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Posts posted by Remus

  1. I think (but I have not checked) that NPC ship prices are related to crafting cost. Possibly not in direct relationship and I don't know if wood type is factored in. From the prices in the OP it sounds as if the NPC price is double the crafting+wood purchase costs* and, in keeping with other NPC prices, labour hours aren't factored in at all.
    *if the Renommee is Teak or Live Oak and the Surprise is not then double is pretty much spot on

    Surprise and Renommee are at pretty much extreme ends of ship prices for size of ship (you can also compare Navy Brig and Mercury). I have no idea why this is, but earlier correspondence with Admin confirms it is intentional.

    There is no way in the current economy I would match NPC ship prices. Currently I only sell traders where I only have to compete with (and invariably undercut) other players (I charge 39k for a fir/fir TLynx in the shop, or 35k for a direct trade), but my main production is guns. For a cheap wood Surprise (eg Sabicu//Sabicu) I'd charge about 190k. For Teak/Teak it would be about 225k. Again, with the economy the way it is I'm not sure there is demand for ships at such prices, and I'm too poor right now to lock up such sums in speculative ventures when I can use all my LH and far more besides making items which do sell.

    However, if LH generation were increased 4-fold, I would probably reduce the amount I charge per LH 4-fold to preserve the same income, which means I could match the NPC Surprise price of 90k if it were cheap woods. I'd probably charge a premium for Renommees because of their gold and silver content (other harvestable resources are not a problem for me) and I'd probably also charge a premium for teak and white oak, and wouldn't offer cedar or live oak at all). But, and here is the crucial thing, I am not sure even at these prices ships would actually sell. Potential ship buyers in the shop simply do not have enough money; the wealthy 'extreme traders' are mostly tied up in clans and don't go anywhere near the shop. This is why I'd like the money generation side sorted out first. Give higher rewards for combat.

    • Like 2
  2. I support the melting down option, even if it needed coal or charcoal. Coins are needed in a tiny number of craftable upgrades, The most that is needed is 5, so their best use right now is to be sold to the shop.

    6lb mediums are sellable commodities. Many players would be pleased for you to undercut the shop price with a sell contract, and I've just crafted some for exactly that purpose.

  3. I've now updated the spreadsheet to 10.1 Hotfix 2 and incorporated a couple of very minor improvements.

    The only changes for crafting that I can see are:

    • Canvas Rolls BP changes from 2 LH to 1 LH
    • Planks in all woods, LH reduces by about 1/3
    • Long and Medium guns up to 18 lb have reduced ingredient quantities::
      - 4 lb reduced by 50%
      - 6 lb reduced by 40%
      - 9 lb reduced by 30%
      - 12 lb reduced by 20%
      - 18 lb reduced by 10%
    • Carronades up to 24 lb have reduced ingredient quantities:
      - 12 lb reduced by 40%
      - 18 lb reduced by 20%
      - 24 lb reduced by 10%

    There are the usual seemingly random changes to 'modules' with some items vanishing and others re-appearing after an absence, with a few brand new ones thrown in. I'm particualrly intrigued by TEST MODULE SPEED IN OW, and hope I get one drop from my next PvE kill :)


    • Like 3
  4. 19 minutes ago, shaeberle84 said:

    And why the heck should you encourage something like this??? 

    Don't get alarmed. It is - or could be - quite a good game mechanic.

    We want players to use their crafting capacity (building slots and labour hours) to make useful things for other players. We also want to be able to restock with repairs at free towns. Now here's a mechanic that serves both purposes. Selling to NPCs doesn't make the goods disappear, instead it makes them available to other players. (Note to @admin: I don't know if the AI removes repairs from shops like consumed trade goods; if it does, please stop it)

    Right now, purchase prices in free town shops are too erratic and the NPC mark up is way too high, but I'd happily see free towns buy hull repairs at 1000 (say) and sell at 1100. If one FT gets overstocked it can lower its purchase price to 1 same as now, but keep the sale price 1100 to guard against an obvious exploit.

    1000 may be a little high. It's probably best for fixed price sales to NPCs to give lower rewards than player to player sales via sell contracts where you have no guarantee of finding a buyerl. 800 may be a better price for something that costs 488 to make and takes 5.5 LH.

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    the best trade now is to craft repairs and rum and sell them to NPCs in freetowns

    I can think of a few better trades than this, but you are sowing the seeds of something useful here. But it needs tweaks.:

    1. This isn't a very good trade:
    2. There's a lot of variation. The top end of hull and rig repair 'sell' prices is pretty decent, but I woudln't bother selling to NPCs at the bottom end of the free town list. Perhaps you should set standard prices for all free towns
    3. Where 'sell' prices are high, buy prices are ... well, outrageous would be overstating it, but look at that 1979 at Bonacca. Standard buy prices would be good too.
    4. Rum is underpriced The best I can sell it for is 68, but I'd want at least 100 before I'd consider it worth making, especially with such low outputs from those sugar forests.

    Edit: I've posted later in this thread on this, and in doing so have refined my stance.

    • You need to keep the price drop to 1 to guard against people farming it.
    • When Sell drops to 1 you need to keep Buy price high to prevent an obvious exploit (which is doubtless why you do it).
    • For useful items like repairs, reduce the differential between standard sell and standard buy price to something like 10%
    • Standardise prices, at least in free towns, so you don't get the variations seen here. or at least reduce the price range seen
    • Set prices a little lower (perhaps 10%-20% lower) than what players typically charge other players for player-made goods like guns and ships. Repair sales to NPCs are guaranteed wheareas ship and gun sales to players are not. Less risk, less reward.
    • Don't let the AI remove port stocks of repairs. Depletion should only be through players buying them.
    • Like 3
  6. 6 minutes ago, admin said:

    Actually no
    Its the vocal minority who wants to nullify defense fleets, wants battles to close immediately,  want to win by insta demasting, want to solo pvp near enemy capital. 

    They don't go together. I would like to severely curtail ... well, in my case it's rarely a defensive fleet as often as not I'm in a trader and, having made one successful escape I'd quite like to run under cover of darkness (or whatever). Defensive fleet, revenge attacks, griefing, call it what you will. Bad, bad, bad (but read on to final paragraph).

    5 minute close timer was okay. 3 minute is probably better but I have no wish to see immediate close.

    Demasting is a legitimate tactic but was probably OP before ... but so are repairs. It sounds like this patch has shifted it wildly the other way now. Personally I prefer this but I'm not sure its best for the game.

    Solo PvP near enemy capitals is fine, but this is the one situation where you should fear enemy reinforcement. Perhaps there should be different battle entry or exit mechanisms within, say, 50km of a capital ... or perhaps within the county area (of the top of my head - I cannot think how far this extends). Not closing battles at all near capitals might be most appropriate.

    • Like 3
  7. I've now checked the econ changes. This is a preliminary assessment:

    7 hours ago, admin said:
    • Labor hour costs of repair rig materials became lower
    • Lower caliber guns costs were reduced 

    It is specifically Canvas Rolls and Planks (all woods) which have reduced labour hours. Canvas Rolls LH halves and Planks LH reduce by about 1/3.

    Crafted guns up to and including 18 lb have reduced material requirements. 4 lb medium and longs now use exactly half the materials they needed before. 18 lbers get a 10% reduction and intermediate sizes are reduced more or less in proportion. Charcoal Carronades have similar reductions. I have not checked shop prices.

    Some of the obscure refits change, but that's it so far as I can tell.

    I just hope I didn't run off 100 9lb longs last night before I logged. Bet I did though. Edit: I did :(.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, Smithy said:

    Is there anyway to see the loot tables of npc? is this something that the API would reveal?

    Loot tables are in the API, in the ItemTemplates file. I haven't tried parsing them since the wipe (and doubt I'll bother with it this time) and don't know if they are accurate or complete, but you could take a look. Search for MegaChaka.Services.Items.ShipLootTableItemTemplate

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, admin said:
    • Labor hour costs of repair rig materials became lower

    I read this as Rig Repairs LH cost becoming lower, which is an odd choice when Hull Repairs are far worse, but I might have misunderstood it. I'll have worked my way through the API in a few hours and see what you've actually done to econ.

    From a crafter's point of view, I'm a little disappointed by traders getting slower and the reduction in invisibility time, have no particular interest in carrying guns (but I'll look into it - I'm often transporting guns to market anyway - and I do like your 'baiting unprepared privateers' :D). I'm pleased by the longer (it is longer, isn't it?) delay to tagging when leaving battle.

    The furnishings change makes sense too, but I bet it won't put an end to players complaining about silver and gold distribution. 6 PvE Marks per furnishing (assuming you still get 50) might be a little high though.

    I cannot work out what 'Lower caliber guns costs were reduced' means. Have you reduced crafting requirements or the NPC price in the shop (or both)? Either is probably a good change and I'll find out soon enough.

    On the whole, all good stuff which I'm happy to try.

    • Like 1
  10. I dc'd in battle but only for a minute or two, and as far as I know my repairs were fine. Just as well as I needed a few rig repairs to escape the surprise I tagged the NPCs to escape from in the first place.

    Looks like it's only a problem with longer disconnects.

  11. 1 hour ago, Black Spawn said:

    sure. but there are like 5 identical Fir Plankings with the IDs pointing nowhere:

    {"__type":"MegaChaka.Services.Items.ModuleTemplate, MegaChaka","Modifiers":[{"Slot":"ARMOR_ALL_SIDES","MappingIds":["ARMOR_THICKNESS"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-4},{"Slot":"STRUCTURE","MappingIds":["SHIP_STRUCTURE_LEAKS_PER_SECOND"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":10},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["CREW_DAMAGE_RECEIVED_DECREASE_PERCENT"],"Absolute":-0.2,"Percentage":0},{"Slot":"STRUCTURE","MappingIds":["FIRE_INCREASE_RATE"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":2},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_MAX_SPEED"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":5},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["RUDDER_HALFTURN_TIME"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-1.75},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_TURNING_SPEED"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":1.75},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_PHYSICS_ACC_COEF"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":3},{"Slot":"ARMOR_ALL_SIDES","MappingIds":["MODULE_BASE_HP"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-5}],"scoreValue":9,"UsageType":"All","MaxItems":1,"Name":"Fir Planking","Id":1322,"PreventTeleport":true,"DropChanceReductionPerItem":0,"MaxStack":1,"ItemWeight":0,"BasePrice":1000,"SellPrice":{"x":0.100000001490116,"y":1},"BuyPrice":{"x":0.150000005960464,"y":1.5},"PriceReductionAmount":-1,"ConsumedScale":1.5,"NonConsumedScale":1,"PriceTierQuantity":2,"MaxQuantity":20,"SortingGroup":"module:speed_turn","SellableInShop":false,"CanBeSoldToShop":false,"ResetStockOnServerStart":false,"SellPriceCoefficient":0.5,"ItemType":"Module","MongoID":"1322","bIsBowFigure":false,"bCanBeSetWithSameType":false,"MinResourcesAmount":0,"MaxResourcesAmount":0,"BreakUpItemsAmount":0,"CanBeBreakedUp":"Anywhere","bCanBeBreakedUp":false,"MaxModulesCountOnShip":0,"ModuleType":"Hidden","ModuleLevel":"Universal","Limitation1_Value":0,"Limitation2_Value":0,"Limitation3_Value":0,"ShowInContractsSelector":false,"DeliveryOrderOptions":{"Valid":false,"StockSizeCraftExperience":0,"StockSize":0},"PortPrices":{"Valid":false,"Produced":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"Consumed":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"Regular":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"FullStackAmount":0,"FullStack":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"RandomPct":0,"RangePct":0}},
    {"__type":"MegaChaka.Services.Items.ModuleTemplate, MegaChaka","Modifiers":[{"Slot":"ARMOR_ALL_SIDES","MappingIds":["ARMOR_THICKNESS"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-4},{"Slot":"STRUCTURE","MappingIds":["SHIP_STRUCTURE_LEAKS_PER_SECOND"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":10},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["CREW_DAMAGE_RECEIVED_DECREASE_PERCENT"],"Absolute":-0.2,"Percentage":0},{"Slot":"STRUCTURE","MappingIds":["FIRE_INCREASE_RATE"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":2},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_MAX_SPEED"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":5},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["RUDDER_HALFTURN_TIME"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-1.75},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_TURNING_SPEED"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":1.75},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_PHYSICS_ACC_COEF"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":3},{"Slot":"ARMOR_ALL_SIDES","MappingIds":["MODULE_BASE_HP"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-5}],"scoreValue":9,"UsageType":"All","MaxItems":1,"Name":"Fir Planking","Id":1323,"PreventTeleport":true,"DropChanceReductionPerItem":0,"MaxStack":1,"ItemWeight":0,"BasePrice":1000,"SellPrice":{"x":0.100000001490116,"y":1},"BuyPrice":{"x":0.150000005960464,"y":1.5},"PriceReductionAmount":-1,"ConsumedScale":1.5,"NonConsumedScale":1,"PriceTierQuantity":2,"MaxQuantity":20,"SortingGroup":"module:speed_turn","SellableInShop":false,"CanBeSoldToShop":false,"ResetStockOnServerStart":false,"SellPriceCoefficient":0.5,"ItemType":"Module","MongoID":"1323","bIsBowFigure":false,"bCanBeSetWithSameType":false,"MinResourcesAmount":0,"MaxResourcesAmount":0,"BreakUpItemsAmount":0,"CanBeBreakedUp":"Anywhere","bCanBeBreakedUp":false,"MaxModulesCountOnShip":0,"ModuleType":"Hidden","ModuleLevel":"Universal","Limitation1_Value":0,"Limitation2_Value":0,"Limitation3_Value":0,"ShowInContractsSelector":false,"DeliveryOrderOptions":{"Valid":false,"StockSizeCraftExperience":0,"StockSize":0},"PortPrices":{"Valid":false,"Produced":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"Consumed":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"Regular":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"FullStackAmount":0,"FullStack":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"RandomPct":0,"RangePct":0}},
    {"__type":"MegaChaka.Services.Items.ModuleTemplate, MegaChaka","Modifiers":[{"Slot":"ARMOR_ALL_SIDES","MappingIds":["ARMOR_THICKNESS"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-4},{"Slot":"STRUCTURE","MappingIds":["SHIP_STRUCTURE_LEAKS_PER_SECOND"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":10},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["CREW_DAMAGE_RECEIVED_DECREASE_PERCENT"],"Absolute":-0.2,"Percentage":0},{"Slot":"STRUCTURE","MappingIds":["FIRE_INCREASE_RATE"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":2},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_MAX_SPEED"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":5},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["RUDDER_HALFTURN_TIME"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-1.75},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_TURNING_SPEED"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":1.75},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_PHYSICS_ACC_COEF"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":3},{"Slot":"ARMOR_ALL_SIDES","MappingIds":["MODULE_BASE_HP"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-5}],"scoreValue":9,"UsageType":"All","MaxItems":1,"Name":"Fir Planking","Id":1324,"PreventTeleport":true,"DropChanceReductionPerItem":0,"MaxStack":1,"ItemWeight":0,"BasePrice":1000,"SellPrice":{"x":0.100000001490116,"y":1},"BuyPrice":{"x":0.150000005960464,"y":1.5},"PriceReductionAmount":-1,"ConsumedScale":1.5,"NonConsumedScale":1,"PriceTierQuantity":2,"MaxQuantity":20,"SortingGroup":"module:speed_turn","SellableInShop":false,"CanBeSoldToShop":false,"ResetStockOnServerStart":false,"SellPriceCoefficient":0.5,"ItemType":"Module","MongoID":"1324","bIsBowFigure":false,"bCanBeSetWithSameType":false,"MinResourcesAmount":0,"MaxResourcesAmount":0,"BreakUpItemsAmount":0,"CanBeBreakedUp":"Anywhere","bCanBeBreakedUp":false,"MaxModulesCountOnShip":0,"ModuleType":"Hidden","ModuleLevel":"Universal","Limitation1_Value":0,"Limitation2_Value":0,"Limitation3_Value":0,"ShowInContractsSelector":false,"DeliveryOrderOptions":{"Valid":false,"StockSizeCraftExperience":0,"StockSize":0},"PortPrices":{"Valid":false,"Produced":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"Consumed":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"Regular":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"FullStackAmount":0,"FullStack":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"RandomPct":0,"RangePct":0}},
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    {"__type":"MegaChaka.Services.Items.ModuleTemplate, MegaChaka","Modifiers":[{"Slot":"ARMOR_ALL_SIDES","MappingIds":["ARMOR_THICKNESS"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-4},{"Slot":"STRUCTURE","MappingIds":["SHIP_STRUCTURE_LEAKS_PER_SECOND"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":10},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["CREW_DAMAGE_RECEIVED_DECREASE_PERCENT"],"Absolute":-0.2,"Percentage":0},{"Slot":"STRUCTURE","MappingIds":["FIRE_INCREASE_RATE"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":2},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_MAX_SPEED"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":5},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["RUDDER_HALFTURN_TIME"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-1.75},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_TURNING_SPEED"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":1.75},{"Slot":"NONE","MappingIds":["SHIP_PHYSICS_ACC_COEF"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":3},{"Slot":"ARMOR_ALL_SIDES","MappingIds":["MODULE_BASE_HP"],"Absolute":0,"Percentage":-5}],"scoreValue":9,"UsageType":"All","MaxItems":1,"Name":"Fir Planking","Id":1326,"PreventTeleport":true,"DropChanceReductionPerItem":0,"MaxStack":1,"ItemWeight":0,"BasePrice":1000,"SellPrice":{"x":0.100000001490116,"y":1},"BuyPrice":{"x":0.150000005960464,"y":1.5},"PriceReductionAmount":-1,"ConsumedScale":1.5,"NonConsumedScale":1,"PriceTierQuantity":2,"MaxQuantity":20,"SortingGroup":"module:speed_turn","SellableInShop":false,"CanBeSoldToShop":false,"ResetStockOnServerStart":false,"SellPriceCoefficient":0.5,"ItemType":"Module","MongoID":"1326","bIsBowFigure":false,"bCanBeSetWithSameType":false,"MinResourcesAmount":0,"MaxResourcesAmount":0,"BreakUpItemsAmount":0,"CanBeBreakedUp":"Anywhere","bCanBeBreakedUp":false,"MaxModulesCountOnShip":0,"ModuleType":"Hidden","ModuleLevel":"Universal","Limitation1_Value":0,"Limitation2_Value":0,"Limitation3_Value":0,"ShowInContractsSelector":false,"DeliveryOrderOptions":{"Valid":false,"StockSizeCraftExperience":0,"StockSize":0},"PortPrices":{"Valid":false,"Produced":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"Consumed":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"Regular":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"FullStackAmount":0,"FullStack":{"SellPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0},"BuyPrice":{"Min":0,"Max":0}},"RandomPct":0,"RangePct":0}},

    same goes for crew space.

    When it comes to coding and extracting i'd rather not hardcode but i guess there is no other way for now. :(

    You should see all the WHERE clauses I need to to get crafting costs and LH to make sense. Manual manipulation to force food to use fish meat and salt rather than the farm building I don't mind - it's one of the hazards of two BPs making the same thing, and I'd happily see more of that sort of stuff (a charcoal recipe with fir, for instance, as well as the one with oak) - but I have to manually strip out the compass wood BP and (iirc) the teak, bermuda, mahogany and live oak BPs as well.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Challenge said:

    Drake sacked it in 1586

    Henry Morgan had a go at it in 1668 with 460 men in 9 ships -- gaining about 100,000 pounds.

    In 1697 the Baron de Pointis with 2000 French Soldiers and about 1000 French buccaneers under Jean Baptiste du Casse took Cartagena with little resistance. Three of the massive forts surrendered or were abandoned by the Spanish. They were undermanned and under gunned because the Spanish believed the very threat of the forts would stop any planned incursion.

    The Spanish were loosing their hold on the Spanish Main for a very long time.

    The Spnaish drove off the English in 1741 thoiugh, eh?

    • Like 1
  13. The buy/sell problem occurs when trying to describe things in the forum. If I say 'the shop buys stone for 22' I think everyone understands what I mean. If I say 'the shop buy price is 22', then am I referring to the price the shop pays for stone or the price in the BUY column when looking at the shop UI? Consequently I try to be careful in when posting here to make sure my meaning is clear.

    But in game there is no confusion, so no change is needed.

    To me, 'bid' implies a competitive auction (which we don't have) and I haven't a clue what 'ask' might mean, but again it suggests some sort of negotiation whereas shop prices (at that moment in time) are fixed.

  14. 21 hours ago, qw569 said:


    The file (ItemTemplates*.json) have not ballast (id=2) in ship blueprints.

    This too is correct - sort of. Ballast is now part of trim - even white oak planing has a ballast component.

    The 'sort of' is because trim requirements aren't listed in the API at all (they never were, even before the wipe), something I too would love to see changed.. So far as I can tell, the ingredients for each are as follows (in csv format), with the multiplier being applied to ship mass. The the product isn't an integer, round down:

    Bermuda Planking,2,Ballast,0.04
    Bermuda Planking,1332,Bermuda Cedar Planks,0.11
    Crew Space,2,Ballast,0.03
    Crew Space,14,Oak Planks,0.1
    Crew Space,20,Canvas Rolls,0.04
    Crew Space,887,Provisions,0.02
    Fir Planking,2,Ballast,0.04
    Fir Planking,1333,Fir Planks,0.1
    Mahogany Planking,2,Ballast,0.03
    Mahogany Planking,1334,Mahogany Planks,0.13
    Oak Planking,2,Ballast,0.03
    Oak Planking,14,Oak Planks,0.17
    Sabicu Planking,2,Ballast,0.03
    Sabicu Planking,1335,Sabicu Planks,0.17
    Teak Planking,2,Ballast,0.03
    Teak Planking,1336,Teak Planks,0.14
    White Oak Planking,2,Ballast,0.02
    White Oak Planking,1337,White Oak Planks,0.19

  15. 39 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    If no players want to make business there - hear that traders ? kits needed in free towns. -  you can resort to attacking NPCs warships and loot them.

    All three repairs are flawed from a crafting perspective. This isn't necessarily wrong, but it's probably a large reason why there are so few on sale:

    • Hull repairs require insane amounts of LH: 6.8 each, meaning a crafter specialising in them can only make 145 a day. This won't go very far, especially as perhaps only 1 player in 20 makes more than just what they need themselves
    • Rig repairs are a better on LH (2 ea), but requiire insame amounts of hemp: 6 each, when a level 1 hemp plantation only makes 400 a day
    • Rum itself isn't bad. 0.11 LH and 0.44 sugar, but sugar plantations make so little, just 93 a day, and the other three ingredients are needed in such tiny quantities it seems wasteful to use three building slots for so little product.

    It's possible to set up a reasonable production line to make all three (as I posted below), but then you have a problem selling them. If you want to supply free towns, that's three sell contracts per port, you cannot teleport there to claim contrtacts, which may give you cashflow problems if you need the money from previous sales to be able to harvest materials for the next batch, and you can only have a maximum of 10 contracts at a time - so that's only three or four ports you can supply.


    • Like 3
  16. 11 hours ago, Yngvarr said:

    Yesterday, i only narrowly outran a pirate Surprise with my Trader Lynx.

    I was sailing on OW, 20 knots at 30-35 degrees against the wind, and that damned speed-modded Surprise was still closing with me at that angle.

    Which according to the sailing profiles, should not have been possible.

    How much were you carrying? And surely on OW you need to go much closer to the wind than that to beat a Surprise.

  17. 17 minutes ago, AngryPanCake said:


    By the way, thank you for adding this warning.

    Many a beginner lost money/cargo leaving a port without an Outpost, which was quite frustrating. Especially at the early stages of the game, when a player is painstakingly trying to build some funds and get his/her Naval Action world going.

    So again, thank you.

    Does it really say 'Are you sure you ready to leave port?'? It would be nice to have a verb:
    'Are you sure you are ready to leave port?'

    Also, the similar warnings about 'Hull Repairs items', 'Rig Repairs items' and 'Rum items' would read a lot better if they were simply 'Hull Repairs', 'Rig Repairs' and Rum'.


  18. You need to make ships - these are now the only items that give crafting XP.

    Ships are also the only items which need crafting XP, so it would not be too bad, except crafting XP still determines you maximum stored labour - 1000 labour hours for level 0, which is one day's generation.

    If you do start building ships, then traders lynxes (fir/fir planking) give the most xp per labour hour, can be built at crafting level 0 and are also in high demand (you'll need 30 PvE marks for the blueprint), but setting up for shipbuilding is expensive.

  19. On 17/05/2017 at 3:35 PM, Powderhorn said:

    Hey all, in the latest hotfix notes, a couple of you have mentioned typos or things otherwise awkwardly phrased.  I fear they'll get lost in the bustle, so instead, could you post them here?

    Two minor things which irritate me:

    • When exiting port and clicking on another ship, you see the message 'You can't attack him for x more seconds'
      While not wrong, English is fraught with problems where gender and number are concerned. Players may be male or female and if it is an NPC it may be one ship (traditionally 'her') or a fleet. Fortunately, the 'him' does not appear to be specific (you cannot attack any ship, not just this particular one), so it can be omitted.
      'You can't attack for x more seconds'
    • When looking at contracts in the the shop, each has the message 'Contract will be expired in x days'
      This too isn't wrong - it's the passive voice - but it strongly suggests some external agent coming along in x days' time to kill the contract, rather than the contract expiring all by itself when it reaches the end of its 15 day lifespan.
      'Contract will expire in x days'

    Not typos, but since I am here, can you put hull repairs, rig repairs and rum in the Consumables category in the shop? The first two are in materials and rum is in resources>food. They are in the Consumables category in the Craft menu.

    • Like 1
  20. Just now, Amendus said:

    So I had a character on PVP1, wipe came, still owned it. then deleted it because I was told you could change name after wipe. 
    recreated a character, had 3 redeemables but lost the exp one. (did not use it)

    You had a character on PvP1, wipe came, you then deleted the character on PvP-EU without redeeming XP, created a new character and you only have the forged papers and yacht? Sounds like you should F11 it.

    Most old players will by now have had 9 redeeemables (xp, cxp, 2x forged papers. 50 PvE marks and 4x ships), and yacht owners will have a 10th, all of which (as I understand it) are meant to stay with the account if you delete your character after the wipe. Any which haven't yet been redeemed should appear on the new character.

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  21. 10 minutes ago, Amendus said:

    So I created a new character after the wipe, but the only redeemables I have are the yacht, and the 2 forged papers?

    I tought exp was also a redeemable if im correct?

    Yes, but 'created a new character' probably indicates you didn't have a character on that server before the wipe, in which case you don't get combat or crafting XP. I have no idea what the rules are for the redeemable ships.

    The old PvP1 server became PvP EU, PvP2 became PvP Global and PvE stayed as PvE. You should find redeemables (and your old character) on whatever server(s) you played on before the wipe.

  22. 10 minutes ago, qw569 said:


    You turned off contracts in enemy ports and forgot to say about this. :)

    But i hope it's bug.


      Reveal hidden contents


    I tried to put contract for buy Provision in Spanish town and got message
    Can't place contract in enemy port




    I thought it was always like this. While I would like to see contracts in enemy ports, I can understand it not being appropriate. After all, international trade should be what free towns are for.

  23. I think it's because your ship is moving so you or your camera angle falls out of 'x' range.

    I reckon the speed/distance/orientation thing is too restrictive. It isn't like boarding when the two ships need to be right next to each other. You'd send a boat to inspect and salvage goods from a foundered vessel.

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