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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. I think the point of them not being as accessible is to incentivize pvp in terms of port battles for nations to gain access to that refit. Would it be nice to have immediate access to all refits, sure, but i dont know, i enjoy the challenge of conquesting to gain that. But that is me personally. Perhaps you should make a post about it with a poll or something to get a better view of everyone's view.
  2. ok, so what are you saying in terms of the idea of another refit or not?
  3. I play on PVP 2 because my ping on PVP1 is minimum 800. Unless they can fix that, or have, there isnt a chance in heck id move over haha
  4. As other nations have refits i think it would be fair to give all nations a refit bonus, but as i am Dutch, I will be making a suggestion for the Dutch refit bonus. As we all know the Dutch were a trading nation primarily, and as such I think it would make sense that the Dutch Refit have these bonuses... -Increase hull capacity by 15% -Increase sail and mast Health by 5% The sail and mast health is for stronger, more durable masts and sails that could sustain the extra weight without losing speed. This would be a great perk for trader ships and would not imbalance pvp.
  5. I would then recommend going PVP2, you will get better ping there. The server population is definitely lower than pvp1 europe. however the player base as a whole is more helpful and accepting. As for nation and clan, my bias is Dutch, but i believe that its all for the right reasons. Us Dutch on pvp2 arent the largest nation, however we are growing rapidly, we are a very helpful community, almost socialistic in terms of how we allocate resources, and yet everyone gets a say in everything. We believe that teamwork is the only way to win and have fun. And as for clan, the Dutch dont play by clans, so literally any clan in the dutch nation and youd get the same experience; wealth, ships, experience, knowledge, pvp, several safe harbors in which to learn in that wont get you into unwanted pvp, and most of all a friendly player base that will strive to allow you to have the most enjoyment that you can out of this game. If you dont believe me, hop onto the dutch nation chat or pm me and ill get you our unified dutch ts, and you can ask anyone that has played or does play dutch. Minus Badbenny. He wanted us all to die, he was just a grumpy lad, we dont talk about him haha He went sweden, sweden has since collapsed.
  6. Us Dutch started this when the events first came out, was very effective, and we can all agree to these terms. Although i have noticed BSR a US clan has been trying to gank, so just beware them, everyone else out on the seas is courteous so far.
  7. just please remove the alliances in the ring, its a pvp event not a nation vs nation event
  8. i would just like to say, none of us escaped the battle due to damage. we just escaped to leave the battle after it ended haha
  9. I'd sink ya m8 . But I definitely agree. I don't like how when our Dutch fair play squad is out we can't battle several people because our nations are allied. Like why am I being limited to so few targets.
  10. Come to pvp2 then. We don't do tha crap and recently the pvp battles have started to grow quite a bit as people aren't ganking
  11. A great victory in the shallow water events for the Dutch today! Some US players came to steal kills from the Brits on us as we were about to engage in a 4v4 with some great gentlemanly Brits, all US gankers were sank and kindly added to our scores, and none achieved scoreboard status. Thats what you get for attacking a teamwork based Nation i suppose. Hope to see all you lads out there again! And hope the three US members that thought they could get some easy kills throught making a 4v4 a 7v4 learned their lesson, the dutch dont leave their members behind, and we will beat you in a 7v7 , we believe in fair play and will keep it that way.
  12. More Dutch Teamwork! Also great job to the Brits and US players that came out.
  13. I really am tired of my men sinking my own ship by not closing the gun ports on the open ocean. Like come on, basic training lads. Sigh, incompetent sailors, what can you expect from a crew that doesnt get paid i suppose. haha. But really i think a great cosmetic thing would be closeable gun ports.
  14. Lol yea pelennor and his sub 4 minute boarding ability hahaha
  15. Id like to have some power to modify this, especially in terms of the dutch alliances. I am a representative of the Dutch in pvp2. and this forum thread is beyond out of date, would like to get it back to up to date.
  16. not only that, but as Texas said as well, we do make sure we let certain players get the kills in battles. I still think them adding assists to the points is a good thing, because assists are there for a reason, and often times you may not have gotten that kill if you werent "assisted." So its good to reward everyone that was involved. But either way, until that is added, it is quite easily worked around. Btw, we are a small nation on pvp2, and that score i posted is the result of teamwork and teamwork alone. Our size if proportional to the number of people in top 10 would be maybe 1, and if the server population were really low 2. Teamwork is the dreamwork after all
  17. Hahaha too true. I mean. this was the result, with less than 100 online. they came, maybe not fast, but they came haha
  18. yea, us dutch on pvp2 havent gotten any new ones. like we have gotten tens of them, no new ones yet.
  19. Story behind this ranking. was just Zip and I, we were outnumbered 2-1, sank everyone with no casualties.
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