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Everything posted by Nyurtle

  1. yah ur right i used him a little bit.
  2. Charlie is my brother and he played in CL Watch And Black with me He changed his named to illicit and hasnt been playing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=877659277 he hasnt been on in 28 days.
  3. Proud to have never had an alt
  4. except the navy brig doesnt have more health 8(
  5. I suggested they give the navy brig something to make it viable and i think the suggestions section is probably the best place for suggestions,.....
  6. I remember when i first got the navy brig. I was so excited to have what some told me was a kind of rare blueprint. I thought the ship must be worth something even though everyone told me that the mercury was better in every way. I crafted and sunk about 4 of them before I finally caved in and accepted the truth... the navy brig is only a mistake to sail it has no perks over any other and I'd love to see it have at least one unique aspect or advantage that another of it's class does not. And maybe not as important but I'd like to see the Essex have some type of buff to make it a competitor to the Trincomolee. :]
  7. some people on here i swear are just venting their own off topic slander.
  8. I was merely addressing how you said it was a minority that wanted great brittain an enemy. Not sure you read my post before you responded or you might have had a different response. I never said the vote didn't matter because it was close. You said a minority of rabble rousers were behind the push for war.
  9. You do realize the votes to make great brittain our ally were like 51%-49%?
  10. we have the highest population on the server we don't need or want any allies.
  11. I'd be willing to debate the logic of this situation on teamspeak and upload it to this thread to address any counterpoints in this logic. just let me know and we can do it.
  12. you just making posts to get your number of posts up?
  13. pvp2-USA server I feel it's important to keep Great brittain as an enemy. We've always had a good amount of pvp because we have been able to attack Great Brittain, them being one of the larger nations also being in close proximity to USA. There would be an unhealthy imbalance to the pvp situation if we allied with one of our best sources for PVP. We are the largest population on the server and in no need of an official alliance. If people don't want to attack Great Brittain players it is always a choice they can make as long as we do not have an Alliance that limits us from that. I fear an alliance with Great Brittain would lead to a situation where larger nations are working together to wipe out smaller nations which leads to a decrease in population which is arguably the biggest problem on pvp2 usa server. So I emplore you to spend your every vote on voting to keep Great Brittain as an enemy where as again you always have the choice to negotiate your own private negotiations/alliance/treaty. Do not take away the freedom of your fellow countrymen to fight who they see fit.
  14. I'd like to REapply for a moderator position. Last time I applied I had 350 hours logged i'm currently at 1900. I think I understand what is expected and I still spend most of my time helping new players learn the game. I've probably given 20 million gold to new players 50 ships and 200 hours of my time to just helping people have a better experience. I operate a fairly influential clan and I communicate with many of the other nations leaders in regards to politics, server health and organizing fun/fair pvp events. I also have been uploading instructional videos on youtube so that I can quickly link informational resources on various game play mechanics and dynamics. My youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4y9BmC0EeQ5zy_bGTM5V-g. Really hope we get more moderators on pvp2 and trust you guys to pick the right person(s). Also you can contact me on our teamspeak server at infinitum.teamspeak3.com if an audible interview would be useful. IGN:Nyurtle
  15. I hadn't seen US players act as immaturely as they did while interacting with the US players that went pirate. while trying to be unbiased in my opinion of the cause of it, the only variable I can isolate would be the NEW USA names that became the NEW pirates. I'm not saying this is a good way to figure out who was at fault in the emotional disputes that occurred. But after seeing some of those same players in the pirate nation still choosing to engage US players in chat resulting in the same outcome I'd say the NEW pirate players are providing the foreign element that didn't exist in the months i've seen these players in USA interacting with each other in chat. Maybe we can mark it up as bad chemistry in their bickerings between each other. But I can't honestly think what i've done to be called names constantly any time i get into battle with some of these same people and others who arn't involved in the New Usa vs Old USA players drama. neways hope it's over soon my ignore list is growing to a point where I confuse who people are arguing with anymore because I don't see so many of the pirates messages.
  16. welp on this topic i can only give my own personal perspective. Yes I've seen Jp johns go off the richter but i don't think i've even seen elmo or baron talk (not saying it doesn't happen). But I have noticed a particular group routinely insulting people (MYSELF) maliciously in response to nothing. This group just so happens to be NEW pirates and new to my experience on our once respectful server.
  17. Just wanted to address a couple things.... The reason you will find high level players in Charleston doing missions is because, that is how some of us make our money, and train and level the newer players. Some people sail for 2 hours moving resources to make money others kill NPC ships because you can loot upgrades and make just about as much money in the same time and train/recruit/level up newer players. And just because you snap a screenshot of some big ships at our capitol doesn't mean we spend all of our time up there. Seems people who are not USA don't realize that we get a majority of the new players because on the USA server most new people will be joining their home country. So we have to spend more time helping the newer players out than other nations would. You guys say USA doesn't PVP but it isn't like we held the most ports for 4 months because we killed npcs to get them. Many of the ports were empty because people left them to go just like USA is now (the tides shift/ groups of players leave or change nations/conquest strategy changes to abandon regions etc.), but I can tell you from first hand experience that our nation has fought atleast 200 contested port battles even if just as many were undefended. The Pirates are not OP and people need to get over this... Black Clan is better than our clans divided and has proved it overall in many battles pvp wise. Not because we are unorganized or lacking strategy or because they have an advantage or we are handicapped. For most of our history there has been a lack of cooperation amongst the USA clans, because of lines drawn by clan tags that has kept us from concentrating our best players into one group under our best leaders. We've held the server so long that people have preferred to compete against each other rather than against our enemies because FRANKLY we havn't really had any that posed any real threat since the AUS clan left. We were able to overcome Great Brittain when they were the superpower without compromising on these circumstances because we had so many people. USA can no longer win without compromising under the current circumstance and is facing the same transitionary phase that GB had to when they had their capitol attacked. The same transitionary phase that the PIRATES went through when we seized all of their ports by their capitol and the USA will recover just fine as it passes through it's own inevitable Phase of transition. Many of the perspectives of USA Nation seem to be unfavorably biased on the forums and if you've read this far you probably realized this already. Been playing this game for a while now and I can tell you that I've never seen more toxicity than with this NEW wave of pirate players who seemed to be portrayed on the forums as saviors of spain, the best mannered people, the most honorable engagers or just overall better people than USA players. Propoganda run rampant...typical pirate tactics effective on those seeking a simple explanation.
  18. welp WITH ALl the new perks to choose from determined defender is less likely to be taken so just count on people choosing the new perks over that ridiculous determined defender one. It's our only hope. Besides that i've been mixn my boarding upgrades with survival ones and using lower quality marines so that i'm not investing half of my crew on the chance that i can board someone.
  19. You might want to start a seperate thread for signups and just use this one for discussion
  20. Crafting 3rd rates drops beucentaur BP soooo are we talking about all 3rd rates or just 3rd rates????or should I say bellona74s?
  21. Completely out of line with anything in the game. I used to board ships bigger than mine and now i can only board ones that are half my size. What logic is behind having to have 40% more crew than the other ship?
  22. Are you guys going to nerf Determined defender ever? or am i just never allowed to board ships in pvp anymore?
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