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Posts posted by Fonseca

  1. TP between outposts. No ship is teleported. This being said you will have to sail to one of your outposts.

    This change balances nation populations while also keeping the flexibility of the more populated nations by giving some respite to the same groups that do port attacks over and over again and have some needed rotation.

    No, since they didn't remove the send to OP when capturing traders you can cap a trader and send the battleship to where you are going to tp next

  2. El bug fue arreglado pero en mi opinion algo hicieron con la punteria de las carronadas, ahora hay un punto en la inclinacion al apuntar que pasas de disparar las carronadas como cañones a uno en q disparan como morteros, y es muy marcada la diferencia en un espacio muy pequeño, deberia de ser mas progresivo, como creo que era antes

  3. The problem is you not preparing for being boarded, not the axes. If you are having problems disengaging from aggressive boarding ship when not being prepared, then it works as it should.


    It would be laughable if you could just deny boarding by having a mod. Making it easier to survive is one thing, not having to prep and switch to boarding is another.

    ^ this

  4. I used to like sailing a ship of the line with carronades and long guns, I disabled carros for long range shots to use the long guns aiming system, but since the last patch if you disable the carronades it keeps the carronades aiming system instead of switching to the long guns, so you have to shoot long guns as if you were firing carronades, you will notice this with the aiming path white lines, when you disabled carros they used to change to the thiner long white aiming lines of the lower deck long guns, but now it sticks to the broader and shorter lines of the carronades even if you disable them

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  5. So far I'm loving it, AI is badass now which I love, love the land battles, love the new fleet missions, love that you remove the npc caping but still allow pvp caping. Awesome update! thanks


    Tough the anti-ganking system I havent tried it yet and I don't think it should be there because PVP is PVP, you should expect to be ganked at some point, if there are whiners out there let them go to a PVE server, we don't want/like them in PVP

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  6. Use polls people, that way you make it easier for the dev to see which ideas are good for the player and which are not.

    I agree with you, most people run away from fights, and more xp and gold reward would fix the problem since the ganker would get their PVP and the one being ganked would get xp/gold.

    I don't enjoy ganking people and usually don't mess with smaller ships, but a couple of hour ago I had a renome chasing my constitution I payed no attention to it because I thought he was just on the same path as I was, but since he was staying on my side, ok I'll give you your fight I thought, he was a US flag captain named Pad, I think, and he kicked my ass more than I dare to admit, and I loved it , though at the moment I was so embarrassed that I didn't even replied his Gf message.

  7. The moment they introduce "safe zones or combat zones" is the same moment I will abandon this game, a couple of days ago I was moving a traders cutter full of gold around Corrientes (Cuba) when 15 brits from a clan intercepted me, I love moments like that when there is no safety. So I think Pve should stay Pve and Pvp should stay Pvp .

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  8. This happened on PVP2, 2 pirate players in a Constitution and a 3rd Rate engage just outside Tordo port in Mexico, they fire a few shots at eachother, then the guy in the Constitution board the guy in the 3rd rate, the guy in 3rd rate looses the boarding very quickly, then they both dock then head out and repeat the whole process which took maybe 4 mins each time, at first they didnt noticed I was there so I watched them do this about 4 times, the last time I was trying to get my shadowplay to work and hang out of the port for to much time, they spoted me and stoped, however I dont know how many times they did it before I loged on.


    Since I was trying to get my shadowplay to work I didnt took any screenshots, when I realized that my shadow play was not going to work I tried to get some screen caps but it was already to late, I wrote their names though, and I've heard that the devs can look at the servers logs to see if anyone is cheating, so my question is: are these players cheating/exploiting? If they are I will post their names here

  9. You've just boarded and captured a ship, instead of  teleporting it to wherever you want, you would have to tow it to your nearest outpost, just like it was done in real life.


    While on OW your ship would suffer a speed penalty and the ship you are towing would be visible, so that if an enemy player/s sees you, he can attack you to try to capture your caped ship, you would have the option in OW to sink the captured ship if you think you won't make it and want to try running away without the drag of the caped ship, the sinking of the caped ship in OW would take an X amount of time, if the ship didn't sink in time and you get dragged to battle you would have 2 options, a) keep trying to sink the captured ship with a timer  for an x amount of time or leave the captured ship unattended and try to win the fight, with the risk that if the enemy kills you or you run he can come close to the caped ship and take it for himself.


    This is the historic context of why I think it's a good idea, if you read the section "Storm and sortie" you'll find that a spanish squadron tried to go back and retake some ships that were being towed after the Battle of Trafalgar :




    When you dock with the towed ship you will be able to get out the loot (if any) from the battle from where it was captured, to sell it / store it, but you won't be able to add new cargo to the towed ship, this is just to prevent exploiting and to prevent people from using caped ships as trailers.


    If you have any more ideas about it please let us know.

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