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  1. The patch notes said that the recent patch changed the cargo capacity of ships to be more like the historical values. I think that just means they hit most cargo holds with the nerf bat. This change was kinda unexpected and I know most people are not pleased but the game is still being balanced in lots of ways. Hopefully they will release other cargo ready ships to make up for things on the trader side.
  2. Personally I liked being able to sling ships around, but I get why they put a stop to it. I do think that we need another mode of transporting ships to outposts. Perhaps your officer could be set to sail to a specified destination, paid by the day at sea in gold, and then the ship and officer wait at that port for your eventual arrival. I agree that they should appear in the OW and be vulnerable to attack. I would even say that it should be limited to one journey per (RL) day that your officer can perform. Maybe also restrict it to zero cargo. Having to sail ships to destinations in person is a good thing for the game imo, but not all of us have time to do that and for that reason a mechanic like this is needed.
  3. Thank you Nyurtle nice to see at least one US player is somewhat able to see the truth.
  4. I think that is a horrible idea. Sorry but many players like to use a name they already are known as in other games. For example I have some friends that I find in many other games simply by searching their name and bam there they are. They use the same name and are easy to find. Forcing a naming scheme is a bad plan for the community too. Limiting profanity or offensive names would be a good idea though.
  5. To many people here say that pirates should be restricted in crafting or in the ship types available to them because that is how it was in history. The problem there is that this is not a simulator, this is a game. If we go full realism here, the game will die. We need the game to be fun, we need the pirates and all nations to have fun. Nerfing pirates back to Mortimer might make many national players happy, but it will also remove alot of the fun factor for the pirate players, and thus hurt the overall population of the game. I am in agreement that pirates should not be able to capture ports. Raiding is a better idea for them, but don't restrict what they can build or what they can do economically unless there is something big to balance that out. I like the idea of pirates being able to modify ships, which would give them a battle edge, but not if they are restricted to only 5th rate ships or lower. I also agree that 1st rate ships should never be built by pirates, but in the interest of keeping this game FUN for ALL, they still need access to them, through free town shipyards for example. I also understand that pirates are going to be excluded from diplomacy, that makes sense but pirates need a black market where they can offer services as mercenaries. Pirate clans should also have the ability to be allied with one or more nations and hired as privateers to aid a nation.
  6. REWARD: 500k Your IGN: CptAhab Bounty's Nation: US Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN: [FEAR] JP Johns Last Known Port: Sunbury Reason: For talking the talk, then refusing to walk the walk. Any Additional Info: Bonus 500k if his 1st rate is captured (Provide screen shot)
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