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Everything posted by Migui

  1. I have returned after being months out. I got this game and i was super engaged. Then i reached the 3rd rate rank and it became a circlejerk around port battle snipping and the mission grind was super boring. I left and eventually most of my friends did too. And i had a blast, in some moments, because naval combat is awesome. And i want to play this game and get engaged again. However, i see a few of things drawing me back, that have no easy solution. If i have limited playtime let's say i log in and want to play. Oh no, the wind is against the direction i have to sail for all the missions i'm getting. And they are far because they are higher ranked. And my ships are slower. I can wait, or logoff. Or sail during 10 minutes till i arrive to the point, to fight the same battle to get a tiny amount of XP. It makes the grind punishing more than fun. And on this game having the capability of sailing a 1st rate doesn't mean you are going to go with your Santisima and be the king of the seas. So why delaying it with a rinse and repeat bottleneck of the same battle over and over? Also the AI will teach you to fight in a way that will get you destroyed in PVP. So it's not even useful in terms of combat. I still like to shoot at stuff, though. But players are always more interesting. If i want to go PVP, Open World PVP will be mostly ganking and kiting at long range with frigates. I remember that we were all the time with trincos and rennomees (i don't know the current meta) and it all was about kiting a whale until it eventually died or gave up. It could last an annoying amount of time. And this of course would mean hunting him first with the weird tag mechanics. It will be a chasing game because of course the victim doesn't want to lose. He has very few chances or if anything, he will get our group in battle and call for reinforcements for when we leave it to have his revenge. Which is fine, but is again revolving around a particular mechanic to get the world done. Of couse i still have the chance to do group battles and such, and that was what we ended doing. Because i logged in and oh, we have to craft a new ship in order to progress because of port battles. Okay. No hunt today. Oh, we need to capture 3rd rates for port battles. Rip. The trend i see on this game is that you have a sense of wasting a huge amount of time until you get to shoot at someone and have fun. Politics and metagaming are also nice. So how can we fix this? My humble opinion: - Leaving the dock There should be an area or a brief amount of time within each port where wind doesn't affect you and you can thrust at a fixed amount of speed to leave the port. Once a bit far from the coast you get back to it. And before bitching about how this is unrealistic, we have a rotating wind server wide because that was the less shitty way found to deal with winds until something better comes up. It's fine, but if i want to move my ship hugging the coast to the next port i would like to not have to wait half an hour to have the chance and then wait again to go back. - World battles Leave the "swords" that indicate instance open for everyone, with some kind of battle rating check maybe. Let's give a sort of protection for newbies. For example, this would only happen for frigate missions and up or within a distance from the coast (easier missions would spawn closer or something to prevent this). Let's say i am on the ship shooting at stuff in my Pavel on my own without back up. Huge error no? I will be a juicy target and someone will come to piss on my cheerios. But hey, if it is open you can also call for reinforcements. But why someone would risk their ship to help this greedy nerd that was shooting at stuff in a big ass ship and deserves to be sunk? Here is why: you should be rewarded for giving assistance. Enable a distress / emergency mechanism. Like an event or a mission. Nerd137 is in trouble! If you help him you get a nice chunk of XP/gold with the possibility of some juicy drops. In essence: give the players the opportunity to play with another players, and give them a meaningful experience for doing it. As it is now, you have to sit at the crosses until someone disengages and then be luck to catch the offender. Give us the chance to escalate a meaningless bad decision into something big epic. Give us the sense of being within a huge naval conflict. And make it worth it. - Better NPC encounters. I am sure AI will be AI in any game and in the end it is shooting against a boat that will execute a dance and you will fight him. Missions are a way to time gate your progress and teach you how to fight and make you have fun. But all of them resort to the same kind of tactics. In PvP (not sure now, forgive me if i'm wrong or please correct me) everything was about kitey stuff, removing masts to prevent him from going out and then capture or nuke him down. This doesn't ever happens in npc battles. They will ravish your crew by hit chance, and they will go to your hull. But you can end with one side totally down and 0 hits to your sails. This could be handicapped and specially in multi-ship encounters find that someone goes against your sails, or against your hull, or tries to rake your butt. In essence, make us experience what we will find in open world so that we are more ready to fight when it happens. This is also being discussed since forever, the kind of missions and variety i am sure will change further down the road. So i won't mention it but it's obviously needed for variety sake. - "Nearby Chat" I am very chatty and i like to greet people. Enemies or friends, i don't care. But it's nice to say "ahoy" or to write a bad pun while traveling. I find a bit annoying to force me to write a private message. It would be nice to have some sort of regional chats maybe based on coordinates. This also would help to put groups together, find friends or fight foes.
  2. LOL don't twist my words to make it appear that I support this change that is only to appease the carebears.
  3. I don't like artificial fences into my sandbox to make cerebears and risk aversed players happy so that they can turn a sandbox and open world game in a medieval tournament. For that, you get the wonderful duels/small/large battle thing and port battles. I have ganked, i have been ganked. It is part of the game and it is pretty awesome. In open world, if i gang up with 4 buddies of course we are going to pick targets we can fight and we can win and some days you are on a killing spree and others you are sunk pretty hard.That's life i guess? Or you want me to be a wizard and know who is at the sea when i undock? Or even more hilarious, after two hours sailing i will disagree to engage anything that is not exactly our battle rating? If you think that ganking is too easy and has no risks, i invite you to try. This is all so lame. People should man a bit and learn the slightest situational awareness to prevent being ganked. Most people already reports fleet movements, learn to do it and stop whining when someone ganks your mission because with the 2 minute window is already enough to make sure. If someone is within drawing distance when you enter the battle, they will likely be able to enter. If not, they will not enter the battle. The rest is just putting excuses to make the open world pvp a shameful theme park with dumb rules to protect those that want to sail their ships totally protected because they can't even bother to look around. I wonder why this people wants to play in a PVP server with an open world. It blows my mind to even think that they get all scared to lose their ship. It's a game. It even has this non sensical concept of ship durability LOL. You lose a ship, you buy another one and you keep playing. It's not that hard.
  4. Lo que me sorprende es que esos tipos no hayan firmado una NDA y se les caiga el pelo si van cascando cosas que no deben
  5. Well you know, it was usual back then to look at the enemy ships and downsize your fleet because it would not be "fair" to fight them with bigger numbers. /s
  6. You should see the batshit stupid prices on La Habana. We have trincos for 750k and stuff like that on a regular basis. Last dumb thing is a blue Inger for 1.1M. Wonder who pays for that lol.
  7. EVE is alive because we players make it alive. Players run the economy, the politics, etc with little injerence from the devs. Very few things are forbidden and are EULA breaching. Here people would freak out like crazy if they knew about scams and spying etc. They want a sandbox but they don't know what a sandbox entails. If you see their tears for losing ships with durability in a game with instanced combat, it would be deadly hilarious to read their tears if what they lost had something to be compared in terms of regular currency. I am baffled at the risk aversion here, where you print top tier ships. Imagine if they had to get the ISK for a titan, train the character for a couple of years (like i did for example) and then convince them to use them in a battle with huge chances of losing. Go to EVE forums and tell them about adding "durability" and wait for the shitstorm you get. I purchased this game when i saw it was an open world with a sandbox and suddenly i wanted it because metagaming and politics is very fun, and the game is pretty cool and fun to play. But then I see more and more how people builds fences around the sandbox, tells you how to play, what you can do and what you can't, etc. People will always ragequit for whatever reason. Last patch for example, it is simply amazing the amount of tears for making the IA a bit more challenging instead of the same dumb grind for hours straight. They have been annoying the devs until they nerfed the ganking to the ground, etc. They will never stop until they get their safe heaven theme park, yet they want to play in a PVP server. If you think that 12 years online in only one server and making the biggest battles of the history of gaming among many other things is not something to compare with, well, then i guess we can play pandas and elves.
  8. Las naciones pequeñas saben perfectamente que si nos damos entre nosotros, solo tienen que venir los grandes a rematar la fiesta. Habiendo brits, americanos y piratas, dudo mucho que los pequeños vayan a ser abiertamente hostiles con nosotros salvo que se cometan muchos errores a nivel de relaciones con ellos.
  9. Lol. You can actually see people heading somewhere. You just need to have people outside the drawing distance and be ready to catch lone people because you are giving them very precise information of fleet numbers.
  10. If the issue is that players close to someone that is chilling on the undock attacks an IA fleet are dragged into battle, then simply offer them a pop up to see if they want or not to join the battle if they are not in the group of said player. The current "national waters" area is huge, but making enemies invincible next to your capital is gamebreaking.
  11. Unless you want to convince me that I can sink them with a staring contest I don't see how it fixes the fact that one single captain can sit there virtually forever reporting enemy movements without any drawback. To me this is much worse than being accidentally tagged by a careless newbro.
  12. We had two USA captains doing this and we just sat over them giving them huggies. It was funny but in the long run its dull.
  13. This mechanic of not allowing attack or being attacked within the protection area of a capital no matter which is your nation provides anyone that manages to get there to give free Intel for an unlimited amount of time and of course rustle the jimmies of all the natives that are doing their things around. Please fix this. No enemy should be able to sit at the entrance of the capital and stay there for as long as they want reporting any fleet move with zero risk.
  14. So much this. Stop advocating risk averse wars.
  15. MICHOACÁN - DECIMOCUARTO DE ABRIL DE 2016 Nota de la dirección: Nuestro querido diario semanal acerca de las andanzas de la valerosa Michoacán Navy se vió retrasado un día en su publicación debido a que nuestro estimado periodista don Wenceslao Manuel de todos los Santos y Disneylandia se encontraba indispuesto después de haber cenado, en sus palabras "demasiados frijoles". Según nuestra redacción ha podido saber, el periodista fue visto por última vez en un restaurante de Mariel junto con dos bucaneros michoacanos gravemente afectado por intoxicación etílica y cantando "Michoacán patria querida". Es por esto que la edición de esta semana es presentada y dirigida por su servidora, Estefanía Jacelin Hernández de Guzmán y Bacardi. Editorial Esta pasada semana apenas se han visto británicos malparidos por nuestras aguas porque les dimos bien en la madre, según el comunicado oficial del Amirantazgo de la Michoacán Navy. Algún caso aislado se ha reportado de marineros de agua dulce procedentes de Florida que se fondeaban en las aguas de La Habana buscando el amor y el calor de nuestra gente que gustosa, zarpaba de puerto para proporcionárselo. El frente de guerra ha sido movido hacia aguas del caribe más sureñas. Parece ser que los británicos se cansaron de perder contra España y se buscaron a una gente muy rara que no se sabe ni escribir bien su nombre a la que pegarles para sentir así que su ego y su poder seguían intactos. Sucesos Según nuestro científico adjunto el ilustre doctor don John Fenandes de Cid Skywalker, se han sucedido toda una serie de anomalías espaciotemporales y cuánticas en el mar caribe esta última semana que se explican debido a la variación del momento angular del planeta tierra por un exceso de barcos hundidos que han desplazado el macizo continental caribeño provocando una variación en la inclinación del eje terrestre. O lo que vergas signifique toda esa vaina. Si lo dice nuestro doctor, habrá que creerlo. Nos dicen que esto explica que de bien pronto los marineros vean tierra cuando combaten en fieras batallas navales. También eso explicaría el aumento alarmante de flotas del almirantazgo español para proteger las aguas de Michoacán. "A buenas horas aparecen", dice visiblemente enfadado el Gobernador de la Habana, don topace de cervera. "Cuando estábamos a punto de perderlo todo y les dimos bien en la madre en Mantua y Corrientes, ni rastro de esos pinches y ahora no hay más que Santisimas y Victories patrullando las aguas. Esto es un plan malvado para derrocarme como gobernador en las próximas elecciones. ¿Qué elecciones ni qué niño con cara de artesanía prehispánica?" mientras cierra la puerta de su despacho. Este extraño fenómeno cuya naturaleza aún está por determinar ha provocado además que decenas de piratas se atrevan a aventurarse en las aguas michoacanas en busca de fortuna, pero nuestros valerosos bucaneros malparidos les envían al fondo uno detrás de otro, con alguna salvedad, puesto que a veces nuestra birjensita de Guadalupe reclama alguno de nuestros barcos para adornar el hermoso lecho marino y ayudar al Marqués de Michoacán en su tarea de crear un arrecife de barcos visibles desde el espacio exterior. En una nota de prensa publicada ayer mismo, nos agrada poder anunciar la botadura del buque insignia de la Michoacán Navy: el Santísima Birjensita de Guadalupe acompañado de sus escoltas, los Victoria de Mantúa y Corrientes. Los barcos más grandes e hijos de re mil putas que jamás hayan surcado las aguas michoacanas. Dicen que al izar sus velas deja de haber brisa en toda la bahía de La Habana de nomás lo grandes que son. "Capaces de volver mierda a cualquier navío" según las especificaciones del Real Decreto 42/1809 sobre la provisión de barcos para la Michoacán Navy menos para el Marqués de Michoacán. Los valerosos corsarios de la Michoacán Navy ensayaron ayer su mortal formación en Bota Picotuda para patrullar las aguas y mantener a salvo a todos esos pinches incapaces de defenderse por si mismos. Esta semana además se ha celebrado el día mundial de "qué re grosos somos y pinches hijueputas" por el cual todo marino en activo vió su rango aumentado, siempre que hubiera ameritado suficiente valor en batalla y mancillado un mínimo de 10 cabezas de ganado ovino. El Almirantazgo Michoacano se congratula de que todos sus valerosos bucaneros hayan recibido nuevas condecoraciones. Economia En las tabernas de Bahía Honda se rumorea la existencia de un extraño barco llamado Ingermandarinelandia que algunos construyen en secreto pero que por el momento, se desconoce su existencia. Grandes manifestaciones se han sucedido a las puertas del mercado de subastas de La Habana debido a los astilleros que han aumentado los precios de venta hasta valores intolerables. "¿Quién vergas va a pagar casi un millón por una fragata, por muy dorada y mal parida que sea?" Visiblemente molestos con el control del mercado por parte de unos pocos fabricantes, los marineros de La Habana optaron por establecer sus propios astillereos. "Pero esto es insostenible" nos alerta el Observatorio Michoacano de la Moneda, "tener precios asequibles ayuda al conjunto de la nación y hace que todos puedan navegar con barcos adecuados. Los precios tan altos solo son explicables si están trabajando para el enemigo, y eso sería alta traición!" Televisión https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30f8E7Nr6nE Pasatiempos Encuentra las siete diferencias:
  16. A mi para empezar me parece alucinante que un grupo muy pequeño de jugadores pueda sacar un first rate diario sin riesgo ni nada porque es cuestión de crafting xp y dinero al final. Imaginad si un Santísima tardara 2 semanas en fabricarse y se perdiera si te conquistaran el puerto. Que fabricar las partes llevase tiempo real. No hay huevos
  17. En política las palabras valen poco si no están respaldadas por hechos. Esto en este juego significa que cuando vienen a tocarnos las narices, nosotros respondemos y se lo ponemos complicado. Eso infunde respeto y hace que aunque seamos una nación pequeña, no vamos a ser arrastrados a besarle el anillo a nadie. Las 3 facciones grandes nos podrían reducir a La Habana si realmente quisieran hacerlo y habría muy poco que decidir al respecto. El hecho de que no haya pasado hay que buscarlo en otras causas. Quizá es que hay otros enemigos más fáciles o simplemente no les interesa, pero como posibilidad, existe. El pacto con los franceses funciona hoy, pero eso no quiere decir que vaya a funcionar a medio o largo plazo como para hipotecarnos en ese sentido. Aunque sí tiene cierta lógica entender que las naciones pequeñas colaboren entre sí para salvar las dificultades ante enemigos más grandes y poderosos. Como situación estratégica el principal problema que plantea Cuba es que las Bahamas y los cayos de Florida son piratas y van a seguir siéndolo, lo cual implica que nuestra capital está en un cuello de botella en la mitad del mapa y por la geografía cubana nos resulta muy difícil responder a ataques a nuestra soberanía. Yo prefiero que sea como sea no acabemos en el Golfo de México.
  18. Yo me refería a post oficial porque de momento lo que se ha dicho de los barcos Premium son skins y nada más.
  19. No se de donde os sacáis lo de las vidas ilimitadas. Por cierto he reportado el insulto y os invito a hacer lo mismo.
  20. Lo de los rangos acabará perjudicando al juego a largo plazo. Es absurdo que en 200-300h alcances el top de xp. El cambio de prohibir capturar nos perjudica a corto plazo pero es importante que la economía se pueda desarrollar y no se exploten esas mecánicas artificialmente para conseguir un suministro ilimitado de navíos de línea gratis y sin riesgo. Tendrán que revisar un poco el tema de hundirse tan rápido si te impactan el costado por colisión dado que es históricas poco realista. El tema del anti ganking y todo lo que sea proteger a los carebears me parece absurdo. Las fleet orders, la tierra y eso me gustan mucho pero la ia necesita reajustes.
  21. Toca agarrarse los machos y organizarse para craftear porque el market da ascopena. Menos mal que un grupo pequeño y organizado puede hacer cualquier barco. Pero vaya, que con el saltar de rangos que no os extrañe que nos venga una gorda. Ya que mencionas a los piratas... SORRY tiene ya cerca de 50 1st rates. Tenemos en toda la facción ese número? Bueno, habrá que reaccionar y organizarse para craftear.
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