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Posts posted by Hjalfnar_Feuerwolf

  1. You have to choose a brigade of a division and click the "combine" button. The brigade will then move to the closest brigade of the same division and they combine to a divisional brigade with combined manpower under the direct command of the division commander. This only works if the two brigades combined won't have more then 2500 men. I recommend to move the two chosen brigades as close to each other as possible before giving the order.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Colonel Henriksen said:

    Would/should this go as far as the Franco - Preussian War of 1871? Believe it's during this war, Germany is formally unified as one state under 'The Kaiser*

    Then I'm in ;-)

    Yes, it is the "final" war of the three. First one would be the Second Schleswig Krieg of 1864 (Austria and Prussia vs Denmark), perfect for a tutorial with the Battle of Dybbøl as the ending point. Then the Austro-Prussian War (or Seven Weeks War) of 1866 as a short test if you are able to fight grand battles (Königgrätz!) and finally the Franco-Prussian War from 1870-71.

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  3. Yeah, politics is BY FAR the most important skill on both sides I would say, even more so on the Union side because the Rebels get smaller units/divisions/corps and also need to skill Army Organization early but their troops are better, so the Federals have to counter this with greater numbers.

  4. 2 hours ago, Bounty Jumper said:

    AFAIK, you don't actually pay anything to replenish your supply between battles, you only pay once for setting the supply level. The exception is the camp in multi day battles, if you as much as visit it your wagons get automatically topped up and you seem to get charged for the difference. If you don't visit the camp mid battle your wagons stay at the level they were on the previous day. I wish the game would ask before refilling them.

    Actually, you pay after every battle. The game simply doesn't tell you. ;)

  5. 11 hours ago, maniacalpenny said:

    There are many times that I question the utility of firing even rifled artillery into lategame entrenched positions. The kills are not really free, you pay for supply and sometimes in the lategame even for minor battles that can be $70k drained from plunking at entrenched infantry. The exception to this is having a critical mass of artillery that can break entrenched brigades, as you can then get enough kills to be worth it by hitting them while on the run.

    Also, even with max supply, there are battles in which you can run out of ammo by constantly firing your artillery. So sometimes making the artillery hold fire is the best choice.

    Yeah, for example Shiloh with the Union. At the beginning you don't have your supplies, and later on there are so many enemies and your brigades have to fight for such a long time you will run out of ammo if you don't conserve it.

  6. I am going with endurance and completely on close combat. Why? With the Union, this is where the rebels are far, far superior to you and in the late campaign, you will have to assault fortifications, so you need CC power. Discipline, because my brigades have to reach their destination quickly. My generated Alter Ego has the speed trait, so my infantry is now almost as fast as cavalry and is able to keep that pace for quite a while. Excellent at Malvern Hill, where the reinforcements ran up from the far south and crushed headlong into the rebels, capturing 4000 enemies. Love the speed and maneuverability my 1st COrps now has. Moral and firearms skill increase through battle, so no need to waste skills on that.


    With my combination I have speed +15%, stamina +20. Great to get into flanking position.

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  7. Yeahm pretty much the way I do it. For example at Malvern Hill you WILL need you most elite units from the start of the battle if you want to hold the line. But at Antietam you want your elite brigades to come in as reinforcements, because you have to charge the enemy in the second phase of the battle and the first phase will have exhausted and depleted your elite units if you sent them in.

  8. I am missing a clear distinction between skirmishers and regular infinatry. And yes, you should put the Lorenz in. In my opinion the best rifle to arm federal assault infantry. As it is accurate and has ok damage while being also good at meele and cheap, it is perfect for an elite (3 star) assault brigade.

    By the way, rifles make detached skirmishers really, really good. Not to the point they can replace regular skirmishers with sniper rifles, but it boosts their efficiency quite a bit.

    Oh, and a few elite brigades with Henry rifles are awesome for flanking and pouring rapid fire into the enemys rear.

    For my typical way of arming units, I mostly arm my units with rifles as early as possible. At least a few. Also they are armed in a pretty uniform way if possible, except for two or three 3-star brigades which act as dedicated assault infantry with Lorenz rifles.

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