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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. Any new players looking to join a nation the pvp2 Na Dutch Nation is an incredible and very helpful community to join. We grind and fight as a nation and help all those loyal to the dutch cause. We are communistic democracy, as weird as that sounds, we listen to everyone and act accordingly to the most popular idea at the time, and we spread all our resources and ships out for all players and ask only their help in the future in return. As stated we operate as a nation and not as a bunch of clans, our agenda is the nations agenda, and not separated by clans, while we may have a bunch of clans, we all log into the same ts and fight the same fight and help everyone. Of course this doesnt just apply to new players, any player that has had it with their nation or wants to try a new game play is welcome to join, just note that we do screen for spies and as such if you are coming from an untrusted place, we may put you through some tests that a player not looking to spy would very easily pass. We are a smaller nation, but do have a decent amount of land, and are a very rich gold wise and resource wise player base willing to help and grow. If you are interested, please email me here on the forums, comment on nation chat, reply to this forum, etc. Just get in touch and we will take it from there!
  2. just wish that deep water pvp was more common
  3. hahah yea. well thats why i asked. because the eta kind of has expired, which is understandable. but would be nice to have an updated eta
  4. So how long do you guys think before this next patch rolls out? Just curious.
  5. sweet! thank you for the clear up, luckily didnt lose anything, glad she went back up quickly as well!
  6. as the title and tags suggest, server is down, got booted out of a battle in my vic. hopefully we come back to her still sailing.
  7. could you add to that poll a seperate option for port numbers themselves. That doesnt really poll for what this post is aimed at directly.
  8. Several people I have talked to really do enjoy the regional bonuses, however not the pain it takes to sail there, set up a port, build the ship, then tear everything down to do it again for different bonuses. Perhaps we could get one to two more outpost slots in order to help that for regions people consistently build in. This would also allow for people to acquire fine resources and regular resources at a bit higher rate as they could set up farms that obviously have a chance to produce said resources in more locations.
  9. such as the fine woods. and from a few guys that have come from that server to ours. The major nations in that server like britain and the danes of course arent having that problem, others are.
  10. i have heard that you guys can barely scrap together resources for ships as individual players, and your earnings are very minimal. That whole fine wood problem you have going on there, we have to, but to a lesser extent. id hate for that to be any worse.
  11. like most people sticking on that server, id rather stick on an underpopulated server with good ping than go to some over populated server that does not have a manageable economy and destroys my ping.
  12. until they can fix the economy and make it enjoyable for all nations, because britian isnt the only nation here, then another server merger will just cause another mass exodus in player base. I take it you werent around for that?
  13. they tried it in the past. it didnt go over well.. and also the only people with that many first rates on our server are the super populated nations.
  14. a server merge would be very very very bad. they did it before. How are your resources and trade opportunities in pvp1? do you easily make 10 mil a day? id bet not with how many people are on your server, id rather not add 50-150 extra on at any given time to that mess.
  15. hahaha im sorry man, i am committed to our nation and devoted to making her great again I may make an account for pvp1, but that euro server does things to my ping, and i might log in now and then just for some good pvp action. But definitely not as a main account haha
  16. yea, i think sruPL's idea of adding a suggestion to go to a nation would work better for this game, and maybe with my idea of adding like a small xp incentive might actually get people to go to less populated nations.
  17. oh man, the war stories i have for you in my pavel vs 3-6 other players where i have come out on top. Those are what make this game great! But i would like to just say, in pvp2 there are nations whose pop max at one time is 6 players. at our highest server time there are 100-150 players on. and it makes for some different situations. a lot of people that have quit that server wanted balance in nations. because they didnt want to play the easy brits, and wanted to play a manned team of swedes, or danes, or spain (spain is the lowest on that server), or dutch, and well, couldnt. And thus got ganked constantly or had to just do nothing because of lack of players in these nations when there are 30 brits. or 50 pirates, or 50 americans on most of the time.
  18. also id like to say in pvp2. literally duel and small battles do not happen. hardly at all. havent for about 8 months. You hop in there and you can wait for 2 hours, i did once, went to lunch, got back, waited some more, watched a 45 minute video on netflix. never got anything.
  19. probably another pvp1 player id guess. It isnt even just the trade ships. and as far as pvp boredom. Thats exactly the problem. Thats exactly what this addresses, it adds pvp by making more nations viable for pvp so there is more pvp around the map. And it happens to me as well, i do not cry either, i say gg, and move on. But both of you truly cant be blind to the fact that there is a severe problem when so many people are complaining about it and are quitting this game because of it. I agree with both of you, but it isnt about us, its about this game's server pop and a larger group of people complaining about it than not. and then quitting when people say this isnt a problem and dont help fix it, and so it doesnt get fixed. The forts are a great thing for them though, i must say, good point, but that doesnt matter if you are in the middle of the water after popping out of a mission to a larger force in nuetral to hostile waters and rondomly there isnt a fleet for you to hide behind. Its those situations now that need to be addressed. They tried the whole invisibility thing and what not but that caused other problems. Larger populations for smaller nations and smaller population for unreasonably large nations, could fix this quite well. Or at least should be given a shot since this is in testing after all. and has been for several years.
  20. idealistic situations in a perfect world do not apply on this forum post. as this is not a perfect world, and people arent always on to do that. I agree that ganking shouldnt be stopped completely. as it did happen in real life. I believe that in a lot of cases, the ganking fleet strategically deserves said victory and what not. But we are looking at limiting it to those strategic setups and to stop it from being a case of lack of people available in one spot. For that case anyways. But really this post wasnt supposed to be orientated around ganking. Rather it was for a larger picture in terms of server and nation balancing to where all nations are actually present and able to fight in mainly pvp2. The pvp1 server doesnt have that much of a problem, and i am guessing you are from server 1 sieg. Just because what you are saying is definitely true for that server.
  21. thats a population issue. some nations cant help that at all. especially in pvp2.
  22. you know very well the problems ganking causes to population and should know that is not a game mechanic that is intended to be so popular.
  23. perhaps. but i do know this has worked in games for the past, a server suggestion would work well, and maybe add like a small xp boost for the first day or something as incentive?
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