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Everything posted by janat08

  1. Those are arbitrary limits, rather than the necessity to rebuild fort that grows in strength with amount of firepower thats brought to it with resources that need to be brought in and consequently escort which ship of the line isn't terribly good at.
  2. Doubling as in firing from both sides of the ship expecting to kill him much faster, I would imagine rendering cannons inoperable would also play into this.
  3. It would be cool if ships didn't go towards contract limit as with the new PB system you need variety of ships and so would be best if you could put it back on sale after having needed it or buy such a ship.
  4. Would it be possible to allow contracts outside the limit to be charged, I realize how it's meant to foster lower prices, but with outpost and warehouse expenses it is unlikely that you'll find people jumping at good deals for anything other than short term.
  5. I don't belief there're waves near ports, and I contend that ball will skip hitting tip of the wave despite the obtuse angle of "attack". This feature all the same is more likely to favour frigates that have less decks and really need the penetration, in place of PB restrictions.
  6. I suppose water leaks actually being caused by hitting under waterline come hand in hand. You could still skip balls of the tip of the waves as theres less resistance but higher angle.
  7. No instead of shooting for the skies for very high an arc you shoot across the pond hoping for the ball to skip, or hit the hull under waterline, therefore letting the shot hit at 90 degree angle instead of 45 degrees on vertical axis if you were to shoot in an arc (where in the end you lose "equivalent" amount of energy to either the air friction coming from long travel times with high arc or water friction).
  8. You could perhaps even do away with all the random capture points as result of predictable winds making several points little to obnoxious, instead permitting capture of port after demolition of fort which anchors attackers so that they don't always start upwind, and successful defense so long as fort isn't taking damage. You could perhaps even make the whole thing zen by requiring that certain amount of damage is produced against the fort depending on enemy fleet size as apposed to defending fleet size (by cannon poundage), which means you don't need to go as clan somewhere just because you have to and be there for that same reason- in a clan. In small enough port (that is small winds) you could probably could disturb first rate enough that he would fail. It sure enough could still lead to attackers trolling defenders, but I trust you could come up with some math that would ensure that theres equalibrium with variables like firepower involved and such. In addition instead of hostility system you could require that fort is rebuilt requiring resources proportionate to amount of pounds of cast iron demolition took, requiring that there's also a fleet of indymans somewhere nearby lest defenders chose to regroup and kill of defenders with indyman having to travel through battle instance towards the port. I suppose that with supplies required to solidate capture of fort trolling defenders becomes less so practical but a timer could still be required unless you want to let defenders build up the fort again to which only requires that you check back in every so often in case some lonewolf did decide that he would both destroy the fort and bring the supplies to actually capture the fort. Either way necessity to escort a trade vessel requires frigates either in screening fleet/convoy or in actual port battle instances. Reference to sailing physics and winds come from first several sentences of this post.
  9. Rather than arbitrary ship turn rates and BRs that are suspect of not being accurate at all and will be topic of arbitration for ages to come, perhaps instead adjust sailing physics where rated ships will struggle with insignificant winds to a degree where they are very much a waste in ports where you could speculate shouldn't experience much wind. You could perhaps even do away with all the random capture points as result of predictable winds making several points little to obnoxious, instead permitting capture of port after demolition of fort which anchors attackers so that they don't always start upwind, and successful defense so long as fort isn't taking damage. You could perhaps even make the whole thing zen by requiring that certain amount of damage is produced depending on enemy fleet size as apposed to defending fleet size (by cannon poundage), which means you don't need to go as clan somewhere just because you have to and be there for that same reason. In small enough port (that is small winds) you could probably could disturb first rate enough that he would fail. It sure enough could still lead to attackers trolling defenders, but I trust you could come up with some math that would ensure that theres equalibrium with variables like firepower involved and such. In addition instead of hostility system you could require that fort is rebuilt requiring resources proportionate to amount of pounds of cast iron it took, requiring that there's also a fleet of indymans somewhere nearby lest defenders chose to regroup and kill of defenders with indyman having to travel through battle instance towards the port.
  10. http://www.nelsonandhisworld.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1679 Make cannonballs bounce, it supposedly even extended the range. Likely considered to be measure of gunnery excellence.
  11. You recommend yourself as ultra realistic cannon balls game. Doubling on enemy is suppose to be a tactic presumably since balls may entirely pierce through both and any sides of armor of ship, to which end making making damage cross over through all three layers or just one or the other would be ideal so that firing from both sides on a ship isn't a major waste of 2nd ship on your side.
  12. They boosted turn rates of some of other 4th rates, are 4th rates now OP in general?
  13. https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3540681?visit_id=1-636450616344000105-1253821607&hl=en&rd=1 So that very latest spreadsheet could be used by multiple users changing field values.
  14. Would it be possible to make it online, this way you may not even have to update it yourself, as in google docs
  15. You need to keep random ships around other than 1/4 rates
  16. They even have TS of their own. Currently denmark TS will have a link to their ts in one of clan descriptions.
  17. So what portion of these clans moved to russian empire?
  18. Also denmark will get hello kittyed with all of the traffic :D.
  19. I also hate the random winds that will flip after a combat mission. It is also very important for piracy as in they're "prevailing winds". I think that you could somewhat localize weather patterns if only as a gimmick of the global scale where you have antarctic, arctic and as such cold and hot waters will wish to rotate along land masses causing winds (as they exchange temperatures). Thus in vast oceans you have actual traffic lanes without any need for random events for pvp to occur as you could for example cut off south western coast south of florida by parking at center of entry/exit currents (which would also mean strongest winds as in localized global scale of weather patterns), so simply sailing 100 meters to the coast or center of the whirlpool will not by any means let you just outrun enemies to closet port (that is wind near coast or center of the rotation will have quite unfavorable winds). You may want to make larger amount of mini current systems- attachment below- since with the system you no longer have constant 30kn winds, so sailing upwind against 10knots or sailing across quarter of map to reach the other side of wind rotation to reach roundabout isn't cool, while 100kn winds will surely just drive any ship short of downwind in that exact direction . This also adds a lot of strategic value to places like north east islands at the corner since the northern wind system will put them on route to the west if you don't want to take the southern system.
  20. Когда корпораций станут землю заберать, чтоб у нас тоже была.
  21. А online хароший, планы на charter есть? Предпочел бы *авантюрный клан под wipe карты.
  22. There is a wholesome russian forum after the english sections menu.
  23. what are the russian clans, but ideally in pvp and eu as i guess its more active.
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