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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. I'm afraid with Sweden and Denmark aiming for an alliance you will have to postpone your plans till at least next voting period ;-) Maybe time to fill that treasure chest of yours :-)
  2. Love it! Thx for coming back :-) Devs should mak it a feature (similar to GTA) where you have a list of radio stations with one of them being actively managed by DJ mouse. Totally not historical but a fun feature ;-)
  3. A ) I don't think that's going to happen B ) if it does: it won't be because it's "the easy thing to do" but because a very vocal part of the Spanish nation has pissed of a lot of people on the forums I hope that alliance patch won't only change dynamics in alliances once but over again during the course of the game with alliances forming up and splitting up without the "oh this is betrayal, we can never trust you again bullshit"
  4. 35 million... Maybe you can even make this a business. 1 Annoy your nation till the want to get rid of you 2 Collect the coin, change nation 3 repeat
  5. Will events be "one offs" where i cant get the BP if im not there for the day/week or will there be multiple chances to get the bluprints?
  6. If you were still at war with us (the British nation), you would have a lot less ports. And I'm not talking about the 13 ports we gifted to your council as a sign of good will.
  7. ia or really not possible for you to just congratulate your opponents for a good fight an move on when you loose vicious? Is that really so hard? sad display here again :-(
  8. It's because of your antics and behavior in game and on the forums. Nothing else really
  9. How is that fair chances: 2 x 2nd rate. Vs. 0 x 2nd rate 3 x 3rd rate. Vs. 3 x 3rd rate 5 x 4th rate. Vs. 4 x 4th rate 1 x trinc Vs. 1x belle poule 1 x renomee vs. 1x unknown In my book not only you are up by 2nd rates and 1 4th rate, you also have the better 4th rates (ingers vs conus) and the better 5th rate (trinc vs. bp)
  10. Number of Players dös not Necessaires correlate with military power. Don't think it should have an effect on votes. 3 scenarios and a question: A ) you think Britain has the most active players. You base this on the fact that you see a lot of them active in campaigns. You don't have the data to support your findings. B ) you think Britain has the most active players. You base this on the fact that you see a lot of them active in campaigns. Data given to you by the developers state that your observation is true and the number of players are part of the reason you see so many of them. C ) you think Britain has the most active players. You base this on the fact that you see a lot of them active in campaigns. Data given to you by the developers falsify your thought. In all scenarios there are a lot of British ships taking part in the campaigns. How do numbers supported influence your decision? In any case there are a lot of British ships taking part in the campaign.
  11. Don't really want to discuss "what would be realistic" all the time. First off all its not realistic to control a 100 gun ship with a mouse sitting in an arm chair drinking beer. When it comes to masts I think being able to repair them is good for the game. It's a trade off. Do you repair early to get your sails up and running again or do you wait for the mast to come down. A ship that has been demasted will have a hard time to recover and run away. Don't really see your point there.
  12. I don't think it matter to what time we set the timers: you will always find a reason to bitch about it...
  13. Your right. might be time to close it. But Don't forget who opened it with which intent ;-)
  14. Gather a fleet and go for Santiago :-) We had some good battles there.
  15. If a Clan or player switched to pirates to deliberately brake the game and has stated so in multie threads I don't think there should be an easy out of that choice supported by the devs
  16. Must be a joy, to Play for the Same Nation als Sorry.
  17. Admin mentioned NA2 briefly in the development roadmap thread in an answer to a question and at least one more time in another thread
  18. Dont worry guys. Every nation has players like lobogris to cope with...
  19. The Same day you lost a decisive battle. Coincidence ?
  20. Compared to almost all the other so called "mechanics discussion" threads that have been created over the last month, I find this one to be rather nicely worded and creative.
  21. I like how duras work right now. Reducing them will discourage PVP even more unless ships get cheaper. If they get cheaper all it leads to is more sailing from a to b, cause your ship sunk and the new one is not where you need it. Really don't see a lot of benefits.
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