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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. I'm confused. Doesn't PvP mean player vs player? Aren't screening fleets controlled by players? And are you a player? ........ Most lobby based clan games are pure crap. Open World is where it's at if a clan wants to seriously prove its metal at all clan management aspects. Look at all the recent games, When territory is the goal, it should be OW, not lobby based. This is where clan based games are going. Lobby is so 2013.
  2. I will have to do some research to find info about any multi-decked ship losing an entire mast due to wind damage. I know absolutely that a top mast and yards can snap by storms, but never read of the bottom section snapping, except in unrated ships. I agree the update is nice, however, I think because of the inability to bounce shots at most angles that we need a % increase to the 2 bars and to bottom mast sections. I dismasted a Bellona in my Vic with only 2 ill-angled broadsides. My humble suggestion is to make it take at least thrice as long. I don't want this game to turn into 5 minute battles....if I wanted that, I could just go play WoT or WoW....and I can't stand that game any more. I look forward to the tweaks.
  3. Perhaps I should've said ",,,once the structure bar (structure hp?) reaches 25% it seems to be an instant dismast." I say this because nearly every yt video and every battle I've done it seems exactly this way. The very moment the structure bar hits that last notch the mast will fall....even if the masts were never shot at. To me, this makes no sense. I should take some rigging damage (about 50% sail hp) before a mast can just fall over. If I had a model ship with accurate rigging, I would break the mast in the hull and see if it falls over. I'd test it on single decked and on multiple decked ships. I would think a multi-deck ship would be able to hold the mast in place with no rigging damage. Just imho.
  4. First encountered a Navy Brig with my Aga and single shot it to absolutely nothing. And just as seen on yt, once HP goes below 25% it's an insta-dismast. No good. IMO, dismasting should not be automatically tied to a hp percent. This also happened to my Vic against 3 Pavel. My masts were never shot, but the moment that side lost 75% HP my foremast instantly dismasted. In that same battle, I dismasted 2 masts on one Pavel with only 1 point blank broadside, and the other 2 masts died from about 500m. Somethings not right...but I'm sure tweaks will help. Just for visual references... Agamemnon Build Type: LO/WO Upgrades: Navy Structure Refit, Bow Figure Lion, Basic Carpentry Tools Loadout: 24 lb Longs on bottom and 18 lb middle decks, 9lb mediums on top Bellona unknown, altho I think it had mediums (standard for ai?) Tagged it facing almost 95% into the wind about 100m distance whilst my broadside was perpendicular so I was firing straight down the bow. Fired a full salvo of Double Ball at mainmast and instantly dismasted its foremast. Somehow it was able to tack into the wind with main and mizzen mast only and wrecked my port side. So I moved around down its bow again and took out its mainmast. At this point it still was able to out maneuver me to get a good broadside on my starboard as I turned hard to port to get my starboard to it so I can position on its stern. I nearly died as you can see in the image. As I past I wrecked its starboard down 1 notch with a full salvo of Double Charge. Then I camped its stern and fired 3 full broadsides to get the structure to 1 and a sliver notch left, finally removing its mizzen mast. Of course the wind shifted and allowed the dismasted unicorned Ballona to turn with the wind forcing me to move again to get on its stern. Because of my angle and distance (didn't want to reverse with the wind and expose my near zero broadside to an ai that can pen at 90 degree angles), I couldn't get full broadsides on it so I fired single shot. Its structure would never go below that last notch, even tho I landed every shot repeatedly on mark. Structure stayed at 1 notch...but it was taking on water and eventually sunk. Image shows 1 repair popped that barely did anything after receiving only 2 broadsides (one on each side) and from the stern cannon that never broke. My take on this update...I like, but it certainly needs tweaked. Just give all ships about 3x more structure HP, about 2x more hull structure HP, and about 2x more bottom mast section HP. The damage done in 1 single broadside should take 3 to 4.
  5. I'd suggest delivery/trading missions should offer reals or doubloons. As is, dbls are too easy to get, while reals..not so much.
  6. Masts should not go down simply because a hull side is 0 HP nor simply because the structure has reached a certain minimum HP. Dismasting the top sections should be accomplished only by good aim at masts, or by chain damage to rigging, but even then the bottom section should not go down unless ball is fired through the hull at it. I believe it will be tweaked just fine soon enough.
  7. Agreed for the most part. I usually seem to be a mid rate in the group facing 3rd or 2nd rates, hence why I keep a distance. However, my very soft Trinc is full carronades to swoop in and out fast being able to deal some worthy damage.....so long as I don't get dismasted by our certain Russian nemesis. heh
  8. It depends on the ships ability and what I intend to do with it. If the ship is a close brawler I will load carronades or mediums. If I it's a generally soft ship I use longs to keep distance. If my SoL is shy on crew I will run mediums on bottom deck and longs on other decks. In a PB I will usually load whatever the commander suggests depending on his planned tactics I run longs on bow for tagging and carronades on stern for sail/mast dmg.
  9. I have watched this video probably 30 times....wanting to get into it. This is another awesome battle with great setup.
  10. Research shows: Grape needs to be an effective tactic to damage sails and crew (depending on aim ofc) Chain needs to damage sails and rigging (I know devs said rigging does not have a hitbox, but maybe someday) but should be able to take down only top sections of mast the bottom mast structure should not be caused to fall over via chain unless it has HP at 10% or less Ball needs to do some sail damage and some mast damage dismasting above hull is fine and an historical tactic and should stay in game amount of damage to mast should be slightly lessened by giving bottom section of masts more HP dismasting through the hull should not completely remove the mast from multi-decked ships, i.e. 5th rates +, yet it should indeed weaken the mast and slow the ship. I say this because logically snapping a mast below a second deck would not allow a mast to tip over, as the rigging and upper decks would still keep it square. However, the mast certainly would not have the force ability to hold wind at good speed and would slow the ship some. How to acquire dismasting in parts and in whole: Middle and Top mast sections: via ball directly at mast or chain to destroy rigging. Main mast section: via chain to destroy rigging and ball through hull to break mast @Christendom...love the "Urgent Leak Repair" idea. Much needed. What ship has 50 cannon on one broadside that can pen at that angle from all decks? IMO, I think leaks should occur a lot less frequently, or not cause leaks on the opposite side of hull, or the top 2 decks should not be able to pen due to angle. Recently, I took 34 leaks in one broadside from a Bellona and sank in 20 seconds and I wasn't even keeled a single degree and was angle almost 45 degrees. It has only 37 cannon on one side. The top deck is only 18 lb. Sure 18s can do dmg and pen, but should they pen a curved section of hull below the waterline when they can't pen a hull if angled?? Without using mats? You mean free repairs? If so, then no plz. However, I love the idea of having to anchor for a time. Would suck when a gank fleet is waiting for you, but I still like the idea.
  11. Ppl keep b1tching about mid rate ships not having a purpose in this new dmg model, yet they are the ones who have made SoLs have no purpose other than PBs because they all would easy-gank SoLs in their mid rates and p2w dlc ships. They also are the ones calling themselves "pros" then calling anyone f.ucking incompetent who loses a SoL to mid rates. If self anointed pros are so damn good in their mid rates then they will never be broadside to broadside with a SoL and won't have to worry about getting one or two shot by them. Mid rates will always have a purpose in PBs no matter the dmg model. Also, once all the SoLs sink because of this dmg model it will mean everyone is in a mid rate soon enough. This dmg model is on the right track and is probably easier on coding for tweaks.
  12. @Thonys FYI, most French give way to traders. A few French will even provide escape after a good battle. PEC does not and will engage always, as should we.
  13. I personally hate how ALWAYS their final death move is to sail upwind of you. Almost 100% of the time if they are about to sink or are so low on health that they "know" they will die if hit again they will always turn and sail upwind. This makes for looting near impossible...especially with such tiny loot circles. So you have to save the kill shot for another 10 minutes to somehow get back upwind of them.
  14. Indeed. I believe once the "No Escape" patch is implemented, there should be no reason not to have outlaw battles back. The reason it was removed was because of dirty rats exploiting it to get away from revenge ganks. All nations should've been able to join those battles on one side or the other or as a third party. With this planned patch they'd have to fight it to the death amongst themselves. Granted....I bet they'd just capture the ships and trade them back...but at least they'd have to waste a perk on fleet.
  15. In my experience, a stern or bow raking through the hull (not directly at masts) it would dismast always the main mast and not the closest mast. Firing at masts directly would dismast whichever was closest...but not if firing through the hull. There is no magnet now. The mast closest to you from bow or stern will be the first to take damage. If you are firing from broadside or a broad angle, you will still be able to focus your fire at whichever mast you desire.
  16. No more alts needed in this game. lul. But you probaby know you can see the most aggressive clans on the map site by Select Ports On" Then the drop-down "Select Clan" and just clicking to see which clans have the most ports. Might I just suggest that you don't switch to the zerg nations who obviously need no more help. https://na-map.netlify.com/
  17. Do you have links to the sneak peeks? @admin truth...we needs some missions that provide reals as well. Is it not possible to make the rewards for each mission randomly offer reals or doubloons?
  18. It would be nice, but this isn't a character fps or whatever it's called. I don't think NA will ever be players controlling an actual character. But yes, it would be cool.
  19. This is all we are asking for. I would not mind the rock, paper, scissors boarding as long as we had some action in the background that correlates with the actions we are giving and the sounds we are hearing. Just have the cannon dudes on the ship do stuff related to boarding. We don't need to control each dude, we don't need fps, we don't need something hugely extravagant, we just want some action that looks nice...something like this behind the Boarding Window.
  20. @rediii did you always say it's not the ship that matters. No upgrade slot, no knowledge slots, and medium cannon should be just as good as a 5/5 best upgrades and all knowledge slots if the captain is gud.
  21. Good call. Only if the color pallet is limited to historical colors. No fluorescents and odd pastels, please.
  22. Will upgrades (and maybe cannon loadout) finally be included in the ships BR? This means you will have to set a BR for either each upgrade slot used, or you will have to define a BR for each upgrade type. Please. Please. A maxed out gold Aga should not have the same BR as an Admiralty 3/5 Aga. Having extra planking should give higher BR than extra pumps. Is anyone keen on the idea of listing all upgrades in the game and sorting them by ones that should affect BR and ones that should not.
  23. @admin Please make loot circles larger and don't force us to try to focus on the main mast. The loot circle should be an invisible sphere. I was in an Aggy capturing a Cutter for a quick board count on the testbed. I boarded it but my drift forced the pull to my stern. After the boarding was won, because of enemy ship location it was impossible to get the loot "x" to sink the ship for a kill. I tried every mouse movement to get a better look at the main mast, but to no avail. I had to sail away and then back upwind to get back to the ship to finally get the "x" to sink it. F11 sent. I personally feel that a boarding capture needs to auto register as a kill.
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