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Isaac J Smith

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Posts posted by Isaac J Smith

  1. It's always been the case (even with the old hostility missions) that if the battle were in deepwater that deepwater ships could engage shallow ports. This allowed for easy inst-flips on shallows if you could get it in the deep (under the old system). I personally believe that missions against shallow ports should be locked to deepwater ships just like Port Battles are, but it has always been working this way.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Lt Sekiro said:

    Maybe another option.

    Take a mission " sank HDF ship" where you need sank "X" hdf fleet ( 10 for example). Mission can be reward only on the port you take the mission.

    + You need  sank HDF of the nation the closest to you port. If you are  are in aves , the mission need to sank HDF fleet from sweds, in la tortue , Pirate , ect ect

    No. It's frustrating enough as it is to do HDFs to have a chance of getting a flag. Forcing you to do HDFs with certain nations through a mission just adds more complication and takes up a mission slot. Lets keep it simple.

    • Like 3
  3. RIP Frigates: 2016 - 2020.

    Before the patch taking frigates out, despite challenging was at least viable. Now, getting demasted from 42lb spam from 750-1000m is just not fun. No point sailing frigates when more than half the server sailing around in DLC lineships with exactly the guns that demast you with long range spam before you can even close. Is it realistic? Sure, I guess. Does it make the game fun? Not really. Before it was inadvisable to do open-world PVP in anything smaller than a 3rd rate. Now it's basically impossible.

    All that's left now is hunting traders... who more and more are being escorted by combat lineships, or shallows - where half the frigates can't go.

    • Like 4
  4. 6 hours ago, Atreides said:

    Pretty sure it is just an overlooked bug, I'm confidant they will fix it.  I bought the game in Aug 2015 and I also don't have it unlocked.

    /edit  Just checked on my alt account, which was bought June 2016, he has the Trinc DLC.

    Probably different item codes in steam's DB between the old version and the current version. They gave trico item code to every player with item code x, but GL forgot item code Y existed so it never got added to those.

  5. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    it will work as if you are playing on the Peace server but with a risk of being attacked

    I don't play on the peace server, so can you answer the simple question: Can we place contracts?

    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    To be honest, there are some ports that are owned by dead or inactive clans.  Just in Dutch I know of one port owned by a dead clan, but it makes enough to pay it's none timer tax and I know of an alt clan that ownes one of the second most productive port and a few others, but we can't do anything to them cause they haven't allowed other clans to invest or touched them since taking ownership, even after offering to pay for those ports and they aggreed but backed out at the last momentt after payment was gained.   Sorry there needs to be some way to remove dead clans and alt clans from ports.  If it's way behind front lines than you can't just ask some one to come flip them for you.

    There are better ways than choosing 2 random ports. Only good thing is it has given us 25 wooden chests so far, and we'll get another 25 today (because DK got attacked again). I agree this is a problem, but randomly choosing 2 lowest performing ports in regions will only ever choose non-capital timer ports on the frontlines if a frontline is near.

    There are better ways to do this that don't force you to do even more PvE on a PvP server. Small nations (EG: DK-NG, even Dutch would be like this) can't afford to grind privateers for flags to even do RvR, defend ports they own, and attack ports all at the same time. So these raider attacks just mean for a smaller nation that if we scheduled a PB the day before, we can't really make it anymore because we have to ensure we defend our port. I would rather see a proper implementation of a way to remove alt/dead clan ownership of a port. Perhaps an item which is expensive in Doubloons or Victory Marks (prevent abuse/overuse to get chests) that allows you to challenge a port owner. This could then spawn the NPC raider mission to attack the port, instead of doing it at random. Could be explained away as the "Raiders saw the building conflict between rival factions over X port, and decided to take advantage of the situation to get what they can"

    • Like 2
  7. Ahhhh ok. I agree completely. Added 2 more ships was unnecessary, and the flag drop chance needs to be increased and/or expiry removed. But what will really happen:


    *Next Patch* - Home Defense Fleets have had their HP increased as they were sinking too quickly. The 2 wasas have also been replaced with 4 Bucentaures to increase the chances of getting a flag from a single battle.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Archaos said:

    We all know how that went last time there were AI attacks, it was basically RNG as to whether you could win or not.

    Wasn't RNG at all. If you went in with a valid strategy, they were quite manageable. AFAIK, not 1 port fell whilst AI raids were on PvP last time - or if there were any, can't have been often as I don't remember them.

  9. 47 minutes ago, admin said:

    We need to wash out poor ports that are neglected by clans to give other nations a chance to take them for themselves from neutrals.


    We took it a month ago, and RVR was disabled a day or 2 later..... such Neglect....


    This will ONLY result in frontline ports being raided, because timers are MANDATORY if we don't want to have to defend our port from enemy nations at hello kittying 2am.....

    Timer = -250k money = poorest port = Raid


    Or ports in bum-hello kittying nowhere that noone can reasonably attack so noone cares enough to put a timer...



    Like seriously, do you even think these things through?

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Hi @admin would you mind expanding on the reasons for bringing back AI port battles? I believe you've said here community decision and popularity will influence future patch changes.  I think the opinion of the community on AI PBs on the War server is an overwhelming "F*CK NO". 

    So why are they back?


    Because clearly we weren't having enough port battles causing stagnation on the map.


    Maybe they need to have the flag battles now spawn a port raid, then we have to fight the AI in a port raid and capture the indiaman to get a new flag, which we then have to sail back to our port to redeem and get a battle totem. Then sail up and place the battle totem on the port by destroying the fort in a battle and then sailing onto the docks. Then we might have less stagnation.

    • Like 2
  11. 42 minutes ago, admin said:

    Hotfix 2nd July 2020

    Raiders on War Server

    • Raiders attack undeveloped ports again on the War Server. Raiders pick 2 poorest ports in 2 random regions and try to take them back from players

    Seriously.... now we have to put hello kittying timers for 5000 million reals on every bloody port.


    At this point why bother playing...

    • Like 3
  12. On 6/25/2020 at 5:22 PM, Stilgar said:

    I am all for more accessible woods, but your proposal will beat the purpose of these woods to be rare and would favor (larger) clans leaving casual/sole player or small groups in the dust.

    Casual solo player discovers Malabar Forest. Sells information to a clan for a reward.

    I know for some of these woods you might see clans offer bounty rewards (rare ships, upgrades, reals/doubloons etc.) to people who report a location of a forest to them.

    Casual/solo player would have just as much opportunity to sail around ports and find these, and if they get in first could easily get them themselves. There are a lot of ports out there after all...

    This would beat the "rarity" a little bit, but you could always tweak the numbers to make them rare. What it does do is create more things for people to do than just Combat or Trading, by creating a 3rd "exploration" type role. It also presents a bit more fairness to the map, rather than locking things like the fastest woods behind having alts in every nation.

    • Like 2
  13. On 6/24/2020 at 7:18 PM, admin said:


    Port battles are ready to return to War Server Thursday 25th of June!

    Port battles are enabled on War Server (pvp server)


    • Added flag expiry - currently set at 7 days. Flag will become useless in 7 days after its initial capture
      • Ability to trade in the flags to the admiralty will be added in the near future. Even expired flags can be traded in.
    • Conquest flag Instance visibility
      • Added some distance between instances with conquest flag battles (indicated by swords) even if they are placed near each other to remove ability to hide instances from enemies (like happened with hostility missions)
      • Slightly raised the flags above sea for better visibility
    • Returned the message from clerk on successful placement of flag
    • Flags now drop from heavy Home defense fleets (10% drop rate)
    • Increased the number of first rates in Home defense fleets by 2

    Current flags and conquest test chests will be removed from player accounts

    Seeferkel last log can now drop from Admiral and Captain's chest

    These are not improvements. The "improvements" you list there do nothing but incentivise moving to large nations at the detriment of smaller nations. It's already hard enough to get numbers for home defense fleets as it is in smaller nations, but now we get 1 flag per fleet (10% drop chance, just over 10 ships per fleet) so we have to hit ~5 fleets per week just to do port battles (and we need more players). Way to take a fun mechanic and turn it into yet another large nation advantageous chore of a grind...


    We have to defend our ports too, so when will we have time to grind these? Ridiculous...


    At least only have expiry for top 3 nations or something...

    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    Other than hostility missions. HDFs drop wooden chests that are needed for seasoned wood and port investment so people do it anyway and flags will be a bycatch.

    Except Wooden Chests can be acquired in other ways. I don't care if they're added to HDFs for some people, but there needs to be other methods to acquire them. For example, mission to sink x flag carriers rewards a flag, successfully planting x flags rewards a flag (where X is some number). perhaps even add them to the loot table of captains/admirals chests or something. Just some way to get them that isn't PVE grinding.


    This is a PvP server after all.....

  15. 8 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    Without wiping flags from time to time clans will have an endless flag stock so the alt wars can begin.

    Flags need to be wiped from time to time

    Yes, because we all want to be forced to spend even more time grinding PvE HDFs than we already have to....


    It's this continuous insistence on there having to be endless grind for content that has driven players away, I expect even the current system will have a similar result.

  16. 41 minutes ago, admin said:

    server speed is not game speed. Client speed is lower.
    But because this is causing confusion and upset people ALL cap numbers will be hidden

    So rather than give us the actual cap values, you're going to remove everything? This impacts being able to plan ship builds on useful tools such as felix's map.

    Instead of "You're looking at the wrong values, you need to look at these" it's "We're going to removal all values". Sounds logical...


    All we want is to know what these caps are so when we build ships for certain things (ie: HP), we don't end up with a nasty surprise.


    EDIT: Looks like Felix has manually coded caps into his tool, but it would be nice if we could get accurate values still using API/Something.

    • Like 4
  17. 13 minutes ago, Knuddel said:



    So i tryed to do the Mission. And like i reported: Doesnt work. I took a mission travelt to the Port. Klicked on set conquest flag now multiple times, always have a cooldown of like 5 secounds but nothing else is working. 

    Server is having issues:

    We crashed it with too much testing already. You can't enter/leave battles or ports at the moment (at least from what I'm reading in global/discord).

  18. Suggestion: Add a control circle on the dock, or something like Patrol zone circle to these new hostility missions. With the new speed cap increases, the current circle-less system (at least from what I've seen 5 minutes into a mission) will result in max speed lynx flag carriers just running away to guarantee a battle.image.thumb.png.2b9d8ea45c2a2ccd88bfaac7fad1f411.png


    Perhaps in the battle there can be the rules like a port battle (1000 points) on a capture point somewhere. Capturing the circle generates "Hostility points", enemy capturing the circle reduces "Hostility points." Sinking ships (unless the flag carrier) would result in nothing. If the attackers hit 1000 points, battle is set.

    • Like 2
  19. I have NEVER met anyone building WO/WO for the thickness (Always for the HP/Repairs). I'm sorry, but completely changing the entirety of the woods purpose on a whim is complete BS. Reducing some of the values, fine, but completely removing the reason people built certain ships already is NOT something a release product should be doing.

    • Like 8
  20. Reverting to the old mechanic of "If you're not there in 2 minutes, too bad" would fix a lot of the problems.... Just saying.

    Keep the current rules as the PZ rules, and the rest of the OW with this 2 minute timer. There is too much abuse with the current rules in OW everywhere.

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