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Jonathan Villiers

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. And what about people like Pagan Pete who actually play like a pirate and dare to attack even LGVs with a privateer? Your suggestion would ruin the game for him. Or who says that every trader is a trader? Man your LGV with Marines and Boarding Parties then hire and "trader escort" and attack smaller warships? Do they need an escort then too? I'm an active trader myself as well as engaging in trade war. Do it as they did in the old days, have someone escort you. Clanmates usually do it for free or pay someone. If you don't want to spend some money on safety, take the risk. Running from a warship can be fun too. Just my thoughts ...
  2. Great guide and i can just agree to most of it. Canons or no canons is kind of a dogma. I personally tend to have 4 pounders on my LGV. Lightweight enough not to slow you down too much and not to bind to many hands but still very usable to take down enemys crew and sails. Then as stated rely on all kinds of defensive and some offensive boarding upgrades like Marines, Boarding parties, Barricades, Grog Rations etc. But overall i totally agree, speed is your friend to not have to fight at all and plan your route wisely. Thanks for your input, mate!
  3. Es gibt diese Untiefen auf hoher See, allerdings sind diese durch die helle Färbung des Meeres angezeigt und wenn man nicht gerade afk segelt, dann sollte man sie auch rechtzeitig erkennen. Klar bin ich auch schon mal auf solche Untiefen gelaufen, dass man aber gar nicht mehr herunter kommt ist mir jetzt noch nie passiert. Segel reffen und auf der Stelle drehen hat bei mir immer geholfen. Die Untiefen vor Häfen finde ich, wie BungeeLemming geschrieben hat, durchaus taktisch interessant. Wer sich auskennt kommt gut durch und kann sich dadurch noch einmal vor einem Verfolger retten. Klar flucht man mal, wenn man zum xten Mal wegen eigener Unachtsamkeit aufläuft (Beaufort und Cabo Canaveral sind da so Kandidaten), aber ich finde das ein tolles feature und keinen Bug der sogar Spielspaß killt.
  4. Totally liking the idea of non-static wind and emphasizing how certain ships work in different wind and weather settings. SotL had a huge advantage in heavy wind due to their higher masts compared to frigates. They could catch some wind with their sails even when in the bottom between two high waves while smaller ships totally lost any propulsion. Makes things surly more interesting. As for the bow chasers, also liking that idea. Being able to improvise bow/stern chasers by using the smalles guns from your upper deck sounds very historic and interesting. As previous posters have stated it should come on cost of time to move those guns and by thinning out your gun deck for those two guns you move. Gives interesting choices as if to use carronades to substitute those "useless" small caliber 4 and 6 pounders. Thumbs up for both ideas. One more thing were not only wind strength but that the wind is predictibly turning around the compass instead of random, weather based winds from one direction for longer periods of time. I would like to see this too.
  5. That's a valid point too, but then it is for the developers to decide if or if no. I don't see the point why players ask for it instead. Players have both alternatives they can freely choose from. If those who run the games decide so ... well then it may be so but why rush them into their decisions. And fact is, this is still an alpha. So when the game goes gold and into final action there will be (at least in the beginning) new players who need a home. So then they might need the extra servers again. Remeber the queues when pvp1 had 3000+ inhabitants? So why lay down the infrastructure now during alpha test? It'll be more expensive to set up new infrastructure then. So drink a tea, a grog, a rum and wait for things to happen. What do those who ask for a server merge expect? Those 150 players won't enhance your play experiences on pvp1 dramatically or alter them to the better. the number is marginal. If you want A, choose A and let those who opt for B choose B.
  6. Why a server merge? When you want pvp on every island corner go pvp1 like many did before you. I personally feel very comfortable on pvp3. In the Carribean of that time there weren't huge fleets of SotL found in every square mile. Unrealistic. On server3 you can pvp around the hotspots or enjoy the quiet relaxation of sailing in the further away areas. I don't need no super server.
  7. I had the same problem today. I run a few tests and it seems prices are not dynamic anymore. The same thing you discribe happened to me too. BUT. Usually when you sell stuff you are shown the total amount of money you are going to get for the lot you are selling. Sometimes only the amount of goods is shown though and now money. When you sell under those circumstances you only get half the money you should. When both amount of goods you sell and amount of money you are about to receive are shown, all is fine.
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