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Posts posted by Hjalfnar_Feuerwolf

  1. For Gaines Mill they are ok, at Malvern Hill (the battle directly afterwards) I would recommend at least one battery of 12-16 24-pounder Howitzers, these things are worth their weight in gold in defensive battles were the rebs try to break through your lines. At this point I also have one battery of 16 20pdr Parrots which are not as good as the howitzers on short range, but make up for that with their incredible high case shot range.

    I just fought the Gaines Mill in my Let's Play with my 2nd Corps only armed with 10pdr Ordnance (3-inch rifles) and 4 brigades of infantry with rifles, the rest armed with 1842s or Palmettos. If you have good cover you don't necessarily need rifles.



  2. Yeah. Sorry to say that, but if you with this small army don't have enough money and recruits to get at least 2-3 full corps on the field...well then you mismanaged badly. At this point with the union I usually have 3 full corps, 2 of which are mostly armed with rifles. I know the confederates get less money and recruits, but still.


    Edit: Just asking: You went full on veterancy, right? Believe me, more then 2-3 units of Infantry vets is a waste. Cav and artillery should be veterans always, but the rest...my 2nd Corps always only gets recruits, as does the 3rd, and 1st Corps only 3 brigades get always veterans for reinforcement.

  3. As a German I can't do this in UGCV, but I know what you mean. I did something like that in Commander: The Great War and HoI3 WW1 Mod, as I know of at least one great grandfathers unit during WW1. I know of a load of my ancestors fighting in WW2...but honestly I don't want them "in the game". I know what happened to them and their units, and it is no pleasant story as they were all on the eastern front...additionally so if the WW2 game is well done and displays the war realistical.

  4. Hey! I have to add something to your assessment of the Brigadier General skill "Tactics". I got this on my Alter Ego, and in combination with the "Endurance Course" skill it is astonishing how fast your infantry (don't get me talking about the cavalry with "Horseback riding", insane!) gets. Already in the battle of Philippi my units were so much faster I was able to catch all skirmishers, in the first battle of Bull Run my units ran down the left side of the Rebs and were able to fire and retreat before the enemy units could return fire. I would almost say the combination of these skills is OP.

  5. I don't know if this was already reported, but I have a double "Stonewall" Jackson. In the First Battle of Bull Run the virginian brigades were seriously mauled and I merged them. During the final stage of the battle Jackson was wounded commanding the merged brigades. After the battle I gained him as Brigadier General and he is now commanding my 1st Division of 1st Corps. For some reason the wounded Jackson also spawned in my barracks and as always after major battles, was instantly healed and available as CO.


    They have the same portrait, rank and name (Thomas Jackson). (Screen taken after Battle of Shiloh)

  6. I fought this battle with my 3rd Corps consisting entirely of fresh recruits with captured guns as support. They mainly distracted so my my elite 1st Corps and Veteran 2nd Corps could encircle and destroy the entire enemy army. They took heavy losses, but held their ground until being reinforced by the other Corps'. It was close, though. You should set them to spawn in the south, the 1st (Elite) Corps should spawn in the northwest (first one to attack, and you WILL need your elite units there!) and 2nd Corps should take the center. Depending on difficulty setting (mine was brigadier) I would recommend a Major General as commanding officer of 3rd Corps and at least one veteran division to hold the line.

  7. Nah, I would take the 2nd and in my case 'flesh' Corps. Mine only fields 1-star-brigades, which is enough to advance and successfully assault on the first day. Your elite 1st Corps would only take unnecessary and expensive losses. Just assault the first enemy defensive line up in the north with full force and then sweep south to the objective, at least that worked for me.

  8. I usually have two brigades that flank the enemy via this small northern forest. Usually the rebs advance 2-4 brigades over the first river and take position on the hill you know from an earlier side mission. My two brigades in the forest behind the hilltop then flank them and push them back over the river. This way the enemy takes heavy losses every time he tries to push me from the north. Additionally these two brigades retreat and move to the east as soon as the enemy spawns there. Detached skirmishers, together with these two brigades are enough to slow the enemy advance until the reinforcements arrive. At least on medium difficulty.

  9. Gaines Mill...I typically hold my position behind the first river the rebs have to cross and they simply get slaughtered there. Just make sure your units in the center have rifles, not muskets. Position them in a way the enemy has to move in the river to shoot at them. I effectively destroyed the first two waves to a man (Brigadier General).

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