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Posts posted by civsully1

  1. You two come through yet again!  Just downloaded the files and had no problem with the install except to remember where the root directory was on my PC!  I too have Norton and no issues or warnings during the install!  I was just getting to Cold Harbor as the CSA but will end there and restart a new CSA Campaign when back from vacation in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to see all the changes you've made. I'm very interested to see what you did with Medicine and how that plays out!

    Curious to know how the new version affects the 6 pdr...will we see the same devastating effects or was it reduced?  And with the new version does any arty really stand out?

    Will you be doing a new vid series on YouTube using the new version?  I see Fiasco plans to do one in a couple of weeks?

    Thanks again guys for your work on UGCW. You've done an amazing job to be sure! Much appreciated.

    • Like 1
  2. Hey PK, I've always wondered why the game doesn't start with the full complement of historical officers available in the Barracks from the start of the Campaign? I'd much rather grow my Army commanded by the better known leaders on both sides. That way I can follow their success (or failure) from the start rather than wait for them to pop up later in the campaign to bought using reputation. Anyway that could be bypassed? Thx!

  3. So PK, It's been well over a year ago when I finished playing UGCW until I recently found your mod. I haven't watched your video from a couple of months ago when you did 2nd Bull Run yet. But I was reading my notes from a year ago and saw a quote that Col Kelly had posted on his excellent series that " there is this bug preventing the units deployed in the 1st day to deploy on the 2nd".  And so he never did the first day battle.  Does his comment on this bug occur in your mod with this battle?  Thx in advance.

  4. Just spent the better part of my Sunday going through this thread. Absolutely amazing work and commentary to be sure.  This mod has breathed new life back into UGCW for me. If I could request one thing it would be a guide on weaponry similar to the one The Soldier did for Arty which still stands out to me as a "Gold Standard".  I'm "Spreadsheet Deficient"!!! 🙄


    I need to do a better job thinking about my process for building new units in terms of Perks matching weapons and unit types. This came to mind as I've been watching Fiasco_Games great and current play-through as CSA. His last short video just on his current Camp Screen is something I haven't seen much of in the past and it's worth the view and the time to watch his series if you are playing this mod. It's apparent to me that from the start I wasn't planning correctly in giving a new unit the right Perk from the start.  Learn as you go seems to be my motto as I've begun playing this mod and UGCW again! 

    46 PAGES!! Thx to all that are making this so interesting!  And PK, really do appreciate the time you take here and in your video series and Fiasco_Games in answering my questions. Much appreciated.

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/11/2018 at 5:26 PM, Zenneh said:


    On the par, No I'm the one outnumbering the CSA by a massive margin but this is on BG :P

    I'm naughty in the fact that I cleanse the entire field of enemies though instead of finishing so the max they can field is 50K so my first corp actually out numbers them heavily.

    Then i have 240 Napoleons, 70 20 PDRS, 60 30 Siege and 30 Whits - this is the reason you play Union I guess - most of them are sent running before they even get a chance to fire back xD


    Regarding Salem:- I think the only way is to do it like supply run - take the point then lure them all away from it or do it last second a cheesy tactic though 


    On a balance side of things I admit every battle after Shiloh was pretty trivial but on the other hand everything before and including Shiloh was quite the nasty nightmare.

    When I tried the MG run of Phillipi the battle timer was a lie - It ended with 2 hours to go - which left me rather red faced failing the first mission X_X


    For both sides I've played on BG and both times after Shiloh my army simply begins to out number the opposing forces - this usually happened in vanilla but since I actually now can take a far larger majority in it benefits me far more.


    Side note: After playing some MG i can see why you don't make your brigades so large. started with a 4000 1star and 1800 2star and went against 6 x 1700's won it but wanted to see how bad I had scaled it so I restarted and split the 4000 into 2 2000's and became vs 6 x 1300's. so 2400 less infantry.

    Probably best to have Recon 2 so you can play the scaling game in MG I guess :x

    I know this is early in the mod thread so apologize if the question is answered later. How does investing in Recon provide benefits with the mod changes? How much is considered ideal? With my first play using the mod (just completed Malvern Hill) I have just one point in it as I'm filling out; org, med, econ, training, & politics over recon. Thx!

    • Like 1
  6. Just checking...is the 1.24 the most current version?  And just catching up on your video series and at Malvern Hill vid. While in your camp screen on this older vid as your discussing Arty I see a lot more detail in the description of different pieces. Like Accuracy Low & High and rating of different shell types; cannister, solid, etc.  I'm wondering how that is? Thx in advance. And really appreciate how quickly you reply to questions/comments posted on Youtube.

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/20/2017 at 11:51 AM, Col_Kelly said:

    Were you playing on Legendary ? Maybe I'll try that for learning's sake.


    It was definitly a sloppy tactical choice but a deliberate one : strategically speaking it felt like the best option to me : high losses for me but twice more losses for them, and my prime goal was to deplete their army stat.

    and in the end that is what was accomplished! And now we will see how that play achieves the end for the next battle.  As always would love to see the Army rebuild between battles. Glad to have you back to complete this series CK.

  8. 9 minutes ago, The Soldier said:

    They look like 24-pounder Howitzers from the effect they have on the enemy as well as the (24) in the name. :)

    Well of course they are Soldier...and I would have known that if I had maximized the screen and put on my glasses! I appreciate your friendly reply...;)  Hello Optometry, what time can you schedule me for an eye exam? :rolleyes:

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  9. On 9/28/2017 at 8:27 AM, Andre Bolkonsky said:

    I have mentioned this before, but perhaps its a good time to reiterate. 

    I have only two veteran builds for infantry: 

    The first units are Rifle brigades, and Rifle is always in their name. Astor Rifles, Scots Rifles, etc. They level up using Discipline / Marksmanship / Sharpshooter. They are designed to stand in line and exchange volleys. And that is all about discipline. You stack the discipline bonuses from a commander, stockpiling Prestige points, and Discipline and you have units that rarely waver and break. Rifles almost always deploy skirmishers who get into mischief of their own. These units are the pride of their corps with the finest arms available. 

    The second units upgraded are Assault brigades, they are normally named after a state's mascot: Wolverines, Badgers, Buckeyes, etc. They level up using Endurance / Firearms / Elite. Like Soldier said, they move fast and are designed to get in your face and stay there; and if you waver they're going to charge. They get the best weapons available after the rifles have dinner. Unless I know they are the trump card for assaulting a fortified place, then they get the best melee weapon available. 

    Green brigades are leveled up depending on their initial role in the division. 

    Corps are based on their battlefield assignment. We use the Bill Belichek gameplan offense. I know the battles pretty well, and keep notes on how  to stack my divisions based on each battle. The core of the army is infantry, but there is plenty of artillery, cavalry and a few long range sniper units mixed in. And always one cavalry corps commanded by a 3-star cavalry commander in the late game, but even that usually has brigades of infantry and artillery attached to it. 

    A base infantry division  when 24-brigade corps become available is composed of one 2-star rifle brigade, one 2-star assault brigade, one or two 0/1 star brigades and some combination of artillery / skirmishers / cavalry depending on their battlefield assignment. 

    My Old Guard is my Scottish Division composed of: the Blackwatch, a 3-star assault brigade; 3-star Scots Rifles, 3-star 'Lord Spencer's Own' (Guess what arm they carry?); Highlanders, 2,500 man 2-star assault; Mons Meg, a 12-gun 24 PDR howitzer; and the Scots Greys dragoons, carrying Spencer Carbines. 'She's a tiger, a fast ship sailing in harm's way'. 

    BTW, all my units get names, and the running narrative in my head as I play would be fun to put on film. 


    Wow AB, Loved this post mentioning my favorite coach and the best quote from one of my all time fav John Wayne movies, In Harms Way!!!!!  Excellent AB...Excellent!!!!;)

  10. On 9/26/2017 at 12:31 PM, The Soldier said:

    The thing with two 1250 brigades versus one 2500 brigade is something across all units on every level of UGCW (and furthermore, it appears that Infantry is the only type of brigade that doesn't suffer from some the weird same problem that artillery has, meaning the larger the brigade after a certain point, it becomes worse, so you don't have that argument either).  But that being said, why bother with two 1250 brigades when you can have two 2500 brigades?  More firepower, more survivability (taking longer to fire off a volley is peanuts when compared to the lengthy reload time - volley time only becomes vaguely important with repeating rifles).  You're just gibbing yourself when it comes to battles because you're limited by the number of brigades, not the number of men.  No reason not to unless you have one or more of the three problems I mentioned before, and even then, two of those can be avoided with wise management.

    No advantage whatsoever to having small infantry brigades.

    That's why he's the guru and you (us) aren't!

  11. On 9/21/2017 at 8:11 PM, william1993 said:

    Attacking is a totally different thing.  Where am I attacking? Am I going uphill, downhill, in a constricted area like across a river or road?  Furthermore, what type of weapons do the enemy have?  You can test this by sending out a unit and seeing the range from when they are fired upon, compare it to the range of your unit, and figure out if they have rifles or muskets.  Once you do that, you can make a plan.

    I might write a whole different post on attacking and defensing and how I do it


    Infantry is what you need  to win your war.  Arm them, train them, conserve them, and victory will be yours.



    I agree with AB above William..a nice thread.  This is the part that I found very intuitive and useful. I hadn't thought about this before. Nice one!

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