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Takumi El risitas

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Posts posted by Takumi El risitas

  1. 4 minutes ago, Batman said:

    GG to the guy who was stupid enough to keep his weak side towards you:P. I think first six ships were pulled in, rest joined.

    Yes, but is so annoying to have like 10 ships taking your crew while you are being boarded by a guy with marines and 30 more of morale xD

  2. 1 minute ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    It was not bad at first. Was part of a decent clan of friends. Then the fine woods came along and they just gradually quit. Formed my own clan a few months after that and then political crap in Great Britain made things awful. 


    Said it best. Every place has their issues. You escape one you find another, similar or different, in your path. 

    I say stay where your friends are. Without playing with friends this game tends to get dull very fast. 

    Used to play with my best IRL friend and another guy i meat online 5 years ago, they stoped playing because i went in to a clan and they didnt want to go in. So eventually i like to go and try new things

  3. I have been playing for dutch, danes, pirates and spain. Is there any reason to change to GB? Or should i join french? Im asking for a reason to change to your nation. I know hachi is a good reason but i need something more ;)

  4. 5 hours ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Spantards are a nice source of pvp marks. Their ships are usually made of poor woods and equipped with cheap and useless mods, so the best choice is always sink them.

    Their players don't know how to manual sail, aim and avoid incoming damage. They love chaining, sometimes they have fired chains against my hull.

    Also, I suggest to ignore the battle chat, they totally lack sense of humour.



    On 13/1/2018 at 12:37 AM, Pitxagorri said:


    Screening fleet vs PB fleet  San Juan del Norte


    • Like 4
  5. 5 hours ago, koiz said:

    Look I'll put it out on the table.

    I once considered lion a friend had some good times there and really wanted to help grow NPG but point blank he never liked me.

    He always downplayed what I did for the clan and said "I was just one of the other guys", when in reality there was a point were myself and a few others in the officer core truly ran the NA clan. I even hosted/ran the teamspeak and created a whole website for the clan going the distance in every regard creating custom NA tools for the clan. Including hosting other game servers for dayz and chiv. 

    He wasn't happy about this and there was always a rift because he wanted to be the center of attention. 

    The issues with Naval action start with his inability to address clan structure issues. He basically only cared about promoting and recruiting people to NPG. 

    He was a very fair-weather leader/player after the uncontested gulf campaign and would constantly interrupt or override officer plans which caused chaos.

    On the night of a massive 2 day multi-nation multi-clan (GB and Dutch) operation he decided to step in and ruin all the work that was done with the simple drunken statement of "It only takes 45 minutes to get to Kidds".

    This fractured the clan, it showed his disregard for the people that planned and worked hard to make sure our time was not wasted. The whole battle was a wash because of the chaos he started delaying the fleet from ever arriving. Only a handful of us and the officers were in place with our allies at the time. 

    I told him that night he had an issue and he better address it, he ignore me like he always did as this wasn't the first time he ruined plans.

    The next day in an officers intervention to make Lionshaft King of the NPG NA clan and to truly remove him from actionable power the clan broke up. 

    He will tell you we tried to kick him out of his clan but all we wanted was him to demote himself and promote Agamemnon as the clan leader. This was not possible at the time and what happened next is what broke the clan up. 

    He said, "I'm NPG, I'm the dictator."


    Wow, I never expected this

  6. On 9/1/2018 at 2:43 AM, Christendom said:

    Lionshaft as VP.......oh boy


    1 hour ago, koiz said:


    A "JOB" Hes totally suited for. Zero real power and responsibilities, lets him be the drunk he is!

    @William Death "Did you read the part where you have no power" 


    9 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    It was so nice of them to make Lionshaft the VP too. 

    What is wrong with lion shaft? It seems like a good guy

  7. 26 minutes ago, maturin said:

    So does this mean war with Spain, or is the U.S. just going to be beach bums in the Bahamas with their British friends?

    The United States still has a deal with El Real Acuerdo so unless they officially break the pact, we are still in peace / friendly with them ;)

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