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Posts posted by jw62

  1. Alliance system just gave me a five minute turn where everyone declared war on everyone else and then alliances formed and then I was given the choice to support one ally or another and by the time I was done I was at war with AH but battling Britain, Germany, sometimes AH. But the turn before that i had been at war with Britain and Japan. Needs more work, better in general over the last few months, but needs more work. Also tends to grab only DD's for most missions instead of all the great BB's and BC's I've scattered around, although it did finally give me some of those, so thanks and keep it up.

  2. The info screen that plays during the turn change moves too fast for me to read, with small print, and has a cut off so that i can't read most of the information after the turn has completed. That should be available to me as the Fleet Admiral. Can you make that scroll indefinite so that I can read it in peace after the very long turn?

    On that info scroll enemy ships laid down should state Tonnage, as that would be easily known, like blared out in every paper in every country in those days. Can't have an Arms Race without the Entrants

    Every Mention of a Gun in your design/ship/etc screen really has to include the Mk of the weapon. That would be QOL, to see at a glance what state a ship class is in compared to the research tree.

    I still have (not playing for two nights for other reasons) the problem where tool tips blot out the thing i'm trying to read. Happens on the map, happens in the shipyard. true, I'm running at high def on a 72" TV

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Ladder Aiming Bug

    Stuck Turrets

    Difficult to click on Ports

    Ladder Aiming Bug: Just quit in frustration, luckily I have a hard save

    Normal Single Player Save System, disabled for Legendary, mostly because of above

    Do something with the Map

    Polish Polish and Quality of Life

    Fix that *** **** Ladder Aiming Bug

    Torpedoes in the water should be more visible to player, notifications of torpedo sightings should show up center screen like sinkings

    I can't name my ships anymore

    You need to clean up the ship design UI so that Each ship appears with a drop-down of all it's upgrades, on that drop down list should be a check box to indicate if the ship is "cleared" for export, I like the idea of selling ships in mothball. A count of the total number of type and upgrade would be nice QOL, the ability to rename upgrades could lead to mods of ship types, I'm not sure I want that but someone might, could be a way to test different load-outs by the same ships in the same fleet, with the ability to revert (my real life is bleeding in here)

    In the USA campaign 1890 to currently 1934 I have not once defended a convoy, I have bases everywhere

    Obviously economics needs work, but the current fix at least keeps the ships mostly building, Britain hit me with 1300+ ships, but after the first hundred they started dragging out the museum relics. Hey, I'm totally OK with that, and after training all my crews up to Vet they hit me with 38 kt massive torpedo cruisers, Player really needs to prune the AI. Took me a year to piss off the British to start that war, which is not bad

    Otherwise liking a lot of the changes, but still needs polish polish and shine, lots of elbow grease and this is smelling the possibility of AAA

    and fix the you know what

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Lima said:


    It is just wrong. In the current state of the game. To install mk2 I need to make a refit, but the weighting of my ships at sea with some new devices happens instantly. It is inconsistent.

    We can say that this is logistics, for example, we do not produce old radio stations etc. Well, somehow we still produce all these shells of 20 different calibers for different versions of guns.

    Also, the captured ships are changing, which I can't even refit.

    well i don't have that problem with captured ships cause just give me the cash or provinces, thanks!

    Some things, like heavier shells, you would expect to just show up, even though some of them seem to require heavier armor. But it's a game, and some game-play mechanics have to be a little loose to emulate real life.

    I just went through that period in my usa full campaign where all the shell and internal addons were building up while I was concentrating on getting my Mk5 16" turrets out for refit. As soon as I got there, I slammed back to hull strength, engine, and armor (modern 2), which got all my big ships from 2000 to 4000 tons free, so I added enough deck and belt to get stability to all awesome.

    When I play a campaign, I jam research to max until 1945.

    I jam Training until it gets fairly full around 1900 and then 60% pretty much the rest of the game, I salvage every crewman before scrapping a ship.

    And try to get that GDP up as high as you can because all spending is scaled off that

    research is also doubled in war so those constant border wars are perfect

  5. On 11/26/2022 at 10:20 AM, Lima said:

    My ships left the shipyard with 2,400 tons of displacement. Then something happened and they became 2436t. I can fix it very easily - I just need to click "Refit". Ships will even displace less. Why are technologies that add weight applied to the operating ship instantly (some of my ships have not seen the port for years, as it happened), and those that reduce it - after refit? It is just wrong. If you're doing something to my ship, tell me about it.

    Again, this refit in 1928 was 2,400 tons of displacement. I did absolutely nothing with these ships, but at some point their displacement increased. Even with those ships that have been at sea for years. I don't touch the priorities of technology, let everything develop as it is supposed to. So everything is fine with hull/boiler technologies. And it can be seen, if I refit, if I get less displacement than 2400.

    Juggling research priorities is a game mechanic, and the ships work fine until the next refit, its a game about designing ships as much as anything else, it happens IRL. New crap is constantly going aboard my clients boats and every few years I need to take a boat in hand and re-trim, chuck gear. I just re-trimmed my #1 work skiff (ok, not super close, but still steel) to adjust for ten years of adding weight and got much better performance. the old boats went 11-12kts with 175hp, the new boats go up to 43mph with a 350hp. My point, is that this is an ok mechanic that has not stopped my gameplay for a moment, because it's part of the gameplay.

    that's the best workboat photo ever taken. I was born somewhere over to the right, and of course the Statue of Liberty where my grandparents arrived in 1905 fleeing the Russians.



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  6. 5 hours ago, Lima said:

    Weight shenanigans

    This problem mostly occurs on my old ships, but also on some new ones. Well, here's the first refit (1928) of my destroyer from 1921. Overweight. Obviously, when I saved this design in 1928, it wasn't there.


    But let's continue, it's time to refit this destroyer.


    Overweight is cured by simply pressing "Refit" button. Let's save it as it is.


    Wow, she managed to lose even more weight. Cost has also increased slightly.

    I can't say the exact year when it started, but probably somewhere from 1932-1933. The funny thing is that my already built ships also change weight. I didn't do anything with the destroyer, but out of 2400 it began to displace 2436. Yes, I don't remember exactly when it happened, because there are a lot of Warhammer-style wars here.

    Edit: yes, I think it happened at the end of 1932-1933. BC refit of 1932.2022-11-26-16-54-23.png

    *Click* cured.


    This problem is typical for all refits of 1928 and 1932, as well as for some new ships. I think it's something to do with technology.

    as new techs develop many add weight, each refit is a rebalance. To compensate, or "make room" throw some attention to hull construction, armor, engines, boilers, as these techs will give lighter weight options to counter the new heavier tech. At the later stages fuel efficiency may get so good you can drop the range slider, by 1935 I can knock out a modified BB hull that will get 44000km range while I'm pretty happy with 30000, so more tonnage in deck armor and sonar 3 because the other sides are developing subs. It's a constant puzzle, just like the real thing

  7. 22 hours ago, aradragoon said:

    Glad it works for you, honestly, but I have not once seen it even out for me. If by running a monster you mean a computer, I am as well. 5900X with 64gb of RAM @ 3600mhz and a 3080. Also, running the game from a gigabyte nvme pcie gen 4 drive.

    Have chased the enemy for 2 and a half in-game hours and they kept swerving back and forth. (2 BCs supposed to be going at 28 knots.) It gets even worse when there are course and speed changes from the lead ship, which should theoretically take just as long to slow down, let alone if this happens in battle, though at that point it can also become problematic from other factors like avoiding torpedoes.

    My present fix is if they are doing this as I get to engagement range then I split them off and manually control each ship. Though this won't work well with larger fleets.

    it was a little worse with the DDs last night, but still straightened out before i got to engagement range

  8. 3 minutes ago, aradragoon said:

    Glad it works for you, honestly, but I have not once seen it even out for me. If by running a monster you mean a computer, I am as well. 5900X with 64gb of RAM @ 3600mhz and a 3080. Also, running the game from a gigabyte nvme pcie gen 4 drive.

    Have chased the enemy for 2 and a half in-game hours and they kept swerving back and forth. (2 BCs supposed to be going at 28 knots.) It gets even worse when there are course and speed changes from the lead ship, which should theoretically take just as long to slow down, let alone if this happens in battle, though at that point it can also become problematic from other factors like avoiding torpedoes.

    My present fix is if they are doing this as I get to engagement range then I split them off and manually control each ship. Though this won't work well with larger fleets.

    Well maybe my machine is just Ok then, but I really don't find it to be that bad a wiggle. I have noticed that with DD's the lead ships always fire more and that's because on high speed runs the little ships to bounce around quite a bit and so they don't fire as much, that's probably true to life, could also use a little tweaking. But the swerving thing is because the old turbines can't change RPM that fast, should be better with diesel DDs and my turboelectric dreadnoughts have incredibly fine motor control, won't stop quite on a dime anymore, but try that on a few ships

  9. Just now, Admiral Donuts said:

    They were in ports the entire war, and just before that war occurred as I anticipated it. At the time this happened, a year into the conflict, none of those ports contained the minefield circles. They DID, just the month before, then they didn't. Now they do again. Cheating AI....


    It is a very complicated plate of spaghetti code for sure

  10. 3 hours ago, Abuse_Claws said:

    Aaand yet another issue (seemingly?)
    So I have noticed that training level for all my ships except two (two BBs were somehow spared by this stupidity plague) just plunged to Cadets
    Including the ships that just annihilated a US doomstack of 8 BBs and like 3 dozen smaller ships
    Including the 'museum' 1890 CL that I have on "defend" role for literally decades (since mothballing doesn't work anymore and I don't want to scrap it, as it did some amazing work in its time)
    What's even more weird, I still have 4,623 men in the crew pool... And their training level is 'Cadets' as well. What??? Isn't Cadets basically "untrained" in this game? Why are those men considered my crew pool if they are not trained?

    Edit: I have re-read the tooltips in-game and I understand now that this might not be a bug, as I did reduce the crew training funds drastically in the last few months. But I still don't understand how veterans turn into cadets in a matter of months

    never drop crew funding below 60%. Always scavenge every crewmember when scrapping ships. At the end of my last playthrough I always had full crews of regular trained and lots of them

  11. 13 hours ago, Admiral Donuts said:

    New campaign, US 1890. It's 1906, at war with both Russia and China.

    I have mine laying 4 and at least half a dozen of those CLs in Balboa. The Russians and Chinese both, on the same turn, with a 24 ship task force at the Canal, just passed through both ends of it. Took no damage from mines, were not intercepted. You would think they would be both. I'm checking the map and there are 0 minefields being layed anywhere my mine-layers are parked.

    It's working for me. Same campaign, When I put mine layers on my ships and left them in port for couple of turns the yelow minefields appeared, more DDs, more mines, more radius. The Brits gave me Gibralter (OK, Gave might not be the right word) and every enemy fleet takes damage. Do enough and the minefield disappears, to reappear 2-3 turns later, I really have not paid attention to that. I can then send my DDs out and some of those minefields are still around after a decade, unless the enemy comes by. I have so many purpose built DDs in Panama that the AI gave up trying to come through, I think the field said 234km radius and 1200 mines when I check last night. I have cheaper purpose built minimal disp boats with 3.9's for defence and full mine, sweep,asw but 30kts.

    It may end up being a game breaker, or at least need to be turned down below an "Iron Man" level, but the ai only just discovered mines and I have a lot of minesweeping3 dds, we'll find out.

    try leaving them in port for 3 turns.

    • Like 1
  12. 20 hours ago, beepboop6 said:

    couple of Small Suggestions,

    can we get the option to build new ships of refit classes. At the moment there is a workaround of viewing the ship, then copying and saving to a new design, but surely it wouldn't be too much of a change to just be able to build new ships directly to the refit design.

    Also, would it be possible for us to get some sort of ui as to which specific torpedoes are reloaded/how far through reloading they are. Can be especially hard to tell on ships with underwater launchers

    Someone said to copy your refit and rename it to the original. And Yes, here's how I do it:

    Make your refit at any stage. Go out and delete your original build but not the refits. View your latest refit, use it now or after, but make your copy and then rename it to the original. Save out, go build a new ship, on the Fleet page double click on the name of the newly building ship and change it so you don't have two "Boaty McBoatFace" Destroyers,,because there can be only One, just sayin. ok, you can have two if you want

  13. On 11/14/2022 at 1:34 PM, aradragoon said:

    I have gone into a battle and had this type of swerving occur from the start from 2 ships of the same class without course or speed changes, which makes the problem more significant. Put it on x10 for 5 to 10m IRL (trying to chase enemies) and the ships are still swerving back and forth so it isn't just your explanation.

    It evens out after a little bit. It's not a real driver or even an AI, it's just an algorithm, give it a break

    I think it's something they can tweak a bit more, I think the lead ship may have a slightly slower speed to allow the rest of the ships to adjust, but the rest of the ships may be starting out a quarter knot higher at full or cruise. The ships are modeled pretty good in a lot of ways, but each battle-line has to base off the leader, and it just takes some time to adjust until they are all running smoothly together. It could be raw processing power makes it run smoother faster, my coding skill is limited and way out of date but I am running a monster, and it evens out over time for me, usually before I get to engagement range.

  14. 3 hours ago, ZorinW said:

    I will only tell you this once more. STOP trying to make your testers look stupid! 

    This happens no matter if the division is controlled by AI or player! No matter if avoid is on or not. Fix your game and play your game beofre you blame your testers!



    Between the screenshots a real life minute passed while the game ran at speed 10x!

    They swerve like that because they cannot adjust their speed instantly. It certainly looks weird, but its realer than you think. It takes time for a formation to all get to exactly the same speed, and there are no brakes. So just like a ski slope, you've got no choice but to slalom down that "hill" or hit that big steel ass in front of you

  15. 1 minute ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Hello all,

    We have addressed several issues that you have reported. The latest electricity constraints in Kiev have prevented us to deploy the hotfix patch last Friday. But we will do tomorrow, if nothing serious happens.

    Here is what it will contain:
    *Hotfix v1.09.1*
    - Fixed some major issues that made submarines not interact properly with ports and fleets and not generate missions.
    - Fixed issues which caused freezes in the campaign.
    - Flaws become further reduced when researching Construction technologies. So in late tech years it should be expected to notice much fewer flaws.
    - Battle & Campaign AI balances. The Battle AI should be a more resilient opponent and keep fighting at effective distances, not too far. The Campaign AI should be more efficient in spending its money.
    - Formation bug fixes.
    - Other minor fixes.

    Keep your heads down. Great Work! Good Luck, fingers crossed, hopes up!

  16. 1 hour ago, SonicB said:

    Thanks - I'm guessing this is the mechanic, but we're right at the start of the battle. I believe I chose a lower range in the designer, but to have one slider immediately cripple a ship's capability is surely not working as intended? Also, the speed reduction varies depending on the size of the division, so it looks like at least a multiplier is being incorrectly applied.

    Also, I don't like this new mechanic at all, even when working correctly. It seems pretty arbitrary and gamey. Any range you can choose is >1000km, presumably at cruising speed (~60% of top speed), which would give a range at top speed still well into the triple figures, even if calculated conservatively. A 30kt ship at full speed for a 1hr battle travels only 56km. Therefore it should be extremely difficult to run completely out of fueleven after the battle, given that speed is life, any skipper would choose a tow home over a massive tactical disadvantage.

    I ran into a doomstack and shaved it, three hours maybe IRL, down to the last few enemy ships and suddenly my ships are doing 9kts, it's Low Fuel. Luckily enemy was in worse shape, explains why the ai ends up at 8kts so often in battle. I love the mechanic, I'm was struggling to supply my new base at Tunisia until I forced the Brits to give up Gibralter. Chokepoints and minefields, I've got Panama Canal shut down, really makes you rely on "coaling depots", at least I'm guessing that's how it's working, just grabbed the solomons from the germans as well, so I can support Manila when I can get it (playing US)

    Max Fuel is a crit for anything but harbor defense craft. But now you can make Monitors and Harbor patrol

  17. USA 1890 Normal. I'm having a blast, 1901 and everyone but the russians japanese and AH has declared on me, runs great on my fairly hot Omen with tons of RAM and an RTX3060, moderately high rez on a ginormous tv screen

    Sure there are things that need work, Fleet and Port management, local basing and fleet repair, and we'll keep asking for that

    she has hung up once maybe twice, just exit to menu and return.

    And my minefields at Balboa really F'd up the British doomstack. I should probably build two types of destroyers, one for harbor defense only

    the defective effect is fine, and since I had to go through it IRL last week totally on point, yes all fixed. I always invested in construction when I wasn't investing in speed and seeing stuff anyway. On the other hand, a lot of times the already sometimes obscured text boxes are half off the screen.

    On the Fleet page if I sort by Status, say to pop all the newly ordered ships to the top of the screen, and then click on a ship, meaning to click another or several, the whole thing resorts to Type, almost scrapped a BB when I was scrapping a bunch of TBs.

    PSA: If you don't salvage every last crewman from every ship you scrap you are wasting  the two most important resources for kicking AI butt: Crew and Experience, retread crew are both, it doesn't seem like they changed that, and that's realistic

    the research menu is a lot better, still some weird stuff, but as long as you don't lay on the extras too much it's not hard to pull ahead on Normal, and that's perfect.

    Hey, I want Hawaii. Can we somehow go to War with the minors?

    she's pretty fun so far, warts and all

    ps, I did the Italian full campaign in 1.08 and it was totally a blast. few ships, fast action, 39kt Battlecruisers

  18. Currently the way to figure out the best setting is to F with the speed setting by increments of 1/10 kts (I've diced it to three decimal places to get it just right) until you find the point where the displacement (because of engine size) Jumps substantially. Go just below that and you've got optimal ship speed, check the cost as well, it starts climbing exponentially early on before going off like a rocket.

  19. The AI is leaving out a lot of smaller techs that add up in real fights. Also, after you destroy all of their ships the AI will have tons of money to spend on things like engines, perhaps even some research. I'm doing a Britain 1890 to final campaign and moved to Advanced by 1896 and Very by 1930. It's now 1942 and after wiping out 246 ship's in the late 30's, including every ship they had ever built, now I'm getting hit with 36kt CLs and 30kt CR with eighteen long lance torpedoes a side. Ridiculously little armor, but speed, and fuel oil 1 but basic geared turbines, C3 rangefinders which is saving me, and all the surviveability stuff is way under par for the time. But if you can't dodge the torpedoes? It's a win against the unwary. Same with the guns. The AI is building for a quick overwhelm, and I have been getting some "rushing" by the torpedo boats, so at least they are sprucing that up. The answer is to go for speed, range and accuracy, and never let the AI get close until they are already beat up.

  20. 19 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    There was a decision to keep having a major bug or this and to fix in a short time. It is actually something that works realistically but needs a different UI (to not call it "repairing") and less time, that can be done in the next update. Your post needs re-edit to be less offensive.

    Yes, the aggravation comes from those of us juggling the whole campaign with each patch. Over the last three patch and fixes I've had to jettison huge chunks of my fleet as maintenance costs rose. Obviously we need to restart the campaigns, but hey, that's a lot of time invested to throw away. cheating? I can't cheat against myself. I'm a Tool user, you give me tools with no manual and of course I'm going to get creative using it, so don't use that word against your paying customers, it's wrong to do so, and counterproductive.

    Some heads up warning might have helped with the evolving game-play. I don't monitor the forums that tightly, after all, I'm recovering from covid and two heart surgeries and keeping my two maritime businesses literally afloat, and I just want to play a game in the evenings that totally takes my attention away from all that.

    So let's all tone it down. We're all here because of this great new product which promises to entertain and amaze us, while paying the bills and putting cake and gratification for a good job on the table.

    It's nice that your customers are so invested in the game, sometimes that can get them a little excited (see:spent a week building up my fleet to take down germans only to be taken down by accountants myself). Take it as the complement it is and in good humor (there really isn't any other good choice)

    Thanks for all the work so far. It's really as broad as an ocean and miles deep. I really like the full campaign so far

  21. 1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Hello, the function of mothballing was abused by players to cheat and it caused bugs as we know with ships of low health participating in battles. In reality, crew of a ship cannot be commissioned instantly, so players will have to plan ahead when they want to save money for some ships and not instantly make them available in the next turn. We will improve further the logic in the next patches so that the time delay can be not so severe, but at the moment it was the best compromise to address the main bug and the cheating players.

    I'm not sure what you call cheating with mothballing, I had mothballed two battleships while Germany was taking a breather so I could put some bank away (100 million for two ships in the north sea for Britain 1947-8), Germany is now contemplating war, after building 50 new ships up from 0. Now it's 11 months for my carefully horded seasoned crew to get back aboard, while my other three battleships and 1 bc are handling Italy and AH. I noticed a bug with mothballed ships instantly refitting, but hey, that's on you, not me, and I figured it's a gift for putting up with playing this campaign since 108.0 1890 through to today somewhere in 1948. I'm enjoying the game, but you just put 30% of my BB's into an 11 month refit, now there's a narrative twist!

    so, I've constantly creamed the oppo since 1890. I've taken most of the GDP choices. I've got the little german island and Tunis. I've blockaded and smacked convoys for forty years. Why is my GDP total shit compared to Germany and AH? As a method of ensuring I have lots of ships to sink, fine. I'm actually inclined to think my campaign is bonked because of all the patches since I started playing it, but I should be cleaning up instead of being forced to mothball a third of my fleet between re-engagements. It's also true I keep saying no to peace agreements and am usually fighting three oppo and ignoring France (mostly because I don't want to use their ships so I wont ally)

    1.Game needs a Savegame system. It would be nice and not cheating to go back a decade and make a different move

    2.On the design page there should be a column for how many ships of each type and refit

    3.It should be easier to determine the Mark levels of a ship's guns/torpedoes on the Fleet page

    4.You should be able to click on a ship on the Fleet page and open to it in the World Map

    5.You should be able to adjust ship settings on a ship by right clicking on it from the World map

    6.You should mark for each Research item whether it requires a Shipyard Refit or will be applied on the next turn

    7.The Boiler research menu is a little longer than all the rest, almost had coal fired diesel engines

    Good job so far, it's a work in progress, I've certainly spent enough time for it to be at the top of my list

    • Like 4
  22. 1.The Armor nerf really was out of bounds. My diesel DD's and my cruisers all lightened up, I was able to put some armor on my fast cruisers, put the rdf back in on top of the gen2 radar, but the battleships are all 2-4000 tons overweight. I'm running a 96,000 ton BB at historic 32 kts on geared turbines 2 with 14.9" or plain old long 14's and WTF. Should be able to carry more than moderate armor and 16" at that speed

    2.The hobby horsing to the 3d models is annoying and wrong. I felt seasick (not really). Boats, even severely imbalanced boats don't pitch fore and aft that much, not even a 7' opti. This is a two parter, because I also think the wave simulation needs refinement, and it will go hand in hand.

    First off on big boat pitching, power most especially, they are glued down aft by the props and laminar flow. Once the Ocean is flowing through your blades it's not going to like letting go, it takes a lot to break the flow. So big and certainly powerful ships tend to pitch from the rear, and the physical effects of that longer arm means the boat has a heavier but slower pitch motion, with the pivot just forward of the props, say 5% waterline length in front, because thats the zone feeding the wheels. hey, pull the power off and she bobs and weaves like any sailor leaving the bar, but at cruise and higher the boats have a physical connection with the ocean that damps all that other stuff out or down

    Second is the simulation of the waves themselves. I look at the scale, and it's way over. I know that ocean wave height can be pretty high but the distance between wave tops is measured in ship lengths or miles, and the wave height you've got is 2-3 times oversize. I'm not sure you can model rollers 2 miles across, and the ocean modeling looks pretty good, but I think the ships would look better, and the ship motion would look better and be more realistic, if you laid those seas down a bit, and by a bit I mean 30 to 50% of what you have now.



  23. 2 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Please read the tooltips. It is the center of mass of the "HULL" not considering the parts you add on it.

    Are we talking about Center of Flotation or buoyancy and not Center of Mass? Every vessel has a center of Buoyancy for a given trim. If you want your decks level then the center has to be in one spot and if you want your decks kicked back or nose-down then you want that forward. Since we want level decks both fore and aft and sideways what we are trying to do is balance the boat around it's center for that trim only, ie, we have picked the trim, now we want to balance the boat around it. In the bad old days I used to calculate foot pounds out from the center, now I just press a button. I actually can get a well balanced destroyer or Battleship by 1895 by maxing the tech slider and going right for boilers and engines. That's me on a Pushboat I designed and built 25.5'LOA 18"Beam 7"2" Draft, 36' Keel to brow (Tall) not including light mast or stacks, 112,000 Lbs, Twin 500HP running a pair of 46" wheels in front of a pair of Barn door rudders. Balance and Trim. Back to the game: assuming a 0deg trim is decks level, then the weight offset in the game is nose down or nose up in real world, but not simulated in the game visual 3d mechanics, however to some degree it is simulated in sinking mechanics and gun accuracy, maybe steering, although in real life a nose heavy boat turns great but tracks wild and a stern heavy boat tracks (steers straight) and can be made to steer well by "cutting away" the underbody fore and aft to some extent, but that's not useful for this game unless you want to add a fun layer to the flooding mechanics. I have not tried the very latest patch so I have not seen the gravity ball, but it should be centered dead over the center of flotation for a decks level trim to the hull, and even if you don't make the boat in the game simulation go out of trim, you should show it on a profile over the gravity ball. Truthfully I'm recovering from covid and an early heart attack and then I dropped dead for a little bit but came back and I've been playing this game to keep from moving around and hello kittying up my recovery (while trying to get a third boat in the water and getting a few more built for clients, I suck at recovery) so thanks for the excellent diversion, but this argument over trim was missing something. PS I have Sea trial videos of all my bigger midgets and that tub of steel handles like a maserati right up to her max of 7.8kts, will turn in half her length at full speed and not fall over. Will also handle barges in excess of 300'


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