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Posts posted by ICE_MAN

  1. While i think faster teleport would help friendly interactions... there should be something to keep people teleporting into port battles because it will take all the strategy from it. Maybe make it so you cannot tp to a port that has a flag thrown against?


    But yea definitely the cargo tp has to be stopped and the tp between outposts could be faster.

    Re-read original post: 30 min PB lock-out timer.

  2. Guys.... the teleport cooldown is nonsensically long. It is, in effect, being detrimental to enjoyment of the game because 

    1) It reduces people's ability to group up and sail together

    2) One ill timed teleport can wreck your entire evening of gaming


    The outcome of this is reduced enjoyment for everyone, and it contributes to people leaving the game.


    The suggestion:

    Reduce the cooldown to 15 minutes


    Now, there are a few considerations to make so let's deal with them:


    An entire nation will now be able to teleport close to a port battle and help defend

    Yes and no - firstly they would have to have an outpost nearby. Secondly, I recommend a 'lock-out' mechanic is implemented whereby individuals are prohibited from entering port battles up to 30 minutes after a teleport has been effected.


    Reinforcing nation members in trouble becomes a lot easier

    Yes, but as above - not everyone has outposts everywhere - the exponential cost increase of permit purchases effectively limits this. If necessary, put a lock-out timer on entering battles of 5 minutes to ensure battles will be locked upon arrival.


    This ruins my immersion / this is not realistic

    Be quiet you. Go sit in your rowboat-come-pretend-Santisima and contemplate your choices in life.


    Crafters will be able to teleport ships full of cargo to capitol really quickly

    Correct. Remove teleporting with cargo (or limit it to, say, 100 tons).

    • Like 4
  3. Yeah, so we have gone Pirate - the US nation is weak and disorganised and stubbornly refused to see the superiority of our strategic planning. A fragmented nation indeed - one which we can now prey upon at will, harassing their shipping lanes and stealing their l00tz0rz.


  4. The fight for Muegueres - February 19th 2016

    British vs. US - 2:1 advantage.

    US defends the port successfully.


    The odious Brits had their eyes set on Mugueres for a while, it being the perfect staging port for further attacks on their North-Westernmost holdings. Adding to the complications, it is a shallow harbour allowing only small vessels to maneuver effectively.

    On February 19th in the year 2016 of our Lord Invisible Friend, the treacherous Brits assembled a fleet at nearby Conttoy and without warning set off on a surprise attack on Mugueres with a full fleet of 25 vessels.

    The fledgling American nation was taken by complete surprise, but a small number of valiant captains from the stalwart group known as Colonial Shipyards [CSY] sent out the call to rapidly assemble a defensive flotilla to counter the British armada, well knowing that they would be vastly outnumbered and outgunned.


    As American ships were slowly arriving at Mugueres harbour to participate in the defence, the British fleet was already fully formed and heading for the first of the defensive towers. The brave Commodore Noir Blackheart took command of the fleet and issued orders to prepare an elastic defense around the first tower:



    Beagleplease gets blown up by a fireship

    Noir Blackheart gets dismasted and decimated - Iceman Raleigh takes command of the battle fleet

    Batman43 also loses masts and is surrounded and boarded

    US wins

    • Like 2
  5. Turns out that if you stir the hornets nest, you get stung. Mess with the bull and you get the horn....

    3 of us were messing about near Ben Salem, but must have somehow annoyed the Brits there because suddenly all hell broke loose!!!

    • Like 1
  6. Back in PotBS we had  this long running thread of good battles - some just a write-up, some with videos. Wouldn't it be great to have such a thread again?


    The first contribution is from us at CSY - tongue-in-cheek!

    • Like 4
  7. cannon sounds will be improved + we dont have crew sounds yet.. will be done later.

    also the video you provided.. those are not cannons shooting, but powder charges near the barrels.


    One has to be aware of where the Victory is actually placed physically. The surrounding drydock and the multiple buildings nearby will throw the sound back and forth distorting it, not to mention that the microphone with which this was captured sounds pretty weak - all that makes the sound a lot tinnier (more treble) than what it would be on the open sea.

  8. Just in case it's not been said clearly enough:

    PvP versus PvE players is a fallacy, the two live in a symbiotic relationship, especially in potbs.

    Every time a pvp player sinks he's doing a PvE player a favour, making him money and keeping him occupied.

    Whenever a pvp player keeps a port open, he enables the PvE player to run his economy, enabling the point above.

    Symbiotic Relationship, which also means that one needs to cater for both and service suggestions from both. Lose one and the other is in trouble.

    No PvE players? Inflation skyrockets

    No pvp players? Rampant deflation

    • Like 5
  9. I would like to volunteer for testing.


    i5 3GHz

    8 gig ram

    AMD HD 7800 series GFX


    Veteran MMO player;

    Dark Age of Camelot, SWTOR, EVE, PoTBS, Age of Conan, you name it.



    I should note that I am an avid military historian, have a wealth of knowledge of military strategy and tactics, and am ex-army - trained up to and including Division level operations.

    • Like 2
  10. Please do stop at the 1820 mark.

    Reason being that beyond this point, the newer generations of warships made prior warships entirely obsolete because of the advent of explosive shells and steam engines.

    The gap between a 1750 vs an 1800 manufacture frigate (of similar tonnage) was a LOT smaller than the gap between an 1800 and 1850 frigate (using state of the art technology in either case). In the latter case, the older vessel would be completely outclassed.



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