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Everything posted by Yoha

  1. DLC ships in player fleets. DLC that cost more than the game. Armchair historians and purists.
  2. I get what you are saying, that's why I recommend players only get kicked after 6 months. As far as taxes go, reals tend to be pretty easy to make, even for newbies. Say a clan went with the higher end of taxation (10%), that's still just 100k in taxes for a noob with a bank account of 1 million...and it's only taxed once a week. I think most clans would opt for the 0% to 2% tax rate range. Another safeguard is you could have the game exclude players from the tax base who have been inactive for more than 14 days, that way taxes dont drain their bank account.
  3. The devs really need to step up on improving the clan management aspect of the game. Right now it is way too vanilla compared to the clan management systems in other games. Here are some thinks I would like to see (some have been suggested before): 1. Customizeable clan member rank titles. 2. Permission levels for each rank. 3. Ability for leader/co-leader to set minimum clan bank balance. 4. Clan ship warehouse (up to 30 slots, one slot per 2 active members). 5. Automatic purge of inactive clan members (6 months). 6. Port incomes need to show in money log. 7. Ability to mass delete items straight from clan warehouse. (So much trash in the Clan Warehouse...blueprints are the worst!) 8. Add a clan tax option so if a clan wants to tax their members, it can. (0%-10%, weekly tax) 9. Clan metrics/reports...like how much money each member contributed or withdrew in the last 30 days, what items each player contributed or withdrew in the last 30 days, how many kills/assists each member did this week, etc.
  4. Be careful, you might trigger the local Naval Action historians! They might not like the fact this ship was built after the Hercules. I think this ship would be an awesome addition to the game.
  5. I don't think using existing in game ships as the rule for the timeline is right. How else would the Herc have been added (it was outside of the current timeline!)? I also stated before that I do think they should add several more famous ships first...like the Spanish ones some on this forum are so fanatical about. You can't go wrong with more ships as long as they are nerfed or buffed to properly balance the game (like most of them are). History bluffs need to take a chill pill, there will always have to be an element of fantasy in order to balance this game.
  6. It could be that players in your nation are buying the ships but end up getting it captured. I know that happens a lot in my nation...to certain players/clans.
  7. Alts are real players too. I don't understand the fuss about alts. The people I know with alts use their alts to do econ while they enjoy pvp on their main. If an alt buys stuff in a port it's the same as anyone else buying it...you get paid the same. I still like the idea of limiting your contracts depending on your desired audience...like preferential clan prices, etc.
  8. Galleys were still being used in the 18th and 19th century. Many tall ships were in service well into the latter half of the 19th century. Should we remove any ship that was in use during Galleys and after steam power? If the devs want to give us a concrete date range of ships they will only consider, that would clear up some of the debate. Let's get the more famous ships in the game first and then round out each nation with at least 1 ship of each rate.
  9. Do you realize how many of the ships in game don't have their true historical armament? The only reason the USS Penn had the next gen of cannons was because its construction was delayed due to budget issues. If the devs ever decide to add a US first rate (USS Penn) then I'm 100% with them using the in game gun system rather than adding more modern cannons.
  10. What are these purple or gold ships you speak of? I can't seem to craft anything but blue ships.
  11. The 1801 one would be a nice addition at a later point.
  12. Getting back on topic... More Spanish ships would be nice too...especially since the poll indicated most people wanted it. I just hope the devs don't ignore all the other beautiful tall ships that were not necessarily present in the Caribbean or not part of more famous navies at the time.
  13. The US had a navy starting in 1776...you know, the same time period as many of the famous ships in NA...like the HMS Victory (1765), and before even the L'Ocean (1790).
  14. It doesn't have to be true to history, it just has to be balanced. The devs have deviated a lot from history in order to make so many ships from different times be somewhat balanced. I don't see why they can't do it some more. The Santi and other first rates were still competitive in the early to mid 1800s. By all means I think the devs should add other ships than the USS Penn first, but it would be nice for there to be a ship of every rate for each nation eventually.
  15. That would be cool. I also propose a minor speed buff.
  16. Well that ship would be WAY outside of the Naval Action time period while the USS Pennsylvania 1837 is at the very end of the Naval Action time period.
  17. I would be ok with a gun nerf, they have tweaked plenty of other ships' gun payloads so far. If they left it around the broadside weight of a L'Ocean or Santi it would be appropriate. We all know they tweak the armor values on the ships for balance-ish.
  18. What is the BR total for each of those nations? A Niagara does not hold the same significance as a Santi. That being said, I'm cool with more Spanish ships because they are very beautiful ships. Maybe get them some smaller rated ships to balance their tree out.
  19. Yeah, I have only had one Northern Master Carp since the wipe. Getting good upgrades like Northern Carpenters and Carta Caulk is difficult. I basically have to do some gold chest grinding of AI in order to supply myself with enough upgrades. Doing pvp missions is great but you lose a lot more mods on sunk ships than you gain through pvp mission rewards. A general rebalance of rare upgrade resources would be nice...maybe have them drop in free ports so everyone can compete for them.
  20. So if a nation already has at least 1 ship in game, no more are needed? Both the Connie and USS are essentially the same ship, and are not particularly very good at being 3rd rates. The rest are small ships. I would like to see more line ships of EVERY nation, and I think my previous posts on the matter have made this clear. That includes Russian, German, and US ships even though some people may dislike it due to their geographical "immersion" purism. New Dutch ships great! New Spanish, great! Portugese ... why not!
  21. I think the devs should add the Spanish as well as more ships of other nations. That includes Russian, German or US ships...I would rather have a wide variety of beautiful ships rather than worry about geographical "immersion"...everyone has a different take on "immersion".
  22. Just remove Poland from the game. Also give every regional capital 55 points so that more clans can have access to the best ships.
  23. They really should remove the home cam. In battles that are stormy, you sometimes can lose visual of the enemy ship, but you can still see where they are on the battle map...I think that if you can't see them visually that they should drop off the map or show their last spotted location.
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