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Lazy Eye

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Everything posted by Lazy Eye

  1. Lighthouses that work in storms. dynamic weather, mid battle a storm rolls in and we all have to storm storm anchor and wait . Crew getting shabbier the longer the voyage and SCURVY bleeding gums boils and teeth dropping out ! Dolphins riding our bow wakes ! shark attacks on men overboard Whale spouts, men cleaning the decks (especially after battle) and that Venetian flag is beautiful I figure I know which nation I will be sailing with ! (yes purely for the flag)
  2. Excellent to hear thanks for the prompt reply. I understand you have lots of dev time to get things up and running so forgive my kid in a sweet shop mentality my eyes are wide O.O I hear you have some dev's from S.T.A.L.K.E.R on board that makes me happy to know I loved the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series and still play CoP (with MISERY 2.1 beta mod) today ! I can imagine AVCOM STALKER style with 15th century weapons that would be brutal
  3. Lazy Eye

    1000 members

    Does he/she get a prize, every milestone in forum members should get a prize. I should get a prize for suggesting it too
  4. Thing is it will get soggy after a few seconds. Then it will break up and sink into a mush shortly after. Wont do you any good on the high seas I am afraid Also in battle your armour would feel like er... well.... um... Papier-mâché !
  5. Does that mean at first we cannot defeat ships with boarding action ? Or will there be an dice roll effect for boarding action dependent on certain stats. In fact is there boarding action implemented at all ?
  6. Since we have an Auto Skipper is it possible to have custom sail pre-sets with him so we can set up sails for a given amount of situations and just use a hot key to issue the command to the skipper when we need a certain sail configuration ?
  7. I am finding it ironic how some of the posters here want a realistic game but do not want to grind to achieve their godly status already ! You have to grind in an MMO and real life (that's called work) if you want to reach higher goals. I think a single player aspect of the game is needed sometimes people want time out of the community and a single player aspect will provide that. And not everybody wants to go to epic historical re-enactments of a time past, they want to write their OWN history ! Already I am detecting a hint of elitism in some people as they want everything handed to them on a plate and fully intend to use that power to "Be the best" before anyone else has a chance ! This is what kills games the leets (elites)!
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