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Everything posted by Aquillas

  1. So, welcome in France to @Raxius, @Christendom, to VCO and to all who'd like to join. You will have fun, for sure. And when you don't find it, go and take it! Even if what can be read above here from your old mates is not always positive, we got similar warning before the arrival of WO & BLANC... They found their place around Fort Royal and la Nouvelle-Orleans, whatever and sometimes in spite of the French Council. Remember that freedom is engraved on the French genome. Half of the messages in the French chat are now written in English. We need more! Maybe reading something in French from Christendom! Do you want PvP? Join France!
  2. Just open the gameplay to all playing preferences, open it to independent players, add more stuff for sale (present quantities are self limiting the server population to 500, such teak and WO), add some in game diplomatic system to remove nation civil wars, harassment of some nations, and at the contrary players changing some nation for lack of RvR, add again trading missions, ... Please open the game!
  3. Yes a contract in which the "buyer" should define the ship type and the woods to be used, the price in gold and combat marks (which should be simplified with the nexr currency system in dollars and "pièces of 8".
  4. As long as there will be no real diplomatic tool in game, alliances with remain very weak, subject to rogue actions and contested in nations. "Bon courage" to those who put their fingers in.
  5. These books are usefull for PVP players, but only PVE relentless players can get them out of randomised pop of rare books. Contradiction, or forced team work?
  6. Hey! This post is about how to keep new players in game, not on how to chase them more rapidly. A real new player cannot do the final exam. Listen to the video posted by Rediii about “how to pass the final exam” (https://youtu.be/vPMsMv51lR4). Some guy asked his cousin to do the tutorial. The cousin got stucked to the dismasting exam and was unable to go further. I made a test. I opened a brand new account. With this account, I made no combat mission and no fleet mission. I made PvP patrol missions and I attacked IA fleets in KPR, Belize and shallow patrol mission areas. I limited my ships to the 7th rate only. In around 30 hours, I was M/C, without trying to promote as rapidly as possible (I made trade, set-up buildings and began crafting). So, I think that a real new player can go to Master and Commander in 50 hours around. But really, I don’t think that he could complete the final exam with 50 hours in game. If the final exam is a mandatory for progressing to Master and Commander, new players would stay stuck in Cerberus and most of them would leave the game even more rapidly. If we want to keep new players in game, adding more steps in the he initiatory route is not the way to go!
  7. This adjustment was just proposed because PvP is more risky than PVE. You are not sunk so often in PVE, maybe in one fight over 100. In PvP, the loss rate is very big.
  8. If nations are kept on... What I know is I have 4 accounts in two nations. One is in a clan: it is a second job (diplomacy, farming, keeping the clan perfusion on, etc.). The three others are fun.
  9. I don't agree on a clan based system. What about independent players? Are they to leave the game too? What about new players? Will they be brought at random to some clan? What about languages? This would reduce again the player base, simply.
  10. For limiting the number and the use of 1st rates everywhere and for no reason (for instance, in Patrol areas), I would propose that player XP is renamed player Reputation. And this Reputation should be able to increase, just like presently, or to decrease in the case of ship loss. But not the same cost for any ship class. Loosing a 1st rate would remove 1/2 of the Reputation, Loosing a 2nd rate would remove 1/3 of the Reputation, Loosing a 3rd rate would remove 1/4 of the Reputation, Loosing a 4th rate would remove 1/6 of the Reputation, Loosing a 5th rate would remove 1/10 of the Reputation, Loosing a 6th rate would remove 1/25 of the Reputation, Loosing a 7th rate would remove 1/100 of the Reputation, or nothing. Reputation increase in PvP being 3 or 4 times the PVE gain for the same kill, assist or damage (for not discouraging the PvP). This would be more historical, this would reduce the number of 1st rates used for no reason, and this would keep back importance of lighter ships.
  11. We all make the same observation: Few new players are staying in game. Some veterans are leaving. Veterans leaving is normal. At a moment in game, you may try and discover another game, and then come back or not in the first one. The leaving veterans should be replaced by new players. For new players, the debate is open from years, with always the same conclusion: first, something is open to make the newbies life more easy, then hardcore PvP players complain that they need more easy kills (they don’t write it that way, they claim for nerfing safe zones, in surface or in protection feature, or how to “force” players to PvP, etc.) Newbies quit the game silently, we never hear them. They try Naval Action, don’t meet immediate success, and leave. Sometimes, they rage quit and a shout can be read in the nation chat. But most of them simply quit. I know that I will be trolled because of the previous sentence, (“PvP players complain that they need more easy kills”), but let me insist on the second point: New player try, don’t meet immediate success, and leave. Our civilization is linked to immediate things, we now have the habit of getting no delay in nothing (I want it and I want it now!) So in fact, and whatever safe zones are, the real solution is not there, not in this permanent balance PVE/PvP. Maybe, for keeping newbies in game, we need a specific content for newbies. New players should meet some immediate success. For example, some quests to be taken in the port tavern or admiralty (go to this port, deliver something there, build this ship, purchase that quantity of goods and bring it to your capital warehouse, etc.) quests type and difficulty increasing with the player rank. May-be, these quests should have to be completed to pass to the next rank, with something easier that the present final exam (in immediate success, the word “success” is really important too). And, by completing these quests, the new player meets immediate success and he is granted “something”, plus the next rank. And he would be really wishing to make the next quest, staying in game. The first quest should be very easy (such as go to somewhere), the last but one to earn some PvP Marks, the last one to earn a “lord protector” nomination in RvR (by the way, the new player did enlist a clan).
  12. Good idea to create content. And an alternative when clans turn to nightmares.
  13. I would agree only if you can join again if you did not repair in Open World and if you did not enter into a port (for repairing) in between. To avoid evident exploit.
  14. Same negative opinion (could someone sacrifies and post a single yes?) Live oak and white oak cannot be found equally easily by all nations. This should limit strongly the 1st rate constructibility for some natons/clans/players. The Victory mark bottleneck scourge is now cleared off and 1st rates are no more limited to the three top RvR nations (killing the other nations), why introducing another limitation? If this is for historical reasons, just think that in real life, most of ships were just fishing boats, most of others traders with an handfull of 4 and 6 lbs guns. So if we wish to be historical, let's all sail traders snows (oak/fir) with 8 small guns each, 30 sailors and no marines...
  15. I would appreciate pirate dens. Including capabilities for nations to attack there for sacking (getting dollars and pieces of eight), or ravaging (destroy or capture ships) or looting (get back upgrades). This function could also be added to other ports, including uncapturable capitals.
  16. If all contracts are clan controlled (either to open a limitation to Friendly clan, or to the nation only), this could increase the RvR battles, but just for an handfull of ports. This will also make the strongest nation even more strong, which will distroy RvR, this "above all" nation being in fact invicible for smaller ones. This would be totally in contradiction with the introduction of new nations (most of them dedicated to PvP), and this will be the death sentence for the smaller ones. If contracts are open to friendly clans only, this will send independant players to a choice (go to a clan in spite of not really willing to, or play with another disadvantage, or play Something else when they will be bored of other options). I opened another account than "Eleazar". This account is up to now very fun. At @admin, please don't kill this fun!
  17. Solving that is uneasy, because, limiting the contract to friendly clans wil enhance the clan wars Inside nations (that kind of war do not provide any fun to players) and this would put another limitation to independent players (I am not sure that pulling them out of the game is the best for our community). Contracts allow some players and some clans to accumulate useless fortunes. A player was locked because his fortune reached more than 2.2 billions golds, and wanting to earn even more, he got -2.2 billions. LOL-LOL-LOL! What is the use of such accumulation? For him, for other players, for his clan, for the game fun? Just for him, perhaps. I do think this kind of players are a calamity for their own nation. They lock everything, every where and try do to it more, on of them told me "I what to take control of trade". I think this kind of guy sould play something else than Naval Action. So maybe, let's limit clan and personal fortunes (100M are widely enough), and as you wrote above, let's allow more outposts and more buildings per player, the manhour limitation per day should be enough for keeping behaviors fair. As fair as necessary for a war game! In another word, let's give more fun to players also with trading. With more fun, we will have more players, and from that more fun, and from that more players, etc.
  18. All woods should grow in plantations, with more or less production/productivity, not falling from hell or heaven. NA should be a war game, not a speculation simulator. Victory should come from strategy, engagement, skill and tactics
  19. ♥♥♥♥♥ YES! ♥♥♥♥♥ And increasing quantities for sale would make smuggling and sailing more worthy
  20. The problem is that the counter for PVE grinding missions is linked to hostility missions too. I see two simple solutions (in terms of development time): - Self cancel of hostility missions when the port is flipped - Or cancellation of all PVE and hostility missions at the server reboot. Maybe both...
  21. My escort left me alone as soon as they saw opponents, without even warning me... They saved their precious pixels!
  22. Yes, go to make multiflip agains France during the week end. This is the moment when most of French players are off the game, for IRL reasons. So, you will be almost sure of getting empty battles. Have a good PVE!
  23. As a fair reply, HAVOC helped Sveridge, screeening for them against France South of Gde Anse...
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