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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. Logging off at sea is totally fine. using the mechanic to prevent a vital part of the game e.g. Screening is what we perceive to be an exploit of that mechanic. We are not arguing that a fleet cNt sail to the port and log off so they can sail there at the time they want and still take part in the pet battle. Logging in and instantly being able to join the PB is what we deem to be the exploit. If the attacking fleet would have the regular 120second can't join the battle rule applied to entering the port battle there would be a chance to screen that fleet, while the attacking nation would still have the chance to a ) fight off the screen with a frigate fleet of their own and b ) log off in front of the port to sail there at the time of their liking.
  2. If you put a 5 minute timer in you would have a chance with screening. This way you don't. It's an exploit in if the Brits did it the forum would be in an uproar right now. Other way around: it's just fine
  3. You lost money because you "Mis speculated" on the market. That's a different thing from sitting in port all day buying an item at 50g and instantly selling it for 350g to the ai making hundreds of millions of gold. That is just exploiting a price bug
  4. A 15 min stop from entering a PB after battle gives the defender at least a chance to screen the port battle fleet. Or am I missing something here?
  5. @admin: Some people made 100+ millions in gold out the price bug (I heard claims of 1billion) Do you plan on taking that fraud money out of the economy again?
  6. What's all that about anyways. If devs decide to give a ship or blue print to somebody they can do that all day long without having to explain that to anybody. I don't like the fact that some bps are more or less exclusive but that's a whole different story. Congratulations to the winners of the tournament. Enjoy your prices. Thx to the developers for their support to that community event. I hope good data was produced that helps to refine combat mechanics further.
  7. So what? Let them at the game like they want to play it. If you limit people in the ways they enjoy the game most won't miracolously start to play the way YOU want them to but don't play at all. PVP server means engaging other players is possible. It doesn't mean all other ways of playing at not allowed just because it's not the way you enjoy it.
  8. Don't know if it's true, but I've heard that the 24pound long guns may have the wrong model (the one for the 24 pound mediums) That's what makes it look wacky. Medium gun models on the bottom deck.
  9. WE as in "this gaming community" Less toxic "you suck" posts and more "hey this was fun, congratulations on your effort" posts would be a good thing for the community. Obviously you don't have to agree with me here. I would still assume there are more players in "we the community" that would agree then the other way around.
  10. Thx cutler and thx Alan for a description of what really happened. We really need more of this kind of posts and less of the LV kind of posts i think. Would support redmans attempt at a battle like this as well. A similar battle was offered to the French fleet some weeks ago but unfortunately never happend.
  11. People are still playing? Thought everyone is just waiting for the patch ;-)
  12. Want us to find all the "we will fight till the end, never surrender" posts from the Spanish, when Brits just stopped with you still having 20+ ports? It was up to you to stop and you didn't and that's fine with me. What I don't like is the hypocrisy that comes with it. Cut the bullshit and stand to what you did... Done, story over. Next round after the patch. Don't understand why you still try to find fault with the others. You wanted moral high ground all the time. It was there for you to take it. You didn't. You are no better then the rest of all the people that used exploits and pushed it beyond the boundaries of what is good for the community. I don't hold that against you because it was all within the rules of the game. But please acknowledge that it was you who could have stopped it and didn't. That's the least you could do.
  13. A handful of ports taken is "almost destroying" them. Laughable. You have shown your double standards in the last weeks again. Taking as many empty ports as you can is part of the game and by that standard fair game. But Never start your crying orgy in the forums again Ike that one night where the Dutch were assisted by 15 British first rates and your tears washed over us for "destroying the game", please.
  14. Again: not sure if taking 6-8 ports on Cuba and the caimans (plus some in the gulf that have never been contested by either Spain or GB) can be called "pummeled" We had some great battles for sant Ingo and a set goal. Take those 6 ports in Cuba and the caimans and that's it.
  15. Their is a rather large group of Aussies playing on PVP1 and even clans made of Australians and kiwis. If it was unplayable due to ping I wonder how they do it... Hmm. It's a mystery.
  16. How does stopping the war when Spain had 20+? Ports left and giving them back an additional 13 ports only keeping a handful Spain took from us before, reduce them to a fraction of a faction??? In my book the treaty was more than fair.
  17. lovely to see all these people that have been crying murder when spain was "reduced" to 11 ports trying to one port the dutch. real men you are, indeed :-)
  18. Lol... Please Tomms stop fact checking LV all the time. It's just not fair. Please let him get by with his Propaganda. I specifically like the part where he insults all his teammates as "retards" Maybe you should divert your picture editing skills towards censoring the chat rather then faking the ship list, LV
  19. Does this thread qualify to get closed by mods? It's full of personal insults and probably ran it's course
  20. What do you expect captains to do: "No I'm not joining the battle because it would be unfair to the guys that brought the gankfleet" ???
  21. Thx for clearing that up. Really no division within you guys... I would strongly advise to work this out behind the curtains. Our enemies are laughing their tales off :-(
  22. OMG I just genuinely liked an LV post. I better call in sick for tomorrow
  23. I don't think it's too hard. Just don't insult people and stay on topic (or at least close to it) It's not like these rules are complicated or hard to comprehend
  24. Just had a quick look at the screenshots. British captains in all of the shots I looked at
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