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Everything posted by staun

  1. Well I think you are right if the same skilled player fight each other, ofc the one with upgrades have a better chance of winning. But plz tell me what upgrade an average player don’t have acces to. But that not what we are debating. You claim upgrades Make fight unballanced. I say no, what favor the best is skill matters, as it should be. You can remove all upgrades and knowledge and the best will still win 9 of 10 battles. You example is the same to say one side is only allowed 9 pd cannons and the other will have 32 pd. What is next to balance fights. All ship have to have the same stats, maybe have auto aim and firing, remove manual sail.
  2. Not sure you are right, we all have acces to more ore less the same upgrades. Not sure it then make a big change. Your claim is with less upgrade, the gab between players will be less. I am not that sure. But it is easy to test. Find 10 avarage player and put the up against 10 good players. Let them have the same ships. Let 10 fight be without upgrades and knowledge. Then make 10 with same upgrades and knowledge. My bet is the result will be the same. 10 wins both times for the good players. In regard to time it will take them to win, I also think it will be the same time.
  3. Well I know what you ment with your remark about pros. Just thought it was funny you tried to be a smartass with your remark. But there are no pro in this game. Atleast besides Devs, I think not. I just put in a link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional Ore did I get the word pro wrong, isent it the short version of proffesional? If I am right plz tell me who make there living of this game. I know Reverse get some donations, but not sure that is enough to finanse his life, but if it can, well then he would be a pro.
  4. Well then I guess you get no answer. Don’t think anybody is doing there Living of this game, so no pro in this game, unless you count the devs.
  5. I lose a ship a day on average, what value would 1 a month have. Isent that just the same as saying no Dlc ship in the game?
  6. You only lost because they are Herc? Would 2 trincomalee not be able to do the same? Low hitbox on mast, yeth you managed to demast them a few times.
  7. You supported, that what I read. Plz hit Lars with a ban hammer, and maybe to teach him to behave remove his art of shiphandling in game😝
  8. I do see the fun in all out war. The most fun I have had was when I was just a small part of a big war. But I am also a realist and based on how ppl behave when they have lost, Well I am in little doubt about the concequences in an all out war. In the end this game is only fun when you have somebody to fight. Personally I think close fights win ore lose are more fun than easy winning. But can understand those where winning is more important. Winning is just not an end goal for me. It is the Road travelled that make fun for me.
  9. Oh playersdon’t play to lose. Lose to much think two things can happen. Players either stop playing ore go to a winning nation. But you can br right, so just go for it. Just don’t complain when it turns out you didn’t get the expected result.
  10. But would it not be nice to have a game where more would be part in RvR and not less. Not sure paint can achive thst.
  11. Not saying my view is better. Just saying you idea of punish the defender and reward the attacker may not have the effect on making more pb’s. Less inded contested pb’s. And yes ppl will find a way to work around mechanics. That should be clear to all that have played this game. So why make a game mechanic that wont work. The attackers will not get the reward that they need to want to do pb’s. Neither will the defenderd be punished hard enough to force them to fight. Fine that you want to try that model, But plz tell me how you actually will make it work. So it not just is a nice idea, But a gameplay that actually works. I don’t either have the key to make RvR a bigger part of all players. If I had I would tell. But what I hear most of the time will imo only have little effect on RvR. Basicly the same few doing it, just a bit better rewarded.
  12. Well then RvR is no problem just trow paint in every pb. Personally I doubt it will be more doing Pb’s. The usual suspect yes. Doubt it will bring more player in.I used to do a decent amount of RvR. Paint is not going to bring me back. I even have a paint to an Essex somewhere, I even have crafted a Essex to put it on. But ofc I could be the exception. And everybody ells will die to get som paint.
  13. You think a paint is enough to motivate ppl?
  14. So if they lose no risk. They get a ship note. Not for the same ship. Is it then for a better ship ore a lower class ship. If they win, they will find nothing to loot of value. Personally I have all my ship in a freeport. Then we can talk of ressources, Well if I have a port with value ressources witch is only one, I just put it on for indiamans and log it of in open wather. They would simply never be able to loot anything of value. 3-1 odds, oh boy are you wrong. That is simply just wrong. There are lots of factors more important. Like skill and numbers.
  15. Motivate? You think ppl don’t do it because the reward is to poor? I can ofc only speak for my self, but reward have never be an issue for me, neither in PvP ore RvR. I liked the fights, never did it for a reward.
  16. I think we can change pb as often as we want. Think over time a couple of different pb mechanic have been tried. I personally are not sure it will make much different. Yes different ways will make different ways to fight, But is that the goal we have with Pb’s? As it is now I am pretty sure that it will be the same guyes we see in PB’s. But is that the goal we have with RvR. Do we want a RvR as it is now, that only motivate the few ore do we want RvR that turns in to a national event, that all captains united in a common goal in the nation.
  17. If I get you right. Defender can only hope to keep there port, but not win anything by defending. Attacker have all to win and no risk as long as they only fight bravely. Would that just not mean it is better for me not to defend a port and go attack another port?
  18. I don’t hold any ports at all. I stop after patch 27. For me the turn in RvR have made me stop. Thats dosen’t mean as RvR are now is wrong. It is just wrong for me. I have done all you say. Just turned out to be to little fun and to much work for me. So for me to get back to RvR something just need to change. And isen’t it the purpos here to give feedback
  19. I know. I just don’t have it. So am just doing some PvP. My guess I am not the only one. But better to have a end game 100 ppl enjoy and the rest gives a hello kitty abouth. Way better than have a end game 80 % want to take part in.
  20. Most likely it won’t be a 3 way split. Of the 800. 150 will proberbly be on US another 150 on PvE. So 500 wil proberbly stay on an EU server. Neither will players be split even among nations.
  21. Thats why they have an Us ore a global server. Fine acces to end game. They can even play on the EU server if they want to. They just have to accept the restrictions. Same goes for an EU player. He can play on the other server if he se so fit. Just have to accept the game rules on that server.
  22. Problem is not that you have ports on your time. The problem with a global server is. - Ppl use timers to dodge in a war. Look at some of the recent changes. - We don’t wan’t to grind for Reals to pay for timers. But without timers you just end up losing them to Night/morning flips. - We are not going to spend oure nights trying to get ports in general. Few are thats why timers are needed timers. - No we are in general not willing to pay others to do it. Plain and simple. I see lots of interesting things with a global server. I might also work, just not with the effect it have on RvR and therefore also the Players. But maybe in time the new players that come will like it. But I would say the player base we have had under development have rejected a global server.
  23. 1 proberbly right abouth that. 2 Think you are wrong about. They will have an US server. They can play on both PvE and what would be EU server with those restrictions. There is full acces and pretty sure they don’t have to refund money. 3 So because nobody ells do it. Thats your argument. If we have that approce to every thing, we would still live in a cave. 4 Sometime you have to cut off a leg to survive. I know, I know it is all admins mistake. Fact it though, that lets Call it US prime time players for some reason just don’t want the game. Your numbers are again to my knowledge low, even if we are on the same server. I truely belive if we get back the EU restrictions we slowly will see an increase in EU prime time numbers. Not like ppl tryed to tell it up to the merge. But don’t worrie, don’t think they will do it.
  24. Actually 8 players. Glad to hear that. Seems like there still is a bit life in the nation. Hobe they will keep growing in numbers.
  25. I know for you, to be linked up with the EU community, is the only chance to be on a server with some live. Just lots of players left that think a EU server as we had, would be better. Guess ppl just don’t want to work around Night timers(for an EU player), not going to depend on the Night Crew, But prefere a system where they actually them self can take part.
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