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Posts posted by Hjalfnar_Feuerwolf

  1. Hey guys. I was just wondering which are the best at the moment and is there a way to get the stats out of the game files, especially for cannister range? I think Witworth and 20pdr Parrots are the best if you only look at the stats, but are they cost effective? Some patches ago the Napoleons were considered the most cost effective cannons, but a friend of mine noticed their cannister range seems rather short now.

  2. If we take a look at it, there are some wars the game engine would be able to display correctly: Of course the Napoleonic Wars (loads of DLCs here), the Seven Years War (american theatre of war DLC?), the Amercian Revolutionary War, the German Unification Wars (probably easier to do because of similar weapons and tactics as in CV). Also, a far shot but possible, Thirty Years War and the various wars of Louis XIV. of France as also the Boshin War in Japan.

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  3. THat is...strange. xD Wouldn't it make more sense that captured units give more weapons instead of none? I mean, if they are freed during a battle they start fighting again, so they don't destroy their weapons when they are overrun. Well, anyway I did as you said in 1st Bull Run and it was a major success, though it felt wrong. Cornered the rebs and got them all to rout. As they had nowhere to go they got massacred without shooting back. One unit racked up above 1700 kills while taking less then 50 dead. Incredible. Video should be up tomorrow.

  4. Hi guys (and girls?!),

    my name is Hjalfnar and I am from Germany. I recently started my first campaign with UG:CV, got positively suprised by update 0.9 and now started anew. xD Hope you guys enjoy the videos I'll be posting here and would like to get some feedback on what I am doing. As I am completely new to the game any criticism is welcome, the same goes for the video and comment quality. I am playing on normal difficulty.

    BATTLE OF PHILLIPI (tutorial mission)

    DISTRESS CALL (secondary mission 1)

    FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN (grand battle 1)

    RIVER CROSSING (secondary mission 2)

    CROSSROADS (secondary mission 3)

    BATTLE OF SHILOH - DAY ONE (grand battle 2 part 1)

    BATTLE OF SHILOH - DAY TWO (grand battle 2 part 2)

    SECURE RIVER (secondary mission 4)

    RENDEZVOUS (secondary mission 5)

    BATTLE OF SEVEN PINES (secondary mission 6)

    BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL (grand battle 3)

    BATTLE OF MALVERN HILL (grand battle 4)

    KETTLE RUN (secondary mission 7)

  5. In my case, when I was I child my father got me a historical magazine with this painting as its cover. I was 8 or 9 years old and as I am from Germany it was my first contact with the history of the American Civil War. I had no idea it even happened until then. So it is somehow firmly rooted with the topic in my mind.^^

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  6. Hi guys! I just started a Let's Play series with UG:CV and my second episode now has a copyright claim on it. It seems you used the music piece "We attack at dawn" for the prebattle preparation screen. No problem for me, my channel is tiny. xD But others might have problems with that. Just wanted to inform you! I have no idea why he shows the complete video here, it should start at the point where the piece could be heard.


  7. Love the new update! As I am an total rookie to the game as I didn't want to start a campaign until it was fully implemented, I only played the first 3 battles for 3 or 4 times. It know feels far more realistic, after the battle of Distress Call the message of an enemy colonel said he was in fear of getting stripped of his duties. xD Loved that one, great immersion! This was probably the last part of the puzzle to make this quite good game a very good one. Great work!

  8. Hi! While I really appreciate the work you guys put into the translations, you forgot to add the option to switch between languages. Yeah, I know it sounds odd. But as I want to make a dual language Let's Play, one for my upcoming international channel and one for my german channel, I need the english version of the game. Any way to change this?


    Edit: Sorry, blind as f*ck. Used to the typical Total War bullshit. Changed in the ingame options menu. Thx!

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