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Everything posted by Cabral

  1. You can only blame yourselves, why do you attend their PB's? You know very well by now that they don't care about map win or all those ports, they just want to smash people in PB's. They come with those fine words and compliments "good battle", "you are getting better", just to make you come again and again to smash you. They feed their ego and you go home in a cutter. Have fun in OW pvp and let RVR to them.
  2. If those games are example of realism, I'm the Pope. Portugal could, and it did crossed the Atlantic Sea.
  3. When we will get some love on HMS Surprise? Some rigging still missing.
  4. God save you if you were at war with them. By the way, you were elected president by the people vote or self imposed?
  5. You can shake it now, only danes can give a little fight, but that won't be a problem for you.
  6. A pve nation declared war on a pve nation. What they are gonna do? Pve?
  7. I'm trying to talk like an adult, if you want to go that way... cya.
  8. hey Santa, why you didn't saw many british veterans in Cartagena PB? Use your little brain and think.
  9. Was planned before Cartagena, you shouldn't talk about what you don't know.
  10. The british that gonna switch to pirates are doing it in search of OW pvp, you swedes should know that this game is not only RVR. Probably you will get more empty PB's, like before patch.
  11. So what you propose is that only KPR should be uncapturable, the remaining ports of Jamaica could be? Do you accept the same to Martinique, you only keep Fort Royal?
  12. I think you already planned to flip half the map again, like it's tradition
  13. It's sad to see that some people don't play this game just for the fun of it, the only interest is progressing until Rear Admiral and retaining the max pixels gold they can.
  14. Don't quit the game, join EU server. Leave Global to BLACK.
  15. Yo no represento a los ingleses, por eso dijo que debían hablar con los diplomáticos, sólo estoy dando mi opinión. Sólo quiero dar consejos amigables, si piensas que eran amenazas es porque piensas igual a los traidores VLTRA, sólo quieres la guerra a costa de los demás españoles. Y esta respuesta puedes meter donde quieras, excepto en Radio Macuto.
  16. Lo siento por estar intrometerme en vuestro forum. En este momento el futuro de la nación española pasa por la diplomacia, a corto plazo es la mejor solución. Pónganse en contacto con los diplomáticos ingleses y hagan un acuerdo que asegure la supervivencia de la comunidad española en el juego. A pesar de lo que ustedes piensan, los ingleses no son sus peores enemigos, no queremos reducir España a pocos puertos. En este momento el orgullo nacional no ayuda en nada, la solución es la comunicación y buena voluntad.
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