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Captain corn blower

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Posts posted by Captain corn blower

  1. 53 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    You'll be okay, little buddy....   Just keep pissing straight into that wind....

    It's all good dude we have all payed money for the  game we love  .we have 131 members in are clan and we all feel the same we love the game but it should have more stuff in it . this game has the potential to be a really great game and I don't call it bitching I would call it squeaky wheeling 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    This is why instead of the old alliance system I kinda been pushing having a privateer system for pirates.   That way they can work for other nations/clans and keep the RvR to the core nations. IF you odn't want to get involved in the RvR you just remain an outlaw and do your OW thing. IF you want to get into RvR you have to get a contract (letter of Marque) from one of hte nations/Clans to work with them.  While on the LoM you get bonus to your credit and xp depending of the nation is a high pop (negative towards) or low pop (bonus).  Kinda the same way MWO (Mechwarrior Online) does there Merc units. You can take 1 week (think use to 1 month) contracts out at a time as for who your Merc Unit works for.  This will help fill out smaller clans/nations with other clans and give them something to do.  After all what is a Pirate?  A Privateer without a job.


    Come on sir texas That would require more content being put in the game and that's not going to happen .focuse man!!!

    • Like 2
  3. Yeah in stead of new use less nations and now unrealistic realistic ship behaviors .And I am not sorry to say this you PVPers are what's dragging the game down instead of pushing for more usable content added the the game you keep asking for and praising the DEvs for use less changes .so no knew content ever get into the game ever .and I am also beginning two think they don't have a server that can handle more content.

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  4. On 1/1/2018 at 12:02 PM, Busterbloodvessel said:

    Do you provide personal services?

    Buster (fed up with polishing)



    Same here where's the new content very badly needed and lacks. Sorry your 

    A temp on realistic ness is ridiculous NPC STOPING ON A DIME and reversing up to speed .this stuff is usless and not realistic .at this point your losing more pepole then the game is gaining .I have gone through the game twice now its boring as hell .


  5. Well I play on PVE server and the NPC ship are 90 of the time to perfect they seem not effect by these changes. they stop dead and instantly back up at speed also they stop and start sinking your sail down and depowered well keeping pace just keeps going or raise sails and back away as they sink now .can you make this game any more stupid and still not add any new content .in PVE there are no small first rate fleets in open word for a single player to attack or ever second rate fleets . you waste everyones time with these realistic changes that no one cares about in a game that is so unrealistic of the time with out any content to boot . I believe you DEVS ARE LOST AT SEA. with this game 

  6. 8 hours ago, admin said:

    Here is what happened Captains
    Player makes up a false assumption, gets irritated with his false assumption, start spreading it as being true, turning himself into a hater (with no actual reasons). This happens a lot on the internetz. We learnt to ignore this.  

    You are incorrect and should avoid making statements that have no factual proof. 
    We can easily disprove it by just showing our work. We of course understand that maybe you want something else. But we will focus on things that we want: Making rvr and pvp matter more or improving the sailing model or adding new ships. 

    Like this Danish beauty


    Ok were is the ship ? Its not about being a complainer we need more ship and things to do with them more thing to attck and escort I play on the PVE server and on the PVP server and every body is bord with the same old thing .why can't we attack ports bombard the towns for points and and sending AI fleet comes out and defends .I can go on and  on with thing to do in this game but nothing gets added that is what we won't to see being added to the game constantly . growing the game. 

    • Like 1
  7. I am a PVE server player and I have switched back to the US again it been almost a year . and I find that us ports don't have much I going for them not like down southern latitudes and I have not seen 1 LGV. No where to cap rade or sink and no larger 6th rate size ship fleets and what do I mean by that I mean like mercury .brig , pickle. Or navy brig .mercury . or even Cerberus, pickle . I have completely started the game over and have a blast in my niagara. But there's no comparable ships or fleet  in open world US water 

  8. 50 minutes ago, Sella22 said:

    There is a difference in satisfying in-game nations that represent a larger chunk of the playerbase rather than consumer groups from certain nations

    These changes benefited or not, larger chunks of the playerbase of multiple nationalities to impove the game in general and not only to satisfy certain nationalities.

    Just my humble opinion


    That's why I hope the dev don't listen to stupidity of we need to pay for towing are ships with CM .for clan they pool there mark but us single player witch we are many get screwed .like I said free is grate 

  9. Also look at the loot from sinking war ships and traders . Rigg repairs ,15 hull repairs and bottles drops have been cut to.nothing and nothing good in them 1 Malabar teak 1 labor contract 40 iron ingots .really !!!! .   wares the$$! Bonues XPs .treaty to saltpeater. Oldfagofficet . and so on stuff gets you excited!!!!!! Shipwreck locations with big tick perks that could be bottle looted .ship loot like sinking trader or war ship and get a map to old shipwreck that would have big loot finds. And  you can find stuff floating in the ocean like other games .

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    So let me get this straight...

    3 new empty dead nations are being added, to spread an already thin, laughably thin population even thinner.... this is to increase activity how?  


    Maybe I am missing something.

    Well if they add more NEW!!!!! Content ..like ships and  things to attack and thing to find in the open sea large trade convoys to attack and that will bring new people and advertise this game I found it by looking for something else 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Sunleader said:

    Leaving the Idea of Towing Ships in General aside.

    I think for the Next few Weeks. Towing Ships should definitely be for Free.

    Reason Simply being that it will be a Pain in the But for Players to change Nations otherwise.

    I am not really in for Sailing all my Ships right through Enemy Territory to get em all to the New Nation.



    Later for a Permanent Solution on Towing Ships I am really fine with almost anything.

    I dont mind if its Free, Costs something or is removed again.


    You know they finaly give us something for free and every one won't to run out and complain we should pay for it . I say if you feel that giulty then you can destroy the apropret amount of CM or gold you think to clear your conches and leave the rest of us to enjoy free.

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