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Everything posted by chailang

  1. 建立一个中国论坛(正在施工) 培训更多的新人,教会他们基础的技巧
  2. 我已经告诉他们了,他们会在晚一些来回复这个线程
  3. 协议上写着,港口属于瑞典,即瑞典有权分配他们,这个地区不是法国人的.我们的行为是经过瑞典同意的。 法国人同不同意,或者开不开心,与我们无关. 我希望法国人不要再干涉我们和瑞典的外交.
  4. 我再次重复,港口依靠协议不是你法国的 闭嘴
  5. 第一天: 法国人(BORK+ICS)攻击了我们的Indian。 我联系Eirl two询问情况 ,他说法国将会开一个会议讨论这个问题 (这时候是我们晚上12点 第二天: 我发现Eirl two删除了账号.... 我们十分生气,认为是BORK和ICS赶走了他(误会已经消除),我们攻击了法国的港口和商船 不知道第几天: BORK(条顿)和ICS(巴博萨)主动联系我们,他们都声称能代表法国,他们要求和平,我们发送了两份一样的协议, 他们都同意了 随后我们开始按照协议 帮助法国激活CM 但是我们的敌意总是被法国降低, 我们无法准确的控制敌意,导致了过早的生成了港口战斗(我们的错) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 然后我们听说法国发生了内战 :ICS和其他CLAN内战 (我并不明白为什么会发生这种事情....) BT和GT确实要归还法国 但是我们的船还在港口中没有撤退 想等待1-2天进行撤退 但是突然法国人再次袭击了我们的Indian.. 要求归还BT和GT. 我们确实准备要还给法国港口,但是这次突然袭击打破了和平协议,让我们不再想归还港口.(ICS一直承认这个和平协议到现在,并且一直保持良好的沟通,解决出现的问题) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 之后还发生了和Duncan沟通出现问题,导致Duncan告诉了你们我们同意了和平 我再想想还有什么没有说到的 啊 还是不会用@ It's four in the morning, and I'm going to bed.
  6. The previous agreement was a misunderstanding. If you want to listen, I can tell you (my English is not very good Maybe I can't make myself clear
  7. First, the port of agreement is Swedish, and they have the right to distribute it Second, the Swedes wanted us to turn over the ports Third, the Swede can take it away from us at any time
  8. Can you? 454 and benny didn't like the French, so they asked us to flip the port quickly The port belongs to Sweden, which is a matter of Denmark and Sweden, not French
  9. A French delegate, please. I don't want an clan representative to talk to me If you can't stand for your country, please shut up The port belongs to Sweden in accordance with the treaty, and the Swedes require us to turn it over
  10. Do you have any rights? You can't control ics You can't interfere in our internal affairs.
  11. I repeat, this is our diplomacy with Sweden If you are unhappy, please go to Duncan
  12. I repeat, this is our diplomacy with Sweden If you have any complaints, please go to Duncan
  13. The swedes agreed Don't interfere in our diplomacy thank you
  14. Denmark-Norge status update Verenigde-Provincien: Neutral Espana: Neutral France: War Great Britain: Neutral United States: Neutral Sverige: Neutral Pirates: Alliance
  15. Who attacked the Allies first? The French attacked allies first, and we never attacked the French tread
  16. Who broke the alliance? Who attacked the Allies first?
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