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Everything posted by Aquillas

  1. Je ne vais pas entrer dès maintenant dans les débats qui seront ouverts jeudi. Pour le moment, il va de soi que les systèmes d'alliances des différents clan peuvent aussi être considérés comme des forces. Pourquoi ne laisserions nous pas Anglais et Espagnols se disputer en Louisiane ? En visant une espèce de status quo là bas? Également, un des buts de jeudi sera d'entendre (et de ne pas couper la parole) aux joueurs qui ne sont d'aucun clan. Que ce soit dans le système d'alliances des CBC ou dans les grosses guildes comme les EDR, on ne les entend que très peu. Leur opinion m'interesse, c'est un crime? Louis, d'accord avec toi, vive le PvP.
  2. Je savais bien qu'on partait de très loin...
  3. Merci @Maculosa, et effectivement, nos alliances sont loin d'être unifiées pour le moment... Il faut le prendre avec le sourire pour avancer. Pour ma part et également à titre personnel mais je sais que mon opinion est largement partagée, j'ai eu quelques combats avec les DNP (notamment Darkjoker), toujours très "fun" et très courtois (voir mon site Youtube). Avec les VLTRA et HYDRA, il s'agit plus de RvR que de PvP. Nous avons eu de nombreuses batailles, notamment à Mobile et en aurons certainement d'autres... C'est un jeu de guerre non? Ces batailles ont toujours été respectueuses et exemptes de tout troll de part et d'autre. Mobile est un port difficile à prendre, sa géographie avantage les défendeurs et c'est très bien comme çà car ce port est pour les EDR une occasion formidable d'entrainement et d'améliorations (équipements, hommes et techniques). Je l'espère sincèrement, également pour les Espagnols. Comme quoi on peut avoir des combats sans transformer ses adversaires en ennemis irréductibles... J'ai autant d'amis chez les Anglais que chez les Espagnols, les Danois ou les Suédois. Pour certains d'entre eux, l'amitié s'est établie à coups de canons, c'est tout. Sur Naval Action, l'avenir doir rester ouvert, le moyen terme, c'est dans un mois!
  4. Let’s try again! Second try after this attempt made by @Desmoines, so much trolled that I prefer starting a new topic. http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/23239-appel-%C3%A0-lunion-des-escadres-fran%C3%A7aises/ Thanks to him for having tried! Considering that: This reconstruction can start now. To be more accurate and go to the facts, it is necessary that the organization of the French faction IG rises again, or can be born again after the end of the CNSF that only our most ancient players have known. The term “French nation” is voluntarily not used here to avoid nationalist wandering. Some of our players, not enough for sure, are not French. @Vil Coyote re-launched the idea (thanks to him), just before indicating that he would not put the fingers in that mess (“pot of pus”, as literally translated from French). LOL, boiled cats fear hot water! Several EDR players pushed me this week-end on our TeamSpeak, for putting again my fingers in this pot of pus. A few months ago, there was a free discussion between players, when coming back from the Pampatar Port Battle. I was notably asked to organize some inter-clan meetings, aiming that at least, players speak together. Attempt rapidly “burnt”… Factual start point: The problem of the French faction relates to a dispute between EDR clan and CBC, MRF and ER clans, other clans joining then the dispute, without knowing exactly why. This dispute has its origin in "this", "that" and "something else". Please feel free for replacing "this", "that" and "something else" with what you prefer, this doesn't matter really. The dispute subjects died a long time ago. The alliance system of the French clans is not unified: VLTRA declared war to EDR while CBC, MRF and ER are allied with them, EDR are allied with the main English clans while CBC, MRF and ER would like to be at war with them, ACR are allied with Danes but Danes are every day in front of Fort Royal, entering in the battles launched by our new players, etc. No clan will give up his alliance system. This will therefore not be asked as a prerequisite. Currently, no French clan is able to win a PB. No French clan has currently players enough to align both a PB fleet and a serious screen fleet. Several players of some clans would refuse to fight with some other players or other clans. However, they know that this is stupid. Our recent players do not understand anything anymore. Some keep silent, others howl with the wolves (as described by @Vil Coyote). The French population in game is split in dozens of small clans (3 or 4 players), each making its own choices between mates. We have no more unique TS server, and not even an exhaustive list of TeamSpeak and Discord servers used by French clans. The Supreme Chiefs of other nations are laughing... This war of clans already made many victims among the French players. Even the Supreme Chiefs of other nations stop laughing... Proposition: The French faction IG shall put in place a consultative Council, with no real power in a first time, but which would be a place for players to speak together. This council shall be open to all French players, in clans or independent players. The Council shall be future oriented. This is not the right place for settling each other’s old scores. No council decision shall be imposed to clans (in a first time, the council will decide nothing, except at unanimity). The geographic location of clans shall remain their own choices, including local alliances to reinforce there (British alliance for EDR, Spanish alliance for CBC, Danish alliance for ACR, etc.) In case for unanimity only, the Council can formally declare a war to another nation. This is not on today’s agenda. Mutual clan trolling shall no more be tolerated by clan leaders and officers (even joking). Organization of the French faction in battle: Even among a declared war, no clan can impose another clan to participate to some offensive battle. But no French clan can fight against another one, attacking its allies or his screen: the French faction does not fight against itself. This goes far beyond the “green on green” interdiction. Multiple port battles are strongly discouraged. We don't have the means to split our forces. French clans must altogether participate to all defensive battles, joining in separated battle groups if necessary (that should be avoided as far as possible). In principle, if a PB fleet is incomplete, screen captains shall enter in PB on kind demand of the PB fleet leader. The organisation files for PB (captain presence registration, fleet composition, etc.) shall be indicated in advance on forums or on a shared file on a confidential Internet room. The only thing is to prevent the enemy party to read it, which should be easily solved. Organisation of the French consultative Council: I declare myself as the Supreme Chief of all the Francs. The other Supreme Chiefs are laughing. This will be the birthday present of @Eleazar de Damas (in game on December 6th, 2016). Really, this is not a present… A first “France Meeting” will be soon organised, on Thursday 14th of December at 22:00, on the TeamSpeak server ts3.navalaction-france.com (the one on which I can usually be found). All players sailing with the French flag are invited. This time delay should allow to warn the many French players who never visit any forum. Thanks for promoting the “France Meeting” on the nation chat "In Game" and in your clans. There a long way to go, we will have hard and discouraging moments. Everyone’s willingness will be necessary.
  5. C’est reparti ! Deuxième essai après la tentative précédente de @DesMoines, tellement "trollée" que je préfère repartir sur un topic neuf. http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/23239-appel-%C3%A0-lunion-des-escadres-fran%C3%A7aises/ Merci à lui d’avoir essayé ! Attendu que : Il est possible que cette reconstruction commence.. Pour être plus exact et aller au fait, il est nécessaire que cette organisation de la "faction France IG" prenne enfin vie, ou plutôt ressuscite après la fin du CNSF que seuls les joueurs les plus anciens ont connu. Le mot de “nation France” n’a pas été utilisé ici, volontairement, pour éviter les errances nationalistes. Certains de nos joueurs, pas assez sans doute, ne sont pas Français. @Vil Coyote a relancé l’idée (merci !) avant d’indiquer qu’il ne mettra pas les doigts dans le pot de pus. MDR, chat échaudé craint l’eau chaude ! Plusieurs joueurs EDR m’en avaient parlé également ce Week-End, me demandant de remettre les doigts dedans. Il y a quelques mois, nous en avions parlé librement au retour de la PB de Pampatar, entre joueurs de différents clans. Il m’avait été notamment demandé d’organiser quelques points inter-clans pour qu’au moins, les joueurs se parlent. Tentative rapidement "cramée"… Point de départ factuel : Le problème de la faction France est lié à une dispute entre le clan EDR et les clans CBC, MRF et ER, d’autres clans rejoignant ensuite sans trop savoir pourquoi. Cette dispute a pour origine “ceci”, “cela” et “autre chose”. Je vous laisse libre de remplacer “ceci”, “cela” et “autre chose” par ce que vous voulez, ça n’a aucune importance. Les sujets sont morts depuis longtemps. Le système d’alliances des clans français n’est pas unifié : les VLTRA ont déclaré la guerre aux EDR alors que les CBC, MRF et ER sont alliés avec eux. Les EDR sont alliés avec les principaux clans Anglais alors que les CBC, MRF et ER voudraient être en guerre contre eux, les ACR sont alliés aux Danois mais les Danois sont quotidiennement face à Fort-Royal à entrer dans les batailles de nos nouveaux joueurs, etc. Aucun clan ne renoncera à son système d’alliance. Ceci ne leur sera donc pas demandé comme condition de départ. Aucun clan français n’est actuellement capable de gagner une PB. Aucun clan français n’a actuellement l’effectif pour aligner à la fois une flotte de PB et une flotte de screen sérieuse. Plusieurs joueurs de certains clans refuseraient de combattre aux côtés de certains autres joueurs ou de certains autres clans. Ils savent pourtant que c’est idiot. Nos joueurs récents n’y comprennent plus rien. Certains se taisent, d’autres hurlent avec les loups (comme décrit par @Vil Coyote) La population française du jeu est divisée en des dizaines de petits clans (de 3 ou 4 joueurs), chaque clan faisant ses propres choix entre copains. Nous n’avons plus de TS unique, ni de liste des TS ou réseaux Discord utilisés par les différents clans français. Les Chefs Suprêmes des autres nations rigolent. Cette guerre des clans a déjà fait de nombreuses victimes parmi les joueurs français. Même les Chefs Suprêmes des autres nations ne rigolent plus. Proposition : La faction France du jeu doit réunir un conseil consultatif, n’ayant dans un premier temps aucun pouvoir, mais qui permettra aux joueurs de se parler. Ce conseil sera ouvert à tous les joueurs français, qu’ils soient en clans ou indépendants. Le Conseil sera orienté vers l’avenir. Ce n’est pas un lieu pour régler ses vieux comptes. Aucune décision du conseil ne sera imposée aux clans (puisqu’au moins dans un premier temps, le conseil ne décidera de rien, sauf à l’unanimité). La répartition géographique des clans sur la carte restera de leur propre choix, y compris les alliances locales pour s’y maintenir (alliance anglaise des EDR, alliance espagnole des CBC, alliance danoise des ACR, etc.) En cas d’unanimité seulement, il appartiendra au Conseil consultatif de déclarer la guerre à une autre nation. Ceci n’est pas à l’ordre du jour actuel. Le "troll" mutuel entre clans ne sera plus toléré par les leaders de chaque clan et leurs officiers (même sur le ton de la blague). Organisation de la faction France en bataille : Même dans le cadre de ces guerres "déclarées", aucun clan ne pourra imposer à un autre de participer à telle ou telle bataille offensive. Mais un clan français ne pourra s’opposer à un autre clan français en attaquant ses alliés du jour ou son screen : la faction France ne se bat pas contre elle-même. Ceci va bien au-delà de l’interdit des combats "green on green". Les PB multiples sont fortement déconseillées. On n’a pas les moyens de diviser nos forces. Les clans français dans leur ensemble doivent participer à toutes les batailles défensives de ports français, quitte à se battre dans des "battle-groups" différents, ce qui devra tout de même être évité. En principe, si la flotte de PB n’est pas complète, les capitaines de screen devront rentrer en bataille sur demande du leader de PB. Les fichiers de préparation des PB (enregistrement des capitaines présents, composition des flottes, etc.) devront être indiqués d’avance sur les forums ou sur une feuille partagée sur un espace Internet confidentiel. La difficulté à contourner sera de garder le secret par rapport à nos ennemis potentiels. Rien d’insurmontable. Organisation du Conseil consultatif français : Je me déclare chef suprême de tous les Francs. Les autres Chefs Suprêmes rigolent. Ceci sera le cadeau d’anniversaire de @Eleazar de Damas (arrive en jeu le 06 décembre 2016). Ce n’est pas un cadeau… Une première "Réunion France" sera donc organisée prochainement, le jeudi 14 décembre à 22h00, sur le serveur TeamSpeak ts3.navalaction-france.com (celui sur lequel je suis habituellement). Tous les joueurs sous pavillon français y sont invités. Ce délai d’une semaine permettra de prévenir les nombreux joueurs qui ne sont présents sur aucun forum. Merci d’en faire la promotion sur le chat nation "In Game" et dans vos clans respectifs. Nous partons de très loin, il y aura des moments très durs et très décourageants. La bonne volonté de chacun est nécessaire.
  6. Trading is my main activity in game and I rarely ask for an escort. Otherwise, I would require a permanent escort and this would rapidly bore the escort captains, for seeing no activity, The main protection of a trader sailing outside protected areas is the information that you can get in the nation chat or through the team speak. Most of the time, it is enough, for times to times, you are ganked (I lots my two Indianmen last Saturday, on an 1v5 fight. I have been using them during 2 months without problem, fair enough for me). The trader, when not being smuggling, should sail an escort ship (Surprise, Hermione, etc.), which would help saving the traders when attacked. The traders are in fleet. Obviously, too much diversity in ships must be avoided, escorting two trader Lynx with a Brig is committing suicide, having in fleet a Le Gros Ventre and a privateer are fatal errors often seen in OW. On chats, the information must be complete to be useful for trader: Number of enemy ships, Nationality Position Heading. And from times to times, you can use your traders as a trap for gankers, with the complicity of some PvP players... Avenging the trader's patience... On other times, you loose your traders, but you have fun!
  7. Or may be (but I don't know of this would be easy or not to implement in game), the BR to be limited all along the fight goes, defenders and attackers being able to replace sunk IA or comrades, up to the limits of 25 players in total (excluding IA's), The PB battle rating limit can never be over reach, Players fleets kept out of battle (as done in PB's), 90 minutes (please avoid endless battles).
  8. Fun on the horizon! Pull up the anchor and load all canons with double charge!
  9. Yes of course, good captains will always win, and good tactics too. What I was just insisting on is that today, the best tactic is to have in PB the 25 ships, otherwise you cannot take the circles. 25 ships lower than the right BR are better that 10 ships with the BR. One pickle is one ship in circle, one Victory too!
  10. @GreasyMnky, very well done! And this proves that a lone Ship of the Line without repairs enough, even sailing for PVE, is just a target.
  11. The PB results and tactics will be different, I hope soon, when the control of circles will be made per BR superiority rather that per number of ships. Today (or yesterday), three pickles are taking a circle controlled by two Victories... This is really limiting the options given to PB leaders for choosing their fleet: the number of ships gives the victory, the power of ships might go to defeat... Interesting in a game such chess, but I would contest it in Naval Action! But for sure, this will be corrected as soon as ship BR shall be reviewed!
  12. Thanks. I propose to close this topic, to prevent "bad" answers to this fair and sensible position.
  13. On the 24th of October, some captains from the EdR clan were trying to set-up hostility in Fort-Dauphin. Some Danish captains entered in the fight, to try to prevent Frenchs to do it. This is fully fair and normal in a combat game. But some pirates, from the [RUBLI] clan came in too, most of them in Danish side, and one of them in the French side. And in fact, this player “Gameover”, fought for Danes, being under the French flag. He was very few shot by Danes, and ended the fight almost intact, all other French players being captured or sunk. He helped another player (Moscalb) to capture a Wasa. Gameover pushed a French player (Chateaugiron) in the Wind to reduce his speed, then Moscalb boarded Chateaugiron. I think that the other Danish players ("real" Danes and not pirates) were not organizers of this cheating trap, they just kept some advantage on it. But the green to green by pirates was fully intentional and prepared (one on French side, the others on Danish side). This is clearly cheating, and strictly prohibited by the rules of the game. I was not in this fight, but I tried and organized the collection of "proofs", to be sure that elements would be sufficient and clear for this tribunal. Screenshots were not clear enough to show this kind of green on green but fortunately, one of our Young captains, sunk during early stage of the battle, came back from afk and registered what he saw when coming back. It took me some evenings to translate and place subtitles in the right place. Here below the "dossier".
  14. In fact, instead of eliminating nations, it probably would be more constructive to eliminate clans inside a nation. I do not understand what the PB made by clans, cities hold by clans and related that gives positive, but I know a lot of players (including me) who are upset of clan rivalries and impossibility to play Naval Action if not being in a clan (might be lived as hostage of the clan mechanics). I heard yesterday a well know and fair captain questioning himself about going on playing NA or not. He is playing NA from the very beginning, when the player base was 60 players... But, why going on now? Only solution to survive, according to him, is to forget all related to the role play: we are hostages of clan ==> we must forget nations. Some "fake" clans are created in game, joining players who do not want to join a clan, but who'd like to make RvR. Maybe, this is the best solution, but the tax mechanics would rapidly kill this solution if all players do it... So that for me, clan solution means no solution...
  15. We can still remember the fun we got and gave, I hope, in Little River... The best memory being the day when I lost an Agamemnon vs a Bubu, a Connie who was obliged to run away and a Belle Poule. This was when I was a young flag captain... Long time ago!
  16. That might be true. Off topic, but true. For more content, and something looking like, I hope, to previous flag mechanism, could it be possible to have at least a first attempt of raids?
  17. Interesting but do you mean: - one PB per nation and per day or one PB per clan and per day ? (To be noted that the first case would place all PB's at 5pm server time) - do you consider that a nation or a clan cannot attack more than once a day or that a nation or a clan cannot be attacked more than once a day?
  18. Reducing the armament for increasing the hold. I sometimes read the term "adventurer" for this kind of ship, not really trader, nor war ship, nor privateer, but something like a high-speed merchant ship, for special purposes or for liaisons.
  19. In another post, I propossed this: The main qualities of the Belle Poule was a very good manoeuvrability (as most of French designed war ships) and a capacity to bump cannon balls to the sea due to the form of her hull. This is not reflected in game, and the Belle Poule is in game less performing than a Surprise, probably main reason why this ship is almost unused by players. See the complete discussion and the calculation file here: Topic: Proposition-for-new-brs
  20. Good job. I tried and made similar BR proposal, which gave similar results. May Belle Poule and Wappen BR should be reduced.
  21. The old boy is simply too fed up to come here. I wrote for him what necessary. Let Admins decide now.
  22. Just to setup a little bit the context (I am not sure that Aria's level is English allows him even to read this topic.) What I know is: CDC refused to help us in all our last flips or PB's. We (EdR clan) helped the CBC clan when they flip their two last PB. We were present for the PB themselves (see YouTube records by Rediii or Tac). CDC were present besides their beloved Danish and Spanish clans to fight against our allies in the Biloxi PB… This does not give excuses for a green to green battle, but this might at least give explanation and extenuating circumstances. I just note that Henry Fouchet did not questioned himself when Aria told him that the BURN clan was allied to France for this PB screen… Personally now, and engaging my own opinion only, I am upset of the behavior or some pseudo French clans: more keen to find and blame EdR (guilty of existing), always complaining if the nation is no for their service only, never seen when others interests are involved (I asked them to help us in Pampatar, they refused) preferring to help our enemies that to stay al least neutral when, for some reasons, things are not in full accordance with their preferences… And if, for having this opinion, I must be banned from anything and any time, I accept this in advance. Having opinions, and staying in accordance with these opinions have for me more importance than staying stuck in a chair and complaining on others. Having a fair attitude with my nation is game is more important than blaming and crying all day long.
  23. That's a fact that the apparition of the Wasa pushed away from PvP many other types used before. And not only in the 4th rate range. Do you see Renos anymore? No, Wasas took the place. I think that all ships should have their strength and weaknesses. In the present choice set, all plyers will soon use only basic cutters, Surprise (the only ship that can escape a Wasa) Wasa and Ocean. I love Aggies and Belle Poule. I know that in these ships, I am just a target.
  24. In this Pacific area, PB times could be adapted to eastern sunrise. Suez Canal is not mandatory, transfers can be made by tow requests between two free towns on both sides of Panama.
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