and noise.
  12. It would be nice to automatically invoke protractor with a double-click in map view
  13. I agree also with your suggestion. Thanks for posting the video, very interesting to watch.
  14. There is something wrong with the site it keeps garbling my post
  15. maybe it was bad luck, just went back in and could not get to attack my masts
  16. maybe it was bad luck, just went back in and could not get them to drop my masts
  17. Hi I passed the final exam on my 1st try a couple of months back, but when i decided to get it on my alt after the treacherous waters patch I found it a lot harder. It took me probably more than a dozen tries to get it, finally, yesterday. So I am sharing some observations. In the end the process i followed was effective. It just took a while to work out. Process. 1. First I tried the same pattern I used on my main, board the first, sink the second. 2. Next i tried de-masting 3. Just battle it out, focus on one ignore the other 4. Chain one down, run off, separate them, sink individually 5. Chain one down, run off, separate them, board individually - This worked. It took 49 minutes, 50 seconds (First step - separate them) -I focused chain on the guy that turned right, got him down to 65% -Then i ran like a scared little baby rabbit. I found that the Surprise will outsail the cerberus when you are slightly more than 90 degrees into the wind, i.e. not directly across the wind, but slightly upwind. The Cerb cannot point as high, so you don't have to worry about him catching up. - I healed up and basically kept him running after me until his buddy was distant (2nd step - sink the fast pursuer) - Then I turned, lowered sails to battle-sails, hit 9 for boarding - when he came for me i kept adjusting so I hit him head on, and turned him into the wind, timing the dropping of all sails. - G for boarding and off we go - The key to winning the boarding game (for me anyway) is By now the other guy will have caught up. (3rd step - sink the slow pursuer) --You don't have to worry about this guy catching you, he is too low on sails. --You run off long enough to heal your crew back up to 240 --heal the ship too if you want --when crew is back to 240, turn back and do it again. The boarding game is long this way, but it is pretty certain. Just don't actually attack the guys until they are low on morale. I was starting to think I was never going to get it, but this worked. Good luck to you all. salut J'ai passé l'examen final lors de mon premier essai il y a quelques mois, mais lorsque j'ai décidé de le faire sur mon 'alt' après le patch d'eaux perfides, je l'ai trouvé beaucoup plus difficile. Il m'a fallu probablement plus d'une douzaine d'essais pour l'obtenir, enfin, hier. Je partage donc quelques observations. En fin de compte, le processus que j'ai suivi a été efficace. Il a juste fallu un peu de temps pour travailler. Processus. 1. J'ai d'abord essayé le même motif que sur mon charactere principal, embarquez le premier, couler le second. - J'ai trouvé impossible de gagner l'embarquement, l'ennemi semble avoir amélioré sa défense, beaucoup de Marines, mes attaques même lorsqu'elles étaient calées étaient pathétiques. Si je faisais une seule erreur, par exemple en attaquant alors qu'il était en défense, je pourrais perdre tout mon avantage numérique en un tour. L'autre navire me tirait constamment dessus et je perdais des hommes aux deux. - J'ai essayé cela plusieurs fois, puis j'ai abandonné l'approche. 2. Ensuite, j'ai essayé de démâter - n'entrez pas dans un duel de mât avec ces f ** kers. Ce sont des professionnels. C'était une bataille à sens unique. - J'ai essayé cela plusieurs fois, puis j'ai abandonné l'approche. 3. Il suffit de se battre, se concentrer sur l'un ignorer l'autre - L'idée était de s'enfoncer puis de fuir et de guérir - ca presque travaillé plusieurs fois, mais je prenais trop de dégâts lors du premier combat 4. Enchaîner un, descendre, séparer, couler individuellement - Cela a presque fonctionné. - a couru le chronomètre jusqu'au bout en une tentative, 3 minutes de plus et je l'aurais cloué - Mais finalement j'ai décidé de changer une fois de plus mon approche 5. Enchaîner un, descendre, séparer, embarquer individuellement - Cela a fonctionné. Cela a pris 49 minutes, 50 secondes (Première étape - séparez-les) -Je me suis concentré sur le type qui a tourné à droite et l'a réduit à 65% -Alors j'ai couru comme un petit lapin effrayé. J’ai trouvé que la surprise surclasserait le cerberus lorsque vous êtes légèrement au-dessus de 90 degrés dans le vent, c’est-à-dire pas directement dans le vent, mais légèrement au vent. Le Cerb ne peut pas viser aussi haut, vous n'avez donc pas à vous soucier de le rattraper. - J'ai guéri et je l'ai toujours poursuivi jusqu'à ce que son copain soit éloigné (2ème étape - couler le poursuivant rapide) - Puis je me suis retourné, j'ai baissé les voiles pour aller au combat, j'ai frappé 9 pour monter à bord - Quand il est venu pour moi, j'ai continué à m'adapter, alors je l'ai frappé de plein fouet et je l'ai tourné dans le vent, programmant le largage de toutes les voiles. - G pour monter à bord et c'est parti - La clé pour gagner le jeu d'embarquement (pour moi en tout cas) est --- NE JAMAIS ATTAQUER ----- Menacez une attaque, mais passez toujours au "dernier coup de canon" ou au "mousquet de tir". L'ennemi a un énorme avantage en mêlée. impossible à battre. ---- Regardez la rotation, attachez-vous toujours quand ils tirent ---- dès qu'ils sont sur le temps de recharge, attaquez et changez de mouvement ---- Pendant que vous faites cela, continuez à pomper la clé du support du côté où vous les faites face afin de pouvoir pomper les larges-côtés. Vous pouvez les couler de cette façon, ou si vous ne le faites pas, cela tue l’équipage. ---- Quand leur moral est à zéro, alors, ATTACK --- Gagner, attraper leurs réparations, les couler puis courir à nouveau. À ce stade, l'autre gars aura rattrapé son retard. (3ème étape - couler le poursuivant lent) - Tu n'as pas à t'inquiéter de ce type qui t'attrape, il est trop bas sur les voiles. - Allez partir assez longtemps pour soigner votre équipe jusqu'à 240 - guérissez le navire aussi si vous voulez --Quand l’équipage est revenu à 240, faites demi-tour et recommencez. Le jeu d’embarquement est long comme ça, mais c’est à peu près certain. Il suffit de ne pas attaquer les gars jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient bas sur le moral. Je commençais à penser que je ne l'obtiendrais jamais, mais cela a fonctionné. Bonne chance à tous.
  18. Quelle que soit la rhétorique qui se dégage de leurs bouches sales, personne ne peut "détruire" la nation française ni l’effacer. Parce que nos ports d'attache ne sont pas capturables. La nation française sera détruite quand elle se soumet à la règle de l'intimidation d'un suzerain. ne va pas arriver. Tais-toi et fais ton pire.
  19. Bonjour la Nation. Voici mon avis. Non, mille fois non. Si les animaux veulent que nous vivions sur les os de nos arrières, enfermés dans FR, il vaut mieux le faire que de rouler et de devenir leur nation fantoche. La marée tourne toujours. Ils devront bientôt défendre leur vaste éventail de ports contre l’IA. Je ne sais pas quel est l’ambiance de la nation, mais j’encourage une volonté ferme. Même si nous sommes ramenés en FR, nous pouvons nous battre à partir de là. For the english speakers like me: No, a thousand times no. If the animals want us to live on the bones of our rear, locked in FR, it is better to do it than to roll and become their puppet nation. The tide will always turn. They will soon have to defend their wide range of ports against AI. I do not know what the mood of the nation is, but I encourage a strong will. Even if we are brought back to FR, we can fight from there.
  20. I like this as a general idea - details to be worked out. It would allow people like me, that are not part of any organised group, to get rewards for pitching in and helping their nation. I do it anyway when I am around but it would be nice to have a chance at a reward.
  21. NO the game is not my actual real life, this idea is a time sink. - 1.Not being able to teleport between outposts. You must navigate, because you are not a super hero. NO the game is not my actual real life, this idea is a time sink. - 2.Eliminate teleport in open world (tow to port). For the same reason. Agree -- 3.PvP battles should never close. It is not realistic that for seconds or minutes you can not participate in a battle between players. Agree -- 4.Realistic economy: supply and demand. Players must have more prominence, or the trade becomes boring. NO the game is not my actual real life, this idea is a time sink -- 5.Realistic Craft: instead of being automatic (consuming labor hours), craft could take from seconds or minutes (pieces and small ships) to hours or days (big ships or line ships), depending on what is crafted. DO not understand --- 6.Repairs: instead of having a timer to be able to repair again, it could be passive repair(it can be activated and desactivated as sailing, boarding...), being slower. Not a bad idea -- 7.Masts: they can not be repaired in battle, and they are more difficult to break. Not a bad idea - (note that when TPing a ship it is empty so cannot relate the two ideas) --- 8.Your ships can travel without you: you assign them a crew and select a destination port, so they sail like a common NPC. Obviously, they can be boarded or sunk by enemy players. I think it´s a better idea than teleporting ships (magic). Why not storms all the time --- 9.Stronger storms in battle: ships can be damaged. (No storms in port battles or hostility /combat missions, only in PvP battles). What is stopping you now? --- 10.WANTED: rewards system (in your faction) for sinking wanted enemies. NO - you should risk your own money --- 11.Trade missions: the port gives you the goods and you transport them for gold and exp. This increases trade and piracy. DO not understand --12.Crew´s moral in open world: with food, rum... Fishing would be more useful, and rum would be more valuable. Dont care -- 13.Game translation: this improves gaming experience and attracts more players to Naval Action. Spanish, French, Russian and others...
  22. Hi Could someone tell me or point me to a post please regarding how repairs work. When I hit repair, does that : - heal for an absolute amount spread over a variable duration depending on how quickly i can get crew on the bob - heal for a fixed duration, with the amount of heals depending on how quickly I get crew on the job - some combination or variation on the above TIA
  23. So in such a case a player that could sail around quickly and avoid battle would be able to stop the enemy gaining points. I presume this is the reason why PB fleets rebuilt in teak/WO several weeks back. I knew it had something to do with mobility but nothing explicit.
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