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Everything posted by Aquillas

  1. Preview of new French beatches. France is going to be the next Zerg.
  2. Felix Victor est d'accord pour qu'on reprenne les données de son site (ce qui est largement fait, avec son autorisation formelle, dans le User Guide). Il est de mon clan au Danemark. Il est toutefois normal de citer ses sources, surtout celles qui sont susceptibles d'être mises à jour. @Citoyen, merci!
  3. I don't know if this should be easy or not to code an area on ships to place a player customized ship bow art... or even...
  4. @admin Thanks Is it planned to get the Pandora as DLC redeemable for our new copies? And for new players.
  5. You forgot the air density, the wind direction, and the temperature.
  6. I tried to understand and to search what about Poncelet and Didion, but I did not get it... Sorry. What exactly is equal to (12*1.1513*W)/(32.2*kA*D*D) * LOG(1 + (V/kB)*(V/kB)) ?
  7. I guess the speeds here above are given in feet per second... From that, just a matter of energy calculations: the energy of the ball (kinetic energy), compared to the energy of the energy of the hull (potential energy). The simplest one is the energy of the ball: E1= m v² / 2, where m is the mass of the ball (pd/0.454),and v the impact speed of the ball (in meters per second) The potential energy of the hull resistance is proportional to the cylinder to be dug in the hull. This cylinder is disformed by the impact angle, its length is equal to thick / cos(angle). Its diameter is impacted by angle too. It is equal to the ball diameter divided by cos(angle). The ball diameter can be calculated, assuming the density of steel (7.8), knowing that the volume of a sphere is equal to 0.75 x pi x r3, we get pd= 7.8 x 0.75 x pi x (d/2)^^3, thus d= (8 x pd / 7.8 / 0.75 / pi)^^(1/3). So, we have The ball energy = K1 x pd x (impact_speed)². The hull energy = K2 x pound^^(1/3) x thick / cos²(angle). K1 and K2 to be balanced, and maybe adding some randomisation (hull being weaken by previous impact that did penetrate or not, presence of structural wood at the impact location, etc)
  8. May be, attacking and efending the necessary trader convoys for earning such money... Let's see development in game.
  9. We could need more permits in loots and chests, or less ships with permits. This can be adjusted easily if necessary.
  10. This will create gameplay for frigates and smaller ships. It's strange and not historical to see in Open World way more 1st rates than LGV's, more Indiamen than brigs, etc. Maybe, it was strange and not historical to see in Open World way more 1st rates than LGV's, more Indiamen than brigs, etc.
  11. Hey @Frosty, I have enough friends playing French to know that they have fun there. I personally play Prussian from times to times... It's fun.
  12. And as the fourth option is totally improper and oriented, I can't answer. I would have answered: 4- No wipe.
  13. No more wipe. No map wipe, for not having to spend evening after evening chasing HDF for flags. No XP wipe. Useless grinding No ship wipe. No building wipe. Useless grinding again. No port wipe, especially those who were developed, by long efforts... A total wipe with present mechanics would mean neutral map for several weeks (the time for people will grind XP enough for sailing first rates to go for flags).
  14. Have a look here in the game user guide, this should help: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/33234-naval-action-user-guide/
  15. If you come in Denmark/Norway, you will be welcome in Sons of Bastards BSTD clan. Just send a message in nation chat. An officer should answer @MassimoSud, @Felix Victor, @Frosty
  16. Never mind, the dog is cat's alt...
  17. Thanks, I got trapped twice. First time, two weeks ago, when "cleaning" some locust ships , too slow for PVP. Then I replaced teak/WO by Bermuda/WO, more efficient for small ships in PVP. I suicided some Burmu/Bermu ships to get space on my docks, attacking any target (my prince vs Panda + Prince + LGV). Pixel suicide is fun! I hope that my present meta for small ships (Bermu/WO) seasoned will stay usable. 😉
  18. Thanks for this remark. It will be corrected.
  19. This is not the main concern I see. When I attack a trader with fleet, I never sink (up to now) the NPC fleet, because most traders immediately order them to retreat and do not use them in fight. And whatever the result of the fight, I don't reattack the survivors. But sometimes the trader can escape, but some do not check that the fleet did escape before them. And all the NPC fleet is lost. Useless for the hunter and hurting the trader for no reason.
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