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Everything posted by Comeonche

  1. Since the developers introduced the forged papers, NA is really becoming like Game of Thrones...... And now we have our great army of the dead .
  2. Port Battle of Road Rocks this evening. Victory is for the defenders! Special mension for the french mortar Alanxo, who managed a great battle! o7
  3. If you learn history you will know that greatest alliances are built with old enemies.
  4. WO and Blanc are out of this alliance, they really want to do war against Russia so we will not block them. We want they do what they like. The council is not here to command players but to find a way to satisfy all players. Russians change all their port battle windows so it will be hard. The real problem actually is that there is not enough us timezone player on this game.
  5. With the support of the French Council I am pleased to announce the creation of an alliance between the sovereign kingdoms of Russia and France. The agreement will be without time limit and will last as long as each member will find his account. This alliance will apply for RvR, open sea PvP will remain tolerated as long as it's stay reasonable. May the future be kind and make this alliance bring glory and prosperity to our kingdoms. Comeonche, member of the French Council.
  6. Use google translate please I fought BF many times and I've never seen something suspicious. Some of them are good players but I assure you they can sink
  7. I exactly said that when a nation come disturb RvR between two other nations, then they do not pvp but RvR, and RvR don't have same rules. In RvR you have to choose a side or stay away. For me only allies can come in an RvR area to attack players. Players "foreign to this war" should not interfere in it. Yesterday there were not only Swedish players, I saw Polish, Russian and pirates ... all these players had nothing for me to do there. If they want to attack French or English when they do RvR, then they make a declaration of war. I didn't like what happened, Many players came to hunt like coward vultures during French and British has only one goal, defend or take El Toco. Actually this war is only between France and Great Britain, but...... France have friends and Great Britain has enemies..... Nobody knows how future is done. RvR is not supposed to be a PvP open bar for everybody. If it become like that, then soon RvR will be dead...........
  8. Que de bonne choses dans ce patch,! En premier le nerf du Wasa avec sa montée de BR (même si ce n'est pas suffisant à mon goût), le nerf des upgrade de vitesse. Et l'arrivée du lobby d'entrainement en flotte. a tout hasard des news sur l'implémentation de l'interface finale du jeu et de la traduction ?
  9. The Council of France has decided to attack the possessions of the British Kingdom. The motivations of this war are territorial, France wishing to install sustainably ports in the center of the Caribbean. As long as this operation requires it, the French captains will be engaged in squadrons for the purpose of capturing English ports. Peace negotiations can be started as soon as the French objectives are achieved. Comeonche, member of the Council of France.
  10. Et une fois encore on se retrouve à se donner en spectacle, les capitaines français s'invectivant tels des poissonniers à Rungis...... Putain de français vous êtes pénible!!
  11. Des excuses ont été présentés, les consignes ont été clairement communiquées. Afin d'éviter tout prochain incident, les EDR s'engagent à ne plus faire de RVR (pb ou screen) dans le golfe du Mexique. Tant que la France restera neutre avec les anglais et les espagnols, cette situation perdurera. Les ports français seront par contre bien sur défendus en cas d'attaque.
  12. Je suis aussi désolé de voir qu'il y ai encore eu des accroches entre les VLTRA et les EDR ce soir, j'espère qu'on va regler ce problème rapidement. Les EDR n'ont jamais eu vocation a devenir un clan rogue de la nation, et ce n'est pas pour demain non plus!
  13. A la vue du screenshot, on voit un ROG et un CBC qui ont coulé qui ont donc combattus) et les autres navires échappés malgré une évidente supériorité numérique. Ces autres navires ont ils bien engagé le combat? Ou ont ils simplement rejoins un combat voyant des français en bataille, pour derrière ressortir sans causé aucun dommage aux navires espagnols? ?
  14. Oui j'ai peur qu'une alliance avec autant de nations soit difficile en effet, peut être voit-on un peu trop grand, mais bon. Mieux vaut tenter de former une alliance avec 5 pays, et ne réussir qu'avec 3. Plutôt que de tenter une alliance avec 2 et ne réussir qu'avec un
  15. Effectivement pour l'instant ce conseil n'inclus pas les joueurs du global, mais nous adapterons notre conseil en fonction des joueurs qui nous rejoindrons après la merge du serveur. Personnellement j'aime beaucoup le concept d'un conseil à 3, donc soit les membres, soit le nombre de membres changeront afin que nos nouveaux capitaines français aient le droit à la parole dans ce conseil
  16. Je ne suis pas au courant de cet incident, mais dans tous les cas je suis désolé qu'il ai eu lieu, j espère que les explications d'Eleazar te feront changé d'avis Macu.
  17. Trois hourra pour le retour d'une France réunie!!
  18. On our teamspeak french are used to talk in french. But if we are with english speaking players we can speak in english. The clan BLANC is already arrived on our teamspeak and speak in english.
  19. It will be a pleasure for us to welcome global server players wishing to join the French captains on this new "Caribbean" server. Our National teamspeak is at your disposal : server: ts3.navalaction-france.com Come talk with us
  20. Even when we are in week-end nobody in EU want to have to play in the middle of the night !!!!!! After midnight I go to my bed !!!! Like 90% of eu players !! We all have IRL obligations , family, work.....
  21. The only fair rvr system must be based on a régional time. If US player put à defence timer on their evening, nobody from EU or Asia can attack it If Asian player put à defence timer on their evening, nobody from US and EU can attack it. This system could work good if all nation were composed by equal percentage of players from different countries. But we know It's not possible. There will always have à nation which hasard more US player, an other with more EU player...... RvR will ne totally broken again........ We will see large fleets of players leaving the game again......
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