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Everything posted by DreamMaker

  1. Я считаю ты на столько отдалился в "открытый мир", что уже совсем не знаешь что происходит в навале, просто пару примеров: 1) Ты называешь ленивыми игроков за то что они устают 2 недели бить НПС для набивки региона. 2) ты настолько идеализировал придуманную тобой систему, что совсем забываешь про онлайн, твинков, и разницу часовых поясов. 3) Предлагая убить систему пб, убрав варсуплайзы, ты предлагаешь как альтернативу - бегать за гангерами, защищая ботов на серых кораблях??(что?????)))
  2. Т.е. нам теперь в атакующие пб в 5 утра ходить?)
  3. Осталось только придумать, как при всех предложенных вариантах избежать ПБ от амеров в 5 часов утра
  4. А чем тогда еще заниматься в игре?) "Просто" попробуйте, как нибудь превратить набивку из пве в пвп, и сократить ее время с 6 до 2-3 часов(ну или 1-1,5 часа если защитники не пришли), и вас будут боготворить
  5. Yes... it is a bit fixed if make pb possible max 12 P.M. server time, but it is uncomfortably for US players, i know... anyway devs will not do this. However this mechanics better then all time PVE just need some fix, i dont know, how devs can fix it, but it realy need. happy to continue talking later, but now I need to go
  6. If you've played before in any online game ever, you should to understand, you can not make a game for your region, if ppl from your region dont play in this game. Other ppl(from other regions) just cant play with you on your prime. for this purpose devs created USA PVP Serv I'm tired to explain to you all the details im not devs, just give you some ideas If defenders not comming - attackers win(it is mean PB will !). If attackers hide or run away from defenders(do not confuse with tactical maneuvers) - hostility coming down P.S. Pls stop "brain-attack" me I'll go get some rest. Good luck in the sea!
  7. why chill? You dont see the main, in alternative cases you whant make people 3-4 hors grind the NPC?? It is a game! People whant some get FUN, rather than spend 3 hours free(after working) hours just for grind. of your ideas for the game and dies! If you make more than 1.5 hours for up hostility to 20+ players, it wi'll be forever PVE!
  8. there are many options, for example(it is not best option) for up hostility(1.5 hours) need 15-20 ppl(in prime time it is not problem for any nation), if attackers have less ppl, up 100% hostility takes longer(3-4 or 5 hours).
  9. I dont say make a binding to the enemy fleet in your territory. Just a concrete case: enemy fleet stay in sea fron of your state(not near the port ofc). Enemy fleet ready for fight...If these conditions are satisfied, defenders should have no other option( reduction of hostility) except PVP vs attaking. It is main idea! Ofc defender should have time (1-2 hour, not more 2 hours) for preparation.
  10. this is the main idea. I dont understund, why u read only a fragments of my post
  11. Your system is not bad,however, there are many unique. The main thing that the new system provides the player with 2 functions: 1)the possibility of attacking side, effortlessly capture the port(i mean starting PB) for 1-2 hours, provided that no one has come to defend. 2)the possibility for defend side, reduce the level of hostility only with pvp against attacking side(those. if your shores is a big enemy fleet, you should not be able to reduce through PvE hostiliti without destroying the this(enemy) fleet)
  12. Как будто без агамемнонов что то было иначе.... И да, про "Действующею систему пб" это четка! Ведь сейчас система как раз для датчан, всем датчанам +1000500 статов дают при входе в ПБ
  13. I wrote a lot about it before, I was testing grind up Hostility and WarSupplies up hostility. There will be no sea pvp, but only a competition - who is kill more NPC. We have seen this in practice, repeatedly... P.S. How would you not hated this mechanics. Just compare PB at first time after patc(when no1 dont use WarSupplies) and now. WarSupplies bomb mechanics course is not working properly, but if kill it(mechanics)(how do you plan to do) - forget about PB(I mean pvp, because RVR not be too). Let testit the game, rather than trying to break it for yourself (c)
  14. Если кто-то знает как можно поучаствовать в НОРМАЛЬНОМ ПБ, не занимаясь этой фигней, сообщите.. а иначе к чем это все писать тут
  15. If the WarSupplies bomb will make only 50%, you are left without PB.
  16. P.P.S. dont flame me, i just have a good mood and I did not want to offend anyone Have a nice day!
  17. Then why did you write here? New player not allowed to join the pb or what?? Enough! Stop these hidden suspicions and hidden insult!!! P.S. Clan RUS requests also check these players, after which we will ask to stop blame us for "break game mechanics", plus we demand a public apology
  18. https://www.twitch.tv/neur0t/v/103301113?t=01h16m33s Мы не снимали, т.к. всего 4 человека русов было, по большей части тренировочное ПБ.
  19. Да куда нам, у нас вон некоторые люди кидали гильдию прям в бою, боясь за прочку белоны...
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