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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Yet, the images show you in a Herc on the winning side twice with all Surprises sunk on both sides.
  2. Reading historical reports from many naval battles of this era, you will find it often that damaged ships in massive battles would disengage for repairs. Certainly, not to the extent this game offers, but I consider it more fun to survive a little longer to have more fun game time. Looks like having more DLC ships equals more wins....and that the Surprise is nowhere near a "Herc Equalizer" as many people tried to say.
  3. How was this a good little scrap? Just curious, cuz to me it looks like those unbalanced lopsided wins in WoT that are no fun at all.
  4. Until someone posts a video of them taking down multiple 1st rates in a cutter (or anything of this unbalanced magnitude), I will automatically assume there is an exploit being used and the people will not admit it until they have accumulated as much rewards as they want. It is much like the duplicating ship exploit, or the rat v rat exploit. Something cannot change unless the devs are notified by someone who turns honest. However, if this is legit, then post the video. Nothing to fear when showing tactics....just imo.
  5. Considering the wood configuration discussed above, I thought I'd show an image of the 3 "best" options mentioned and the configuration results. Screen capture provided via https://na-map-test.netlify.com/ interesting...ty
  6. If I remember correctly from an @admin response since the AI buff (cannot find the link), all NPC are "equipped" with all module upgrades and every captain perk. So they sail well and their ships survive well. The 2 things I find ridiculous are when facing my bow at their broadside, somehow they can pen nearly every shot, and not even through the bow, but pen my broadside. What is more frustrating is I could have the same position, yet further behind the stern and they can fire both a full broadside AND their stern cannon and hit and pen. How the hell can they angle stern cannon nearly 90 degrees? How the hell can they angle their broadside nearly 90 degrees? Certainly, I am exaggerating saying 90, but damn near. Even with Swing Bed and whatever the other one is that increases your fire angle wider, I still cannot get the impossible angles NPC can get. Another thing that gets my nerves is when capturing NPC and taking to port, why do they never have cannon on the stern or bow even though you know they were equipped with them during battle? lul Edit: Also, when will we be able to train our fleet captains? If we could skill them, it would be sweet.
  7. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the storms and miss the crazy high wave storms in battles we had a for a couple months. I just don't like how long they last in relation to the day/night cycle in game..
  8. 00:20 05:20 Still storming....logging off. Happy New Year!
  9. Dear devs, My time: 21:42 - 23:46 Server time: 02:42 - 4:46 And the storm is still going. Can devs please shorten the length of these storms? Considering the day/night cycle in this game, it is ridiculous to have a storm last 6+ full days. I don't imagine casual players who are on for avg 2 hours will want to spend their entire game time unable to see in the heavy rain.
  10. Indeed, having enough dbls and material for 1st and 2nd rates should require a lot of work, at least from 5 ppl. A single person can do it now too easily. IMO it should take 3-5 times as long for 1-2 rates, and they should only be built from the admiralty. At least imo. Lay off the LGV, it is a rare thing to get dbls from them, but when you do, yes it can be a lot. Almost 90% of trader snows and trader brigs seem to have 1500 dbls. LGVs seem to have dbls only about 15% of the time.
  11. Sure you would be able to see what the enemy is planning. The enemy sure as hell wouldn't be able to last second change to a completely different attack or defense. IMO we should not be allowed to change our choices. Let the last second move matter, but only as playing "chicken" waiting til the last second to make a choice. Allowing ppl to change their choice at last second just negates any fun for more than half the players...those with longer ping than a rage boarder. It already is random dice rolling. Who knows if your last second choice change will apply before or after an enemy with a better ping than you.
  12. Reminds me of the famous painting The Fighting Temeraire (the death of the age of sail)
  13. Welcome back Admiral! And Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! From the Dutch nation, (and myself, formerly Cpt Blackthorne of the US)
  14. van der Clam


    It cannot be hard to record Clan (renamed to Fleet) and player leaderboard info, can it? For clans/fleets: | Fleet Name | Nation | PvP Kills/Captures | KPD | Port Battles | Ports Controlled | Loot Value | | RATS | PR | 34/18 | 1.5 | 5 | 3 | 3.4B | Then for captains: | Captain Name | Nation | Fleet Name | PvP Kills/Captures | KPD | Port Battles | Loot Value | | Drake | ES | SPG | 8/3 | 1.2 | 5 | 1.6M | or something of the like.....
  15. I love seeing the diverse group of players in the game....and willing to help!
  16. +1 Yes please. It's rather annoying to withdraw and redeposit them.
  17. Love this! Players can influence the markets finally! And in turn influence conquests. Could you implement NPC trade windows that will show last known location of said nation's trading fleet, much like that treasure fleet icon we get? (please add a timestamp to that treasure fleet.) So say Dutch has a trading hub at Santa Domingo. NPC and players could help load that port with goods determined by the SD port that its NPC trades fleet needs for a destination to Willemstad. The dutch gets a notification of the goods needed and by what time. Once the fill order is completed by players and NPC the trader fleet would depart. Then sometime later on the map there would be an icon saying something like "Dutch trader fleet last spotted here around 13:00" This could make for serious lucrative intercepts by other nations and damage the attacked nation's supply. Maybe make even a larger fleet headed from Wm to Europe.... Yes please. Make NPC have actual pertinent goods along those routes.
  18. @admin Will we ever get OW wind direction in port? If showing the (bottom right) compass and wind is too hard, can you show flags in the port UI? Currently I cannot zoom out far enough to see flags on top of the capital buildings. And even if we could see those flag, the second image will show they do not seem to wave in the direction of wind. Maybe if we cannot zoom out far enough in port UI, perhaps flags could be placed on the docks with working flags that we can see. This way we won't have to keep poking out waiting for wind. Port UI cannot zoom out far enough to see flag Harbor we can see flag, but doesn't seem to be blowing in wind direction.
  19. You can if you keep the Lrq downwind of you. The Trinc lists 10+ degrees. It would be nice to have top deck loaded with chain and bottom with ball. But even so, the triangular sails make a difficult hit.
  20. Looking forward to the update. Have you considered fixing Hostility Conquest Missions? Make hostility last a few days to give both nations ample opportunity to respond. This will increase PBs and PvP when nations try to increase or decrease the hostility level. Make it possible to take Conquest Missions from more than just our nation ports. i.e. Went to a neutral port (one not occupied by any nation) and the Conquest Mission said to take from my port or a Free Port. Went to nearest Free Port (shown on map as a yellow circle +) owned by GB and the Take Hostility Mission was greyed out. Make OW NPC kills count more than they currently do. Create an Lettered Indicator to let players know that we are inside a port's zone, so that we aren't attacking NPC fleets thinking we are going to raise hostility near a port, yet it not counting because we are in "International Waters". heh
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