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Posts posted by Hjalfnar_Feuerwolf

  1. I just started my first run on MG, and how I did this in the first attempt is as follows: one skirmishers and a detached skirmishers go up the hill to fight the two enemy skirmisher units on the cliffs, while the brigade and the other skirmishers go for the third CSA skirmisher unit in the forest in the east. Go in slowly, you want your reinformencts to arrive. When they do, let the cav circle around the hill and cut off the skirmishers on their retreat. I was able to destroy one skirmisher unit this way. In the meantime all your infantry brigades, artillery and the skirmishers should head for the northern bridge. Move in the skirmishers first, take cover in the small forest area right next to the bridge and start blazing away at the enemy in the forifications. Move up the cannons for canister shot, and the infantry too, just stay closer with the skirmishers so they get fired upon. As soon as the enemy brigade routes, charge across the river with all the infantry brigades, followed by the skirmishers and go straight for the victory point. Move up the cannons for support. Now sit down on the point, two brigades facing south, one east, the skirmishers flanking any enemy unit trying to push you and your artillery pummeling the enemy with cannisters. Worked for me.

  2. Ah ok...well my alltime favourites are C&C1/2/Generals, Fallout 2 and the DoW series. By now I have become an expert in looking up fixes and workaround via Google to get them running on a new OS. Funny enough you usually find a way, and as WinXP is not really working with any of the games I play most of the time nowadays (CK2, EU4, UGCW, Panzer Corps, TW:Warhammer2,HoI3,WoWs,Stellaris) and it is just not save for someone using the internet to such an extend as I do...and old OS is not really an option.

  3. It's been a while, huh? Yeah, life's busy with two kids, a new house, a new dog and some 30 new fishes, prawns and Axolotl. xD At least this is what these things are called in Germany, pretty cute. Nevermind, this was not really the reason for my long absence. I have been in contact with a big Austrian military history youtube channel, maybe some of you know Military History Visualized, for quite a while now. For some reason he liked my gaming videos, we talked, played a few games together and while doing this we had the idea for a new YT channel. There are quite a few people out there making videos about historical movies, the most successful is History Buff. So some of MHVs fans, knowing he was into gaming, asked him for advice which games are at least partially historical accurate. And this is excactly, what my new channel does now, checking games out for the base historical accuracy, but also immersion. It took some time to set it up and work out how it should be done (actually, I am still adjusting quite a few things), but in December the first video went live and was a stunning success. By now, it is at 10.000 views (Call of Duty: WW2) and the second one, released last month, is close to 9000. At the same time I gained over 2000 subs with only two videos, so I think there is some potential.

    Sadly this has forced me to stop recording other games until now, because you sometimes really need to do quite some research on very specific stuff where internet sources are just not reliable (for example the number of certain captured weapons the Germans used in WW2). I am trying to at least finish my ongoing video series', especially for UG:CW (which is of course one of games HGV will cover in the next months, and one of the few with a chance to get the VERIFIED stamp!).

    To cut a long story short: sorry for the long delay, I'll release the next HGV vid in a few days and at the same time I am pushing through the Union campaign on Major General to get to the point where I was. So I think new let's play videos will be showing up in around two weeks.

    Thänk you for reading!

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  4. Well, I've upgraded my PC multiple times over the past years (though it is reaching its limit) and it started of with WinVista (pre-installed), was upgraded to Win7 and later upgraded to Win10. So, why would you keep using XP, as today a computer with an internet connection and Windows XP is nothing more than a giant "HI I WANT TO GET HACKED; SCAMMED AND ABUSED AS A BOT!" sign for any black hat out there.

  5. On 21.1.2018 at 10:22 PM, zapadnik said:

    Hello, Game Labs!

    Many thanks for Ultimate General: Civil War! Spent over 70 happy hours in the Union campaign. It`s really better than your previous "Gettysburg" though it was also good.

    I hope that you will continue release of new wargames. May be you will make a strategy devoted to Anglo-American War 1812 or Anglo-Boer War 1899?  

    But still think that several things in the game can be improved (even after patch 1.0.9.): 

    1) Changing PoW for 1000 recruits after the battle seems unfair and silly because the amount of new recruits doesn`t depend on the amount of the prisoners i take (600 or 6 thousands). And honestly I prefer not recruits but 1 000 new rifles or one good general. Recruits imho are the most useless resource in the game :) 

    2) Though AI in the game is much stronger in Total War:Napoleon but in several side missions AI (for CSAThoroughfare ) forgot about his units making them freeze during the mission (especially in Kettle Run and Thoroughfare Gap).

    3) Russian translation of the post-mission briefs are awful  ("... после сражения в месте "Переправа через реку" , wrong translation of the famous quote of Alexander during Gettysburg on the loading screen and so on).

    4)  I don`t understand why in  Battle of Chickamauga for US the draw (which is very difficult to get) has caused enormous penalty for my reputation. It`s unfair imho.

     Anyway, thank you and good luck!

    1) Believe me, for the CSA these are extremly important. And you get 1000 recruits for 600 POWs because the CSA soldiers are better. Because CSA players exploited the mechanic they limited it to 1000.
    2) Never experienced that.
    3) Ok, I only played in English. xD maybe I should have checked the German translation...
    4) Maybe because the real battle was kind of a draw, too. Yes, the Confederates won...but they (or more precisely Bragg) did not exploit his victory. A draw would have had pretty much the same consequences as the CSA victory had.

  6. I urged them for months to do this, they finally did. The biggest german games magazine, GameStar, has finally tested UGCV and they like it a lot. Yes, 79% does not sound that good. But there is a reason most AAA titles get rather harsh valuations in Germany. Even the most revered titles like Half-Life 2 or Medieval 2: Total War only got 91 or 89%. 79% is very, very good for a small independent game like UGCV. Great work! http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/ultimate-general-civil-war/wertung/54382.html

  7. Short feedback on recent AI changes: Just recorded the Battle of Thouroughfare Gap, minor engagement, for my Union Let's Play. I played this battle a few times and almost always the AI charges straight for my centre, getting encircled by my flanking units. This changed after the last patches. I noticed the AI went more for my flanks, trying to push them out of the woods. But this time...first the AI tried the same and seemed to push on my north western flank. After its skirmishers had been beaten back though, it ACTUALLY CHANGED PLANS(!!!), moved all but one infantry brigade and the skirmishers to the centre and charged up the road, catching me by surprise. I was able to hold this charge but there was a second wave pushing my now weaker south eastern flank, driving it back and actually routing one brigade. Took me some time to get my line in back in shape and for a while the battle was quite chaotic. I liked this extremly, excellent work!

    • Like 3
  8. Well, obviously August Willich, first commanding officer of the 32nd Indiana "First German", probably the best trained all-German regiment of the Union army. Nicknamed "Papa" (dad) for caring so much about his men. I cite Wikipedia for further stuff:

    The 32nd saw action at Shiloh on the second day, during which Col. Willich displayed great leadership. When his troops became unsteady under fire, he stood before them, his back to the enemy, and conducted the regiment through the manual of arms. He had the regimental band play "La Marseillaise", the anthem for all republican movements in Europe. Recovering its stability, the 32nd launched a bayonet attack. Willich was promoted to brigade command. The 32nd remained in his brigade, under command of von Trebra and, later, Frank Erdelmeyer.

    His brigade later played a major role at Liberty Gap. During the Siege of Chattanooga, the 32nd played a conspicuous part, as Willich's Brigade captured Orchard Knob. Willich ordered the assault up Missionary Ridge. The 32nd Indiana and the 6th Ohio were the first to reach the top. While later his veterans wouldn't re-enlist because of the shit Hooker had thrown their way, though  the all-German units had fought valiantly during the Battle of Chancelorsville, he fought through the Atlanta Campaign, was wounded and received his brevet promotion to major general of volunteers at the end of the war. He returned to Germany in 1870 because he wanted to serve in the prussian army during the Franco-German War, but they didn't want him because of his communist views (he had tried to kill Karl Marx in London for being too conservative LOL!). So instead he studied philosophy, graduated at the age of sixty from the university of Berlin and returned to the US to die in St. Marys, Ohio.

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  9. 15 hours ago, Albert Sidney Johnston said:

    Also, @Andre Bolkonsky
    I have absolutely no idea how the devs are handling things like this, but if they're ever in need of any beta testers, I would readily volunteer myself. I have a bit of experience with coding, and I've played pretty much every real time strategy game from the original Age of Empires through Warhammer II. I'm not sure what kind of beta program you guys are running, but Ultimate General: Civil War has made me very loyal to this franchise, and I'll do anything I can to help out.


    Same for me, I also started with AoE1 xD .I did actually do some beta testing for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (also a bit of translation there), Hearts of Iron IV and TW: WARHAMMER. Ok, the latter two only because I write for a small german online strategy game mag, but still. Would love to help the guys making an even better game, thought UG:CV eclipses every other tactics game I ever played, even Medieval 2.

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