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Sven Silberbart

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Everything posted by Sven Silberbart

  1. Cartagena Port Battle mal aus Sicht der Kleinschiffe 🙂
  2. The base idea of the flags wasnt bad. The way it was implemented into the game was. 1) The false flags. 2) The speed at which a flag could be pulled, planted and the port captured 3) The borders moved so fast Because everyone could buy easily a flag and start a PB. That was the problem, not the flag itself. Flags must be expensive to buy or to craft (Cost dubloons and vic marks). The maximum amount of flags must be limited for a clan. Only clans can buy or craft flags (we must fight the alt problem). The transport of the flag must be done within a battle group . If the flag is at the target port, it do not start the PB immediately. Placing a flag needs time. During that time the flag must be defended by the battle group.... I am sure, there are more options to make flag system well working.
  3. The flag mechanic was the best of all ideas and was thrown away too fast. It should have a come back incl. a rework.
  4. Exactly. You nailed it. A port isn't worth to capture. Big grind, long travels, organisational work, big risk for .. having a worthless port, or more bad: a port you have to pay for every day wich makes grind once more needed.
  5. Ahoy Kapitäne. wer sich ein Bild über uns machen möchte kann gern auf unseren Kanal vorbeischauen. Hier ein Beispiel (Screening vor Puerto de Espana) was man mit einer Wappen nicht machen sollte: Wappen von Hamburg geschreddert
  6. ..und denk dran: Du kannst reppen, der gegner tut es aber nicht. Also pack HullReps ein und nutze sie wenn es nicht so gut läuft früh genug.
  7. i fear you are right and port costs will kill the last lucrative ports and the intention to conquer the carribean with it.
  8. more reinforment zones...noooo please. What comes next in this game? Changing ammunition from balls to flowers?
  9. Why not doing two timezones? I like the idea. Would fix the night flip probem
  10. the glorious duchy of courland (carribean settlement: New Courland) The Flag wich was shown in "Total War : Empire" : Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Flag_of_Courland_(Empire_Total_War).svg
  11. Wir hatten Admin angeschrieben ob der Clan Tag geändert werden könnte...aber leider nein. Eine Änderung hätte also auch den Verlust und die Rückeroberung der Häfen zur Folge, daher schon viel Arbeit. Natürlich hast du Recht dass wir schon sehr eigenständig unterwegs waren, daher ist es auch konsequent das nun auch endgültig und offiziell zu machen. Und ich bin momentan nicht sicher wer hier von welcher Namensgleichheit mehr profitiert.
  12. Organisatorisch waren wir bislang immer noch Teil der HRE, dieser letze Nabel wurde nun durchtrennt. In der Praxis bedeutet das, dass wir.. ..nicht mehr nur ausschließlich Leute aus der HRE heraus rekrutieren ..diplomatisch eigenständig agieren können ..unsere eigene Öffentlichkeitsarbeit machen (siehe diesen Thread) und nicht mehr den Ruf der HRE "erben" In der Tat hatten wir darüber diskutiert den Clan-Tag ebenfalls zu ändern, aber im Prinzip stört uns das nicht so sehr, als das wir den Aufwand dafür betreiben wollten. Beim Release wird der Clantag dann sicherlich anders sein. Warum sollten wir den TS wechseln, wenn wir weiterhin in Schweden spielen wollen? Macht für uns gar keinen Sinn. Ich hoffe ich konnte etwas Klarheit bringen.
  13. Sailing into the center of the danish area with a very fast ship not able to do a fight, just runaway. What do you expect? I think danes did not grief you. You are pissed, but you decided to sail into the lions den. I dont want to have any restrictions in this issue.
  14. ..yes, but make them smaller and bring the traders out of the zones to give the hunters an alternative hunting ground. Don't do that..the hunters will leave (maybe what much traders wanna see)
  15. Does that mean.. nation x can only fight the nations at their borders? Maybe that will reduce the amount of PBs but i like the idea of a frontline. That would bring a tactical component.
  16. I like the change and i like to see polish flag more close to sweden 🙂
  17. That is absolutely right. This game waste its potential. Sadly it (and this forum) is ruled by pewpew-only-players... I would like to see a deep economy system. pewpew-player: "i dont want to waste time for building new ships" I would like to have an diplomacy system. pewpew-player: "nooo, then i cant attack who i want to attack" I would like to see a national hierachy system. pewpew-player: "i want freeeeedom! no rules for me" I would like to see a 1st rate as queen of the waters. pewpew-player: "I wanna sail the big ships they must be cheap to replace" ..nearly all is killed by the "wanna have easy access to everything" mentality. BTW: "world of tanks with sailing line ships" exists in NA: It is called "Naval Action Legends" pure pewpew, but seems like the players don't want that.
  18. @admin should take a look at that system. It would bring a a good designed diplomacy system to the game. This game has much potential, one of its potential are the relationsships between the nations. I really like that suggested system and i think it would give the game a depth it really needs. I know the devs cancelled their ally system from the past, but i think that was too fast. It was a flat system without depth. For me that would be a reason to buy this game. Until now, the game has only one good point: the battle system. it could need some more good points to make more player buy the game and stay because of its well designed game systems in more than one aspect to give the player a long term motivation.
  19. It must be a pain too loose a 1st rate, then every captain can sail such a ship but much of them dont want to, because of the risk. At the moment sadly this game is "World of SOLs" again. Bring as much L'Oceans as you can for a Screening operation, as much as you can for hostility. That problem is only solved inside the PBs, because there are some fast ships useful, to cap oder prevent the enemy to get points. This is because there are strategical goals: the circles. And there are a BR limit.
  20. That System was a very bad idea. Dont know how much vodka they had in when making that decision.
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