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Posts posted by Chuliki

  1. Siempre que hay dos personas con opiniones diferentes, va a haber piques,pero estos piques se remontan a tiempo atrás, si eres nuevo simplemente trata de pasártelo bien como dices e intenta comprender que a veces en caliente la gente generaliza de más.

    Cuando las cosas se calmen quizás todos volvamos a luchar juntos por unos mismos intereses, pero de momento no queda otra que esperar a que España vuelva a ser fuerte, o al menos, deje de ser tan débil.

  2. 3 hours ago, pepsifreddie said:

    so I was playing the game : naval action, and it's one of my favourite games on steam with the most hour count, however when I look into the ships section I look through all the rates 7th, 6th, and 5th are filled up with numerous ships, look at 4th rate and plop, it decreases massively to 5 ships and gets worse on as 3rd rate has  2 ships and 2nd rates have 2 ships as well and picks up to 3 1st rates in total. Many people will say 'ADD MORE SHIPS' but I can give you a variety and I thought of modifications you could make to other ships. Mainly to the 4th-1st rates SOME ARE WHAT I WOULD LIKE OR KNOW ABOUT OTHERS ARE ONES THAT INTEREST ME BUT I DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT.

    7th rates:

    'the heavy pickle' 

    so we all know that the heavy rattlesnake is a fictional ship based on the real ship: rattlesnake and I was thinking if maybe you could improve a ship called: the pickle, not too much just a little, if you look at all 7th rates they all have 2 gun ports at the stern of the vessel, and the pickle has those and an additional 2 separated between both sides so 1 more on each side, the pickle to me is a very unique ship and if you made something another fictional vessel e.g  'the heavy pickle' you could put cannons in the rear and add 1 more cannon to each side of the ship by decreasing the width of the bow sprite holder thingy then it could work really well and be the transition ship between 7th and 6th rates.

    basic outline for the 'heavy pickle'

    guns: 16, 7 port guns, 7 starboard guns, 2 stern cannons

    speed (average): 11-12.5

    health: 2400 side, 600 bow 400 stern# (weak)

    crew: 70

    structure on sides: normal , small curve (can't bounce shots off)




    5th rates: 

    now I know that this isn't an actual sip but a class called: race - built galleons basically what the black pearl is: a fast and very manoeuvrable ship : especially with the wind, but it only has 14 - 20  cannons, 12-18 pd, per side and a few with the bow and stern chasers. its key advantage was its speed, they were ridiculously fast any where from 45 degrees in with the wind (faster than a surp or a renomee and even a lynx when with the wind.)


     Spanish galleons: this picture basically shows what they look like quite small and unique holding a good calibre of guns.

     Image result for spanish galleon



    I have a completely made up ship here but I found it and it looks awesome, maybe you could give it to the players as a present for Halloween ;) here is pic

    4th rates:

    'the flying Dutchman'

    the flying Dutchman is a real ship and was captained by Davy Jones, it was a man'o'war with 32 guns a broadside, I cant find any good information that doesn't involve pirates of the Caribbean or a short clip that doesn't help, so its up to the developers to include this one, and make it up, try to keep it as close to the real ship if u can find a drawing of it or a model but if you cant make it realistic, a ship that was a pirate ship and fast and big.

    'The Mary Rose'

    probably one of the most infamous ships in great Britain's history, a beautiful powerhouse and a masterpiece, holding up to 600 men, 90odd guns and a neat shaped hull. however, it could hold heavy guns of her time, however because in the 1500-1600 the cannons were weak compared the much newer ships so one of the 2 things can happen: equip her with weak guns, like 12pd or 9pd cannons and make her the superior 5th rate over the trinc or the endy, or equip her with 24pd and 18pd cannons and make her a 4th or 3rd rate to add to the collection.

    basic outline for 'the mary rose'

    guns: 90 43 starboard guns, 43 port guns 2 bow and stern chasers

    speed (average) 7-9.25

    health: 5500 side, 2000 bow, 1400 stern (strong stern)

    crew: 450-600

    structure on sides: outstanding, strong curve (60% of shots bounce)

    3rd rates:

    a Dutch warship called the 'William Rex': link to ship model : https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/collection/NG-MC-651

    2nd rates:

    The hms prince here look ok for a 2nd rate, it has a neat layout, although this picture is tight fitting to see the whole thing:



    1st rates:

    Sovereign of the seas: I don't know much about this one apart from that it is a beauty, an exceptional ship with 4 decks, I have a link to the model:http://modelshipbuilder.la.coocan.jp/sovereign2m.htm



    I know that this is a big ask, but you developers have been amazing at everything and I want to give you a huge round of applause for getting this game out there and managing to work a game of this scale, there is just a few more thing I would like from this game:

    1: build your own ship, I feel that this would be extremely complicated to add and I don't mind if it is not added at all, if you do, I will be amazed and I will have so much more fun than I already am having playing this game

    2: animations, animations are hard but there are a link of 2 that I would like to see in later developments, you can use the keys O and P or another set for this, first O opens/closes the gun ports if the cannons are not now and P rolls out or rolls in the cannons you can use U or another key to set it like when firing cannons to fire from front back or random it will open the cannons from front back etc. and the second one is that you see the crew actually doing things, like when boarding the crew jump onto enemy ships and firing muskets and waiting for orders to fire and see them reloading, and have the full amount of crew showing, this animation can be turned on or off in settings as well for less compatible computers.

    3: When I fire into the hull of an enemy ship, I like the fact that I see some splintered wood but I would like it if the wood actually collapsed and you saw holes in the ship, and if there is glass it gets smashed and you can here all the sounds if nearby or controlling the ship, like when stern raking all the glass goes flying and you see cannons getting ripped up and stuff like that.

    4: explosions: when a ship explodes, it should be dramatic and devastating, in naval action: masts fall of and a little flame shoots up. Bummer if you were really hyped like I was. I would love it if the ship got torn in half, cannons flying everywhere and explosions and fire raining down, waves ripple like crazy and affect your ship like they would, and it sinking dramatically and fast, because if a ship explodes you would not be able to loot it I'm afraid, you wouldn't get there, or if u did u r dead.

    5: and finally one more thing: remember the Mary rose? she turned so fast that she over turned and sank!! I've seen ships fire one broadside at me and then 10 seconds later they fire an second from the other side, please as a small tester, ass that if you turn to fast you start heeling, and you have 5 seconds to pull out of the heel and if its to late then you will start to capsize, this would be nice so people can stop spamming me with fire from surprises and renomees and specially 7th rates, it would help some gameplay, especially those who have bad manoeuvrability and I don't mind if not applied to small ships but please add it to larger ships like some 7th rates and 5+rates 



    The heavy pickle

    the Mary rose 

    The race built galleon class

    Spanish galleons

     The ship for a Halloween present from the amazing developers

    the flying Dutchman

    the Mary rose 

    William rex

    Hms prince

    sovereign of the seas




    Build your own ship

    Cannon Animations

    Crew Animations

    Damage hole thing in the side of a ship and smashing glass and destroyed cannons visble

    Better Explosions (more realistic)(and dramatic)

    Heeling consequence from turning to fast.

    Thanks for reading put down below what you want.


    I would really like to see galleons in this game, they were so beautiful for me; also the idea of creating your own ship woukd be amazing too, it could give you some options of how many cannons you want, which class of cannons, the form of the ship...and then it's statitiscs could be generated from what u choosed, sounds pretty amazing

  3. On 11/8/2017 at 2:13 PM, admin said:

    Next week testbed will be opened for testing for several days (from 16th August till 21th August)


    • Test stability and issues with Unity 5 build
    • Test 1 or potentially more new vessels
    • Test the potential workaround for the vertical gun sector increase upgrade bugs

    Ships, rank and money will be provided in sufficient quantities.
    Captains will be requested to start as pirates and win or lose as many engagements as possible against each other in the outlaw battles.

    Access key to testbed will be provided before the test

    I would like to acces the testbed and help you as much as possible!

  4. 4 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    Hoy me he enterado de que otro clan se fue de la nacion española, un clan de jugadores italianos que vinieron de piratas.


    Asi que mucho no esta convenciendo el nuevo Consejo de clanes de la nacion.

    Blueleader y su tropa?

  5. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    Nations will allow chartered war companies to freely attack each other even if they belong to the same nation. This will allow chartered war companies to settle score between each other if they believe someone is interfering with their chartered activities

    So, ports/regions will still be part of a Nation but they will be in the end controlled by chartered war clans, and wars between clans from the same Nation will be a thing now?

  6. 35 minutes ago, CeltiberoClearco said:

    Las cosas no han sido como tu pones. Siegfried te ha puesto un buen resumen y tienes por aquí buenos post explicándolo. 

    Si partes de unas bases equivocadas, nunca llegarás a una solución válida.

    creo que no has comprendido la finalidad de mi mensaje...

  7. Lo único que aquí pasa es que todos siguen intentando morderse su propio culo, sin mirar que el resto de facciones intentar mordernos el nuestro; los que se fueron de la facción siguen intentando hacer como si no tuvieran nada que ver en esta situación y de los que quedan en la facción la mayoría trata de exculparse y de lavarse las manos, pero las cosas no van así; obviamente la facción va mal, es un hecho, pero lleva siendo así desde hace tiempo; lo que no logro entender es que a pesar de que nadie tiene ni la más mínima idea de cómo arreglar esta situación, todos siguen opinando como si pretendieseis llegar a ser el Gran Comandante de la nación, pero os digo una cosa, la facción va mal, seguirá así durante un tiempo, todos tienen opiniones contrarias (ejemplo): Se decide regalar los puertos a cambio de intentar contraatacar por otro frente y lo único que se consigue es que tanto los jugadores que quedan como los que se fueron no hagan más que reprochar dicha decisión. Sólo queda llegar al punto en el que entendamos que a pesar de ser un jugador en solitario, un veterano, un grupo de jugadores unidos por un mismo fin o un novato que no es capaz de hacer misiones de guardiamarina sólo, todos somos jugadores de la misma facción, y además, nos conviene entender que reprochar a otro su manera de ser o jugar no ayuda para nada nuestra situación; sólo os pido que penséis antes de criticar a unos por abandonar la facción, a otros por ser jugadores en solitario, a otros por tener una forma de pensar que no acabáis de entender, y sobre todo os pido que si lo que vais a seguir haciendo es escribiros unos a otros en un foro del que la mitad de la facción no sabe nada, que al menos sea para decir cosas positivas, no para menospreciar al resto. 


    He dicho.

  8. 1 hour ago, CeltiberoClearco said:

    Pues retiro el enhorabuena... :D

    Pero que el HoratioLoLson es un alter britanico, tampoco a ti te cabe la menor duda por lo que eso de "ESP 3 vs 2 HYDRA, Mariel " deberia rezar: ESP 2 + 1 BRI vs 2 HYDRA.

    Claro que entonces, y visto lo "traidores" que son los britis, no hubiera quedado tan impactante.

    yo es que no tengo ni idea de quién es alter y quién no...

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