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Everything posted by Celioth

  1. Hi Hethwill, sure, i agree with you and with mrdoomed. Is important that the "AI Player Trade Fleet" must have the player's name. Is a responsability of the player to set a secure route for his AI. Celioth
  2. I Mrdoomed, thanks for the reply. I agree with you, im not a "lazy person", ive simply no time to play my 2-3 hours at day only for see my ship that travel for transport resources between docks: during that time i want to play: crafting, explore, fighting, trade or other similar think. When i return by work, at the end of my journey, i wont to enjoy and relax. "The next thing these lazy folk will ask for will be for a notification when its attacked and the option to take command. THIS OPTION WILL NEVER BE ALLOWE" Yes, is right and i agree with that: when you delegate transport to AI is at your risk. "Then the ship you send cost a hefty fee to pay the ai captain " Its right but this cost must be affordable: the real cost that you pay is the risk that your transport don't arrive to destination and that you lose your ship, because you use YOUR ship for delegate ai. A good idea is that you delegate to your officer the transport (a second officer used only for this think for example), another is that you can delegate only one transport at time. My thinks is that we have to do the possibility to all the player "type" to play this game: if a player want to base his game only for commerce, he will prefer to make the travel by himself or he can decide to make the most risky travel alone and, in the same time, delegate another travel to AI. Celioth
  3. I all. Im a newbye of this game but i want to give a idea for the next development. As i wrote on this topic: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16932-patch-996-new-conquest-new-trading-new-ships-and-other-things/page-13 with the latest patch (v 9.96),actually the distance between the islands is many and it takes a long time for go from port to port, This is especially a problem for trade or for transfer a ship from a dock to another (i want to play, i cant wait 2 hours of travel for go to port royal to Playmouth any times that i have to transfer a ship, yes is less realistic but this is a game). A good compromise is to delegate the transfer of the resource to AI. We pay a symbolic sum and i can plan the AI to send resources PHYSICALLY from a Dock around the map to another: i can set the fleet (with my ship), the crew, and the route and i have only wait that the resource PHYSICALLY reach their destination. Meanwhile I can do anything else, if I want to. Yes, with this solution there is the risk that if a pirates encounter my AI he try to aboard it for take resource but this is a risk you may run if you dont want to waste you "life hours". You can set a little busy route to limit the risk or fill with less resources the ships to limit any losses. You can also decide what time to start the transport. For me this compromise would add one more sense to the game: the pirates or the nation in game have to defend the trade route. A player can defend another player "AI trade ship" if attacked by pirates (and earn a % of money) or can go to enemy commercial route to make pirates/corsair action. Sorry for my english. I Hope that my tips are useful. Celioth
  4. I all guys, im new of this forum and i play naval action only by 1 month but i know and follow it by several time. For my first post i would like to give my contribution to this game and the latest patch. Sorry for my english ^^ When i decided, finally, to join the beta test of naval action, i said to myself: "finally a NEW game with the same concept of Age of Pirates 2: city of abandoned ship" ... do you remember that game? The latest in a long series of indie game that started a long time ago with the "famous" ... "Sea Dogs". For me, the "father" of all this game. JollyRoger, I agree on almost everything you said. With this patch, from the point of view of the fight i accepted with pleasure the new two circle sistem and the battle that close istantly at the start: this avoids the "ganking" and the fleet are forced to fight only with other fleets because they have to stay united (in order to stay near the little tag circle): if you want to capture a little single ship, for example, You have to organize an expedition with a ship that can be used for this purposes. Although I find useful to shrink the large circle. But i have to test better this feature in game. From the point of view of the commerce ... nice idea to redistribute the resources around the maps but resource as the silver, or the live oak, are very rare on the map and very very important. I think that this action was made to: - create crucial points in the map that give meaning to the wars and alliances - making playable the "gray" ships and very rare the "gold" ship or the big ship as 3d rate, bellona, victory or santissima -> for me and the old player is hard to accept that we cant have a lot of "perfect" ship but we must understand that we can also play with the less strong ships and we must understand that we are all in the same condition. But ... the big problem now is the distance, the time wasted to go from port to port (with the risk of being sunk by a pirate and lose everything: lose life hours and NOT labours hours) ... and the weight of resources that forces you to make too many travels by islands. And for me there is a LOT of resources: are too many and not allow new players to learn easily. Simplify this thing (as before the last patch release) makes the game less dispersive. I think that we can ALL try to accept this new resource disposition but a good change to make more playable the game is: 1- reduce the weigh of ALL the resources (as before the patch) that now is impossible to tranport with a brig or a indiaman. 2- for the Economy Mission: is useless to do this mission for the economy game, missions involve unnecessary resources for the ingame economy. If the missions had a real purpose to redistribuite the resource around the map a good change is to provide transportation of more usefull resource. For example: if at mortimer town i don't have gold, in the docks appear economy mission where i have to transport gold to mortimer (obviously with a generous compensation) ... This would also lead players to intercept the trade routes between cities. 3- Actually the distance between the islands is many and it takes a long time for go from port to port, This is especially a problem for trade or for transfer a ship from a dock to another (i want to play, i cant wait 2 hours of travel for go to port royal to Playmouth any times that i have to transfer a ship, yes is less realistic but this is a game). A good compromise is to delegate the transfer of the resource to AI. We pay a symbolic sum and i can plan the AI to send resources PHYSICALLY from a Dock around the map to another: i can set the fleet (with my ship), the crew, and the route and i have only wait that the resource PHYSICALLY reach their destination. Meanwhile I can do anything else, if I want to. Yes, with this solution there is the risk that if a pirates encounter my AI he try to aboard it for take resource but this is a risk you may run if you dont want to waste you "life hours". You can set a little busy route to limit the risk or fill with less resources the ships to limit any losses. You can also decide what time to start the transport. For me this compromise would add one more sense to the game: the pirates or the nation in game have to defend the trade route. A player can defend another player "AI trade ship" if attacked by pirates (and earn a % of money) or can go to enemy commercial route to make pirates/corsair action. Sorry again for my english. I Hope that my tips are useful. Celioth
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