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Everything posted by Kazak77

  1. Free ports should be uncapturable pirate cities. I also think that pirates should be the only nation that can raid ports but can't capture them, low number of spread out ports should be compensated with lower cooldown of teleport.
  2. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12562-clanspeople-not-following-the-pvp1-zerg-rush/?p=226872#entry226872
  3. Kazak77

    Hotfix 9.73

    Using labor hours and building slots to produce compass wood is a complete waste of the most important resources in the game because 1. we don't have unlimited 3rd rates anymore and 2. you can get 300k+ from single max level mission, it takes literally 5 minutes and you can farm it for hours.
  4. +1No more 8x 3rd rate waiting in port for gankers to catch the bait. All you need is half of the brain to stay in pull range. This patch is a godsend for any organised group since in the worst case you'll just end up in an even fight which isn't really even if ganked person wasn't prepared for it and reinforcements are just random players.
  5. Very important question- does reinforcment ships BR affect 1.5 BR difference? If the answer is yes then it's a huge advantage for gankers.
  6. Any ETA on uptade with Ingermanland and Le Gros Ventre? You could also add one more column with exp required for next rank.
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