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Everything posted by Blaatand

  1. I actually think SC has a better model for player interaction and funding... hell ... I have a hangar full of ships there waiting for release so have 10 times more money in that game than the measly funding required here. Devs should also visit the SC site to see a different way of both funding AND presenting results and plans
  2. Neither do they here!!! For gods sake how many people need to explain this to you? Does anyone have a scissor and some cardboard to make him a model explaining this? You are being labeled troll now so only risk nobody listening when you actually have an input to this game
  3. I actually think it's a great way to get more ships - let those who are willing pay to get them build - everyone ingame will benefit regardless of funding source. BUT........ I DO NOT LIKE this sentence: If this event is successful we will set up such events for other underrepresented national vessels too. ("other" underrepresented nations???? Americans are not underrepresented!!!) I will gladly fund a Danish ships pack but as I would never pay to get more American ships this might never happen!!!!????!!!!!!????? Why should we pay for MORE US ships before we can get what many are clamoring for: small nation ships!! ???????????? I sincerely hope this statement will be changed. I will pay most of a development pack of Danish ships myself if I have to and contribute to Swedish and dutch ships - but keep me out of more American vessels!!!! And an in game shop for paint and trinkets would be great!!! BUT NO P2W
  4. Current Alliance system limits fun and historic relations. Since when did captains vote on national issues? I would suggest cycles like this: 1 month each All hostile Government decided war (Napoleonic) All hostile Government decided war (historic war...) All hostile Government decided war (random choice by government - 2 sided) All hostile Government decided war (random choice by government - 3 sided) and repeat..... This would give more fun and force seizing land instead of relying on this alliance setup..... AND YES..... PIRATE mechanics needed!!!!
  5. Actually no. One you must consider Shrouds and stays as well as Hethwill mentions. But mainly the fact that wood is one of the finest composite materials in the world and as someone else also mentions they were often composed of several timbers joined (a composite composite???) To make a mast fall you would have to weaken an area as in several high damage shots close to each other.... Masts were not dimensioned to battle sails in light winds - battle conditions in NA would guestimately give a 30% strain compared to design strength and if you research literature on wood strength you will find that you can make carvings in a wooden pillar removing large amounts of wood with no significant impact on braking strength. Some high damage shots in nearly the same area AND hitting some shrouds as well would be catastrophic. OF COURSE this is mainly bottom sections on larger ships - high sections or yacht/schooner masts hit with a large diameter ball would take less number of shots (but of course same relative percentage damage)
  6. Mast penetration is an issue where computational requirements for computing a round object hitting another round object are way too high! As an engineer I am sure this is the main issue and this is the main reason they have to compensate by means of adjusting penetration and HP. For those not engineers see illustration.
  7. Agree with the price of rebuilds and should be exponential for each rebuild making people retire their old trusted warhorses (seahorses??) Very much agree with ship names but under heavy moderation - maybe only from drop down lists where you can apply to add names.... "spotted dick" might have been a dish aboard those ships but not really suited as a name.....
  8. Yes Presently all ships speeds are given based on a given wind speed. But different rigs hold up to higher wind pressure and on a theoretical level ships will max out on speed based on size (rough rule of thumb is waterline in meters is max hull speed. Opposite holds true for low wind where some hulls and rigs will be incapable of going into the wind. Period!
  9. When the Danish King went on the maiden trip on the 2nd rate SOL Christian he was amazed that it outran the frigates even without the topgallants. This is recorded. Historically we have a lot of data on ship speeds but problem is often that these are with regional outfits (brits outfitted heavier than most and got slower ships). Even so the game is advertised as being historical in ships designs and some work should be done to reflect this in builds, outfits and abilities. Remember that there are several factors deciding speed (lets leave wind out as we look at similar conditions) Construction (emphasis on different characteristics should allow for difference in speed, maneuverability, rigging strength, stability and armor) This should be the main factor Mods (extra sails, copper plating, planking etc.) This should be secondary factor Abilities (Olympics in sailing is done in identical boats but abilities in handling makes for large spread in results!!!!) Tertiary factor but not insignificant! When the Devs redesign ships construction I hope it will follow this general outline?
  10. Gentlemen May I suggest being a bit more constructive in your approach? Vote should always be 7 days AFTER patch release to have people TEST and not just REACT Vote should be on all elements in patch Vote should have at least these options: Good Bad Neutral Needs tuning As I have mentioned before I do this for a living (R&D) and you guys break all the basic rules. Also consider this: Diversity is paramount!!! Make all come to the same server Do not listen to only one side but focus on balancing PVP, PVE, crafting and trade i.e. player AI fleets for traders only ROE changed to outer circle only applies to traders Forts at capitols, towers at larger cities and small ports with maybe wooden palisades occasional towers on coasts in territorial waters AI fleets a few large fleets around capitols everywhere else 5th and 6th rate patrol fleets with 3-5 ships AI Trade convoys with 2-5 trade vessels and 1-3 escorts OW speed as exact double of ships speed to reflect build extra speed was a mistake considering you also added towing - as mentioned before DO NOT CHANGE items that are co dependent as you now have no idea which had an effect - you wanted to patch complaints about travel time and made 2 different implementations to accommodate this so which one got best results?????? exactly..... no bloody way of knowing!!!! player AI fleets for PVE - PVE people could be included with a rule that a warship with fleet makes it impossible to join in PVP (but not sure about effect of this??)
  11. I don't get you....??? Renders??? speed in battle instance is 1/1 and the fastest ship is 14knots - that means 14NM in one hour.... I have also done that and it "rendered" fine - running from a pirate fleet with my trader for an hour and a half..... and they were waiting when I got out .......
  12. because PVP is the only way of playing and everyone else are noobs and fools.......... Deep sigh
  13. I agree - and the real time construction is discussed here: I do not know if it has been discussed before as well??
  14. I voted good in general but miss the nuance in voting.... Kind of the same as the change all and see what happens instead of tuning..... R&D has no value if you do not know what parameter resulted in which change... In other words - small patches changing a few parameters and NEVER parameters that are co-dependent!! Same with votes here - a general vote says NOTHING without comments - have a general vote for the patch BUT the vote should then be split into the patch headlines so you vote on each of the main changes made - now you actually get a picture of what was good and bad.... Last for the discussions so far: Until all realize that diversity is the only way to achieve a lasting game it will not succeed.... Please stop this PVP is the only important thing... PVE is only imp..... Crafting is...... My playstyle is the only important way crap......... RVR (and PVP) is broken without small port raids. Trade/crafting is broken without fine woods and mills (agree with @Wraith here) PVP is broken with mega fleets and Marginot lines PVE is broken without trade fleets with maybe a single escort and some content like mission spawns while cruising open ocean. Send to port upon capping is broken without an officer and crew to place onboard for the duration Hostility is broken without small port raids being an option for raising hostility BP is broken when it is tied to ships construction
  15. Dear Sir (for the lack of better wording Bring you esteemed vessel to our fair Danish isles and we will give you a fair battle
  16. Most honored Don Inocencio I couldn't have said it better myself! Many of our ancient dane scrolls describe his like and in words I would not bring to my mouth but lets say he would be the one who "stood good for chopping". Besides that I plan to bring my crew to visit your little sisters - might teach them some Viking tricks if your honor would permit?
  17. @sruPL @Grundgemunkey Everyone else is civilized here - why the hate????
  18. Really??? I have met a few motor sailors lost but that's it. As an IRL circum navigator I couldn't disagree more Lat long should be exactly that LATITUDE, Longitude - I often get confused with the unconventional layout in NA!!!! Many treat 1700 hundred navigation as if it was primitive but I have actually entered ports on pacific islands using charts marked in the bottom with "last updated by captain cook" (Latest edition English charts). I also used sextant on my first circumnavigation and found that precision would be as good as 2NM on clear days OW: Personal fleets (Skip it) / introducing convoys instead. NO. But make it to protect traders only: player AI fleet if ONLY warships for a trade ship or traders for a warship (these traders can carry goods)
  19. As an IRL circum navigator I couldn't agree more Lat long should be exactly that LATITUDE, Longitude - I often get confused with the unconventional layout!!!! Wind is the same issue - see above ALSO: compass shown is ok wind but NOT representative of a steering compass - a horizontal bar below the wind rose should show steering with at least 5 degree resolution!! Many treat 1700 hundred navigation as if it was primitive but I have actually entered ports on pacific islands using charts marked in the bottom with "last updated by captain cook" (Latest edition English charts). I also used sextant on my first circumnavigation and found that precision would be as good as 2NM on clear days. For voyage planning it would be simple to add a couple of tools to the Map: protractor, ruler and compass rose. VERY little programming but realism for those of us who actually enjoy sailing and like the realism of sea voyages. I would also think that a crows nest repot would aid people sailing semi AFK - shouts of sail ahoy when sail is sighted in the horizon.... especially traders would appreciate this!!!
  20. Yeah - National navies had standard setups. The Danish fleet stolen by the brits were all outfitted with heavier guns and all became slower. But ALL ships had the capability to clear the aft cabin and roll out aft guns - I am not looking for unrealistic loadouts - I am in fact looking for the realism of adding stern guns - choosing lighter calibers but directly in the build. So actually increasing cargo capability for max gun size - or shifting ballast for added stern guns. And yes - also excited to see devs solution as they have hinted at some of my ideas.
  21. Sorry - forgot about that. Rebuild of ships should be exponential and time depends on Rating.. i.e. a frigate takes 2 days first time - then 4, 8, 16, 32 .... days - people can keep their pixels but at outrageous costs
  22. Hah - your lucky! I used to wish for 380......... We used to send the pings by donkey (Sorry - couldnt resist - Working in China and here 500 is a good day and 800 normal)
  23. Lets elaborate a little: Options on new shipyard page: Build or upgrade ship (costs time and not grinding to enhance gameplay) Modify ship (copper plating should be integral part of ship so of course done at yard) Rebuild wreck (One durability on all ships but wreck is delivered to Yard) Study design (design study should have option to study ships design - BP - or enhancements only at less time cost) ship studied is destroyed in the process All build, upgrade and enhancement function should be tied to captains and crafting level of crafter This has numerous positive effects: Tedious grinding is removed Number of ships will be easily limited by setting different construction and upgrade times for each ship Rating All have the option to build and thereby sell top level ships but as the time cost is large high quality ships will be a source of income for new and casual players. Hardcore players might have to settle for some ships of lower quality again giving newbies and casuals a sporting chance No more tedious build and destroy to get BP's..... but you need to capture or buy the ship you want (NPC sold ships should be limited to the basic free designs so people actually have to capture the high end ships to get BP) Enhancements are now also BP based so you need to capture a ship with this enhancement and study it to be able to build it. This gives business opportunity for those good at capping. One durability means take care of your ship but you will be able to rebuild it at maybe half the cost in mats and time. Some of this is hinted at by devs as Hodo points out but not all and not in specifics. I personally think this model solves the current gripes about grinding, timesinks and lack of PVP while still limits the high end ships. Also many complain about BP accessibility which should also be solved here. Please give inputs?
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