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Everything posted by Nym

  1. Dear DEVS Need Help recovering ship. So I just finished the final exam, took out the Hercules to see what she can do. Capped a LGV, I switched ships to see what wood the lgv was because you have not fixed that bug since last freaking year and the only way to see a capped ship wood is to switch it, and then it told me I can't switch back to my Hercules because god knows what drove you guys to put that mechanic in the game. The battle timed out and now the Hercules is gone. Real nice! Is there any chance you could restore it for me or something? I spent hours trying to pass that friggin final exam just so I can get the middle finger from a stupid bug from last year. Please help. Maximum frustration level achieved.
  2. I see. In that case this information needs to be present in the UI or something to avoid misunderstandings like this.
  3. Dear Devs, Please see NAB-68777. I put an Elephant Bow Figure on WO/WO Endymion, and it did not give the armor bonus. It just gave the speed penalty. See screenshots below for comparison. I have a feeling the latest patch messed the upgrade modules up a bit. Please fix! I tried putting the elephant bf on twice just to see if it was a temporary glitch. Went out and back into port. Same issue. Also, CapnButtPirate told me to tell you he's mad about it too, so you'll fix it sooner. Thank you!
  4. Nym

    Mega Patch 10.0

    1. Bring back the ability to do solo missions. There is no justification for its omission in this patch. Grinded away to be able to fit guns on the Surprise and when I was ready to go kick some ass, it seems I can only do fleet missions which do not fit my play style at all. If I wanted to team up with people I would play on the PVP servers. 2. Fix the availability marker on the trading tool. 3 ports showed having an item available and they were sold out. Hours and hours of sailing for nothing. BAD 3. SHIP SHADOWS ON WATER. It's 2017 for typing out loud! Also lit windows reflecting on water in OW for your ship would be lovely. All other ships have it except yours. I'm pretty sure it won't kill the performance to turn that option on (for one more ship on the screen). 4. Simplify the repair system, or lower the costs for repair items. 5 I have not felt the sting of losing a ship post wipe yet, but I agree that cannons are too damned expensive. 6. Make nights a bit longer. Seriously, I want a chance to enjoy that pretty night skybox. I'm sure your artists worked hard on it. It'll make sunsets and sunrises more appreciated. Other than that, good job! Your attempts to make me want to uninstall the game have not yet succeeded. Keep up the good work!
  5. The Endymion is missing Gunport Hatches! It looks super silly without them. Please fix!
  6. Here are the things I'l love to see in the OW area, as I'm a huge fan of sailing for hours and exploring/trading/fishing. Better water physics Better ship animations (sails and rudder) Option to turn the ship lights on or off Manual sail control Crew on ship Open/Closed gun ports toggle (no complex/ demanding animation needed) Better day/night sky transitions Earth curvature I understand the performance concern in crowded situations for some of these, but the game can automatically dumb down graphics settings when this happens. There are other MMOs that do this.
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