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Posts posted by CaptMorg70

  1. 21 minutes ago, Steeltrap said:

    Header of this thread is dated 26/11 and the follow up was 27/11, so 9/8 calendar days ago respectively as I'm writing this.

    I'd expect some time next week at the earliest as I doubt they'll drop it on a Friday.

    They did drop the last patch on a Friday. So it wouldn’t be THAT surprising if they did it again.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Mhtsos said:

    I tried the all-tech-unlock cheat in the semi-dreadnought mission for the lols/variety.

    With a simple BC with good-decent towers/rangefinders/radar I and historical arrangement (3 X 2 12" + some 5") the enemy BB's accuracy is almost double.

    When it had 15-17% accuracy, my guns had only 8-9%.

    I use full speed, only small maneuvering/ course adjustments and no target change. The above numbers were after some time when the guns were locked.

    The best part is that beyond 8Km the BB still landed multiple hits almost every second barrage.

    What is happening? o.0

    Cheating AI or just...works as intended?

    Without seeing the specs of the ship it’s hard to know for sure why your accuracy was so much lower.

    Maybe the placement of the 5” barrels effected your ship. Pitch and roll, along with smoke interference has more an effect on accuracy decline than aft/fore weight in the current build

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