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Posts posted by DustyTrashenborough

  1. 6 minutes ago, Seraphic Radiance said:

    All these forces and not a single weather indicator. Where are weather conditions and their effects and bonuses/penalties to sailing characteristics? Still far from realistic. 

    How about this, tiny sniping icon with numbers next to it that will show players wind force and wind direction>?


    -Low Winds ( + xxxx, -xxxx)

    -Normal Winds ( N/A , N/A)

    -Heavy Winds (+ xxxx , - xxxx)


    Also list the revised data sheet again as promised. 

    Good Patch. 

    awww yisss. Always in favour of getting more info

  2. 1 minute ago, admin said:

    Update has been deployed today - 26th December

    • Removed victory mark requirements in blueprint and permit acquisitions for all ships except for first rates
    • Reduced prices for PvP content in pvp marks because previously the catered to top pvp players but not the average players (it should be better now)
    • Fixed an important bug with bot reload getting stuck from time to time
    • Increased cool down and time to recover crew on the surgeon - surgeon was working too fast and too often during battles and it had to be nerfed.

    Final changes for ship physics including leeway and adaptation of all light ships is being prepared. 
    New year gifts will be distributed with the forthcoming patch (part 3 of sailing model improvements)

    @admin, wait,  so you actually care about our input so long as they're rational and well argued?
    And here I thought I was "pissing in the wind". Damn, @admin, you're playing with our frail frail hearts.

    On a more serious note, are there any plans to balance the wasa's performance? or is its price enough of a balancing factor?


  3. 10 minutes ago, admin said:

    Here is what happened Captains
    Player makes up a false assumption, gets irritated with his false assumption, start spreading it as being true, turning himself into a hater (with no actual reasons). This happens a lot on the internetz. We learnt to ignore this.  

    You are incorrect and should avoid making statements that have no factual proof. 
    We can easily disprove it by just showing our work. We of course understand that maybe you want something else. But we will focus on things that we want: Making rvr and pvp matter more or improving the sailing model or adding new ships. 

    Like this Danish beauty


    Can we expect front chasers on St Pavel and Bucentaure too? Or will this ship's new front chasers be balanced out by something else? 

  4. Costs of PVP rewards:
    Wasa Note  - 30 PM
    Surprise Note -15 PM
    PFrigate Note - 15 PM
    L'Hermion Note - 15 PM
    LGV Refit Note - 25 PM
    Constitution Note - 25PM
    Bellona Note - 30 PM
    Navy Structure Refit - 10 PM
    Navy Orlop Refit - 10 PM
    Navy Mast Treatment Note - 10 PM
    Navy Mast Band Note - 10 PM
    Navy Hull Refit - 10 PM
    Navy Gun Tackles - 10 PM

    Marks and blueprint :
    Victory Marks - 50 PM

  5. 8 hours ago, admin said:

    you are doing it wrong


    watch this guy - non stop pvp + epic event today (with couple of rarest books farmed in it + permits). He is in top 10 in pvp almost every day. Today He ended up with 55 PVP marks (all streamed live) and his clanmates got another 50

    there are a couple of streamers that have exciting battles all the time too (they stream every day)

    Follow their example and you will do fine. 
    If you are not a hunter and dont know how to sniff (feel) for targets,  find a fleet and sail to enemy capitals. To hunt players hunting players around capitals. There is always someone hunting dutch waters polish waters british waters and around la tortue

     If a streamer streaming live can get 55 marks for him and 50 for his clanmates LIVE on TV.. you are definitely doing it wrong.

    Say, chief, you got data on how many pvp marks are generated per day? Or which ships are killed most? Which ship kills most? perhaps data by rating? which region see the most actions? which isn't?

    Happy new year

    • Like 1
  6. @admin Merry Christmas, boss! 
    Can I be gifted a present in the form of answers for how making Victory mark convertible from 100 PvP marks only promotes RvR or PvP?
    Boss, can you limit number of 1st rates or other rates per PB explicitly? Why not try less PvP marks to Victory Marks? People still need to find
    find resources to craft, and if say 30 PvP marks == 1 Victory marks, more people might just say "Sigh, very well, We'll go out and hunt just a bit more"
    instead of saying "HECKING BAMBOOZLED AGAIN!"
    And boss, what about 1 PvP mark even if you lose as long as you did damage(we can even set a percentage of damage threshold)? Get all the guys 
    who think they're not up to snuff to face-roll their keyboards to PvP marks hoarding club


    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, rediii said:

    I dont even have 2000 hours. I didnt sven have 300 hours when I got into RvR. RvR is not as hardcore as you play it.

    Making 1st rates harder to get is just making them worth more which means players find them even more great if they see one.

    What about those players that want to engage in PvP and was a fan of ship-of-the-line engagements? players who's been to the HMS victory museum and decided, you know what now that I have Naval action, I want to do pvp and hopefully sail a victory one day?

  8. 4 minutes ago, boom said:

    The only problem with the progression is how steep the ladder is.  This is not a casual player game - the combo books, and very powerful mods (now also ships) create a big advantage.  Any new player needs to accept that they are fodder for approximately 6 months of dedicated game play.

    This alone will cause the population of the game to decline over time - vets burn out, new players get discouraged. It simply needs to be easier to climb this ladder, nations that are weaker need underdog bonuses.

    How about giving PvP marks for pvping not just winning? Even if you lost, why not give the loser a few PvP marks too? They took the risk, they fought, lost their ship, surely their effort should be encouraged and rewarded.

    That would encourage more players to do honest to goodness pvp. Even if they only have small or not fully unlocked ships, they will still see the benefit of having a go. Some will argue that it would lead to more discreet farming, but if the ratio of pvp to damage is balance right, there would be no point in trying to farm.

  9. 55 minutes ago, maturin said:

    Naturally, although ships could be carrying plenty of sail when overtaken by sudden squalls, even in a complete calm.

    Topgallants (the third highest square sail) could be carried in a fairly stiff breeze, perhaps 25 kts in some cases. So that accounts for the sailplan of Cerberus, or Trincomalee in-game. However, many of the in-game ships that are modeled with topgallants (that is, no royals) also carry a maintopgallant staysail, which is a light wind sail.

    In such a situation, the sails would be taken in or reduced to something more appropriate, no? But as you can see, currently we don't have full control of each sail.
    In regards to sails plan, I have this idea where you can choose to set each individual sails, and setting the best combination of sails will yield the best thrust, whereas if you don't some sails be in the lee of others, and won't generate thrust. 
    The idea is to tie the setting of sails to a specific button, say w, when you press it shows you the masts. 1,2 and 3 will be the fore, main and mizzen mast, and you can have tick boxes at each mast to represent each sails. So if you press 1, a yellow box will highlight the foremast, and you can navigate the sails with A and D key, choose to set or douse with W. Or you can use the mouse to click and choose!
    Something like the crudely drawn image below? And the  mast icon can show you which sails are set. and you can add staysails for each masts in there too if you want more control over those. Do you think this is too complicated? The only issue is if you choose to reef each sails, it will requires using another button and different marker to indicate reefed sails


  10. 2 minutes ago, maturin said:

    Right, no ship is going to capsize unless there are high winds or breaking seas.

    It would look out of of place were it to happen on a sunny day like the instances we have in-game. Of course, given that the ships are all running around at 13 knots, the wind would have to be quite a bit higher than it appears to be.

    18th Century technology isn't going to let a ship sail at 13 kts in 15 kts of wind. 20-25 kts is nearer the mark.

    My follow up question would be "Wasn't it regular practise to sail with less sails in those kind of wind?". I don't think the game model enough of the real world effects to implement that without some glaring un-realism. 

  11. 3 hours ago, maturin said:






    And if 'the masts would break', how on earth do you imagine ships were ever careened? By definition, this involved tipping the ship over by pulling on the masts.

    It seems most of these refers to capsizing during storms, and the two papers suggests capsizing with of around 20knots or more. Don't the devs mean, capsizing in fairwind just from the sailforce in that condition alone?

  12. 37 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    take notes rediii.  this is how you kiss some american ass.  It's good to see some nations at least attempting to recruit global players instead of just sitting around complaining about the merge....yet those same players used to complain about not having enough US time zone folks in their nations prior to the wipe. 

    Those who adapt survive I suppose.

    Anyway, I've been apart of REDS for a couple months now mixing it up on EU.  @Cornelis Tromp first invited me over for reasons I can't remember and while It was a little weird at first being welcomed in by former foes, everyone seemed willing to put the past BS behind them and just go on playing the game.  I will admit though that when the russians get on coms for joint ops I do feel like I'm down in a KGB bunker hacking elections somewhere.  I like how REDS doesn't just hide in their zones waiting to be attacked.  They're bold, aggressive and not afraid to drop ships.   

    Thought not 100% certain yet, VCO will most likely be joining Russia and fighting alongside the Russian proletariat.  One must teach them the art of the night flip

    Not fighting for the crown and england.  smh

  13. @admin please walk me through this scenario :

    I have a Victory made of Live oak and White Oak with Cartagena caulking mod and Navy Structure refit.
    When it is "moved" to the EU server, I'd get a redeemable for a Victory ( that I can choose any wood types), a redeemable for Cartagena Caulking, and a redeemable for navy structure refit?

    Thanks in advance.

  14. 1 minute ago, George Washington said:

    No it's the correct verb, only hardcore pvp players will remain. Making sailing simulator will not be received well by many as it was from the beginning. Time will tell if we are right. 

    I disagree, the only additional information that players have to keep in mind are the angles of their sails to the wind. I am not a hardcore pvp but I like the fact that my sails now affects my turning rate noticeably. I'd like it more if the rudder doesn't feel useless or not very significant. Mind you, I'm not saying improve the turning rate of all ships so 1st rates can do donuts, but more like balance the turning between the rudder and sails a bit more

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, admin said:

    Naval Action is the ARMA of age of sail. We have THE BEST sailing model ever done in a computer game and we will continue to improve it. We are sure that some landlubbers prefer first rates to sail as motorboats, but hey - they can sail them in other games (and even install ram on their ship)

    @admin Where can we get some numbers so we can monitor all the changes? i.e. On patch 1 Sails on the surprise at 100% is 100 metersquare, it's weight is 600t. On patch 2, sails on the surprise is 110meter square, weight is 600t. From this the players can follow the changes more quickly. For this patch, specifically, I'd be much obliged to see the area of sails for ships that are affected by the changes, as the width and length can be found on wikipedia.

    • Like 1
  16. @admin In regards to this patch and the previous one, some players believe it won't do much in players retention or attracting new players, while some condemn it as being not realistic (1st rates coming out of tack at over 5knots), how would you justify these patches? 
    Secondly, there are complaints regarding the UI of the game, to tie this back to the patches, would the patches better retains current players than an improved GUI?

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